Badho Bahu 11th January 2018 Written Update

Badho Bahu 11th January 2018 Written Update by Pooja

Badho Bahu 11th January 2018 Written Episode

Kamla ji and Pinki act to complain about their pain. Rana and Lucky hear their conversation. Lucky recalls Komal’s words before she left for Mumbai. I promised her that I will manage everything.

Komal and Malti ji are in Mumbai. They wonder where everyone is rushing to. Komal says this is the city of dreams (Mayajaal). Everyone is after something or other. Malti ji asks Komal to come with her to her friend’s place. It is her son’s wedding. We will give her a surprise. They reach the location after confirming the address with someone. Komal is surprised to see the tall buildings.

Akhilesh asks Ira if she will marry him or not. She stands there quietly. He again asks her if she will become the DIL of his mother. Will you marry me? She gives him no answer. Akhilesh says this silence

is the answer of my question. When you will not hold my hand then how will I expect some other woman to do so? I am not fit to be someone’s husband or my mother’s son. Do me a favour. Don’t show me your face ever again. Hide what you did as much as you want to but the truth will come out in open one day for sure. There is only one way to escape the embarrassment. Accept your mistake. He gets Lakhan Chacha’s call. I am coming right away. She offers to come along but he tells her against it. We will go our separate ways from now on. He leaves. She wonders how to help him. I will meet that specialist surgeon right away.
Akhilesh’s mother is doing puja. Lakhan offers her juice but she denies. I have decided not to drink or eat anything till the time my son gets married. There is no point living a life if he wont get married. Akhilesh rushes to her. How will you enjoy my wedding if you will become so weak? You should stay strong so you can enjoy my wedding. God has heard your prayers. She asks him if he is lying. He denies. Have juice first. She tells Lakhan that God listens to her always. She drinks juice. Where is my DIL? He agrees to tell her everything over lunch. She wants to first take bath and light diya. God heard my prayers. Akhilesh helps her stand. She goes to take bath. Lakhan asks Akhilesh if he found a girl. He shares that he only got embarrassment from the entire city. Forgive me Lord. I cannot see my mother like this. Lakhan says we cannot continue this lie for forever. Akhilesh speaks of contract marriage. Ask Chandu to arrange someone. Lakhan goes outside to call Chandu. Akhilesh prays that he finds a girl for contract marriage. Someone hears him.

Ex-Sarpanch ji speaks to Raghubir ji about someone. He has invited a guy over to Ahlawat House for lunch. Lucky agrees. Ex-Sarpanch ji leaves. Rana wonders who will cook. Ma and Pinki ji are not keeping well. Kailash ji suggests ordering food from outside but Lucky offers to cook it. Rana Bhai will help me. Rana laughs. Lucky says if Badho can wrestle like us then can we not cook like her. It wont be that difficult. They all agree on the idea and divide the work. They decide on the menu and quantity of food to be cooked for everyone. They start working. Lucky says we will together prove the women of our house that we are not less than them. he thinks if he fails then Komal will get a chance to taunt him for entire life.

The same girl tells her family that she got 15k for the news. Her mom says we wouldn’t have known Akhilesh’s plan if she hadn’t told her about it. Let’s follow Lakhan. The girls fight for the money. Their brother suggests holding a wrestling match between them. Whoever wins will get the money. He refuses to go with his mom. She decides to find out the truth herself.

Rana and Lucky are unable to cook anything. Rana suggests seeking Pinki’s help but Kailash ji tells him against it. Don’t you remember what she cooked last night? Lucky calls Komal. He asks her to tell him how to cook. She is surprised. You are cooking? He tells her to stop talking. Tell me how to cook. She reminds him that he said he will manage everything. You lost in a day itself! He accepts that women can do anything and everything. I lost, you won. She says my victory lies in your victory. She guides him over phone. Make kheer for me too when I am back. He agrees.

Malti ji and Komal take different autos. Malti ji leaves to meet her friend while Komal leaves for her training camp. Malti ji is hesitant but Komal assures her that Mumbai is safe. Plus, the world is changing. Malti ji agrees. Call me once your training finishes. I will be at Pushpa’s place only. Komal nods as she boards the auto.

Malti ji is stuck in jam. She wonders if today is some special day. Auto driver shares that this is everyday scene. Everyone is in a rush. We will reach in no time when the traffic will clear.

Komal has lifted the auto driver. He has brought her on the wrong address and is charging extra amount. He gives up in fear. She asks him why he dint say that earlier. He applauds her strength. She says it isn’t my fault. you have messed with District Level Champion after all. He acts that the auto isn’t starting. She offers to help him. He drives away immediately. She prays to God to help her.

Lakhan speaks to Chandu about the contract marriage. Arrange a girl for Akhilesh or I will be in trouble.

Komal decides to go to training academy first. She asks Lakhan about the training academy. He says it is 3-4 kms away. Take auto. She shares that her stuff got stolen. I will have to walk only. He gives her money for auto. She is hesitant. He hopes this deed helps his nephew find a solution. Akhilesh’s father’s second wife thinks it to be advance payment. Komal asks Lakhan to share his address. I will return it. he denies but she insists. He writes down his address for her and hands it over to her. He leaves. Akhilesh’s father’s second wife collides with Komal intentionally. God sent me here to train you for what you have come here for. Komal mistakes her to be coach. Maybe Lucky ji showed her my photo. Akhilesh’s father’s second wife advises her to not waste time. Let’s start training. Komal thinks she has never seen such a fashionable coach till now.

Ira shows Akhilesh’s file to her senior. I have read about reversal surgery that you have written. He and his family are going through lot of problems because of this operation. He suggests her to take him to US. The expense would be high and so will be the success rate. His tissues are not fit for another operation right now. It would be really difficult to operate upon him. Ira gets thinking.

Rest Update will be in Meri Hanikarak Biwi’s Page

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