Badho Bahu 27th December 2017 Written Update

Badho Bahu 27th December 2017 Written Update by Pooja

Badho Bahu 27th December 2017 Written Episode

Pinki is still working. She is extremely tired. It is midnight. When will this work end! My back is paining badly. How will I do everything alone? I am sleepy! She rests her head on the water jug. Malti ji comes there. You are still here? I thought Bharpayi forgot to switch off the light. I came to do that only. Aren’t you done yet? Pinki replies that she still has a lot to do. I also have to go with Ma ji to invite everyone in the morning. Don’t know when it will end. Malti ji asks her how she is so sure Bhabhi will take her to invite everyone.

Komal takes permission from Tai ji to invite everyone for the function. Kamla ji shares that she was planning to go with Pinki. Komal reasons that Pinki must be drained after all the hard work she has put in baking. You have a back ache too.

You are Sarpanchni. You should have some attitude. Kamla ji falls in her words. You can do so.
Pinki is sure her MIL will take her only. She has always taken me for every invitation. Malti ji nods. As the elder DIL of the house, that only should be done. I wondered! Let it be. Pinki asks her what she was thinking. Malti ji tells her not to take her words otherwise. I don’t want you to feel the same way about Kamla Bhabhi like I am feeling towards Badho! You look so tired. Finish everything and take rest. You have to go in the morning after all. Switch off the light when you are done. Pinki nods. Malti ji smiles as she leaves. Pinki wonders if Badho weaved her magic over Kamla ji.

Komal suggests Kamla ji to make someone Santa Claus from her number 1 family. You can ask Rana Bhai to do it. Kids will be so happy to see Iron Man of Haryana become Santa Claus. It will add 4 stars to your name. Kamla ji happily agrees to make Rana Santa Claus.

Komal meets her MIL in the corridor. What’s happening in kitchen? Malti ji shares that Pinki is getting impatient. What to do! When my own DIL is taking care of my Bhabhi instead, I will have to manage with Pinki. Komal says I will have to go to Tai ji as she is the most famous person in the entire village. Malti ji smiles. You will answer me in the same way now! Is everything done? Komal says let’s wait for tomorrow.

Pinki has made everything. She hasn’t slept at all. I will take a short and quick beauty sleep once I invite everyone with Ma ji. I will later go to Parlour and then attend the function. She goes to tell her MIL. Komal stops her from going inside Kamla ji’s room. She is taking rest. She just got a facial done and now wants a beauty sleep. She will come directly in the function. Pinki is taken aback that Kamla ji went alone. Komal nods. You have to stay at home only so take care. Pinki speaks of inviting everyone. Komal shares that Tai ji said you are overloaded with work so I can invite everyone. Take care of the house and Ma ji. Tai ji has also asked you to make a big, delicious cake. All the villagers will eat it and praise Ahlawat family’s DIL. She goes. Komal thinks I created a spark! Pinki looks upset.

Komal leaves with driver. They will be exposed finally!

Pinki is keeping everything in boxes when Malti ji gives her juice. You must be tired with all the work. Have it. Pinki is touched. Malti ji appreciates her effort. They smell really nice. Rana enters in the kitchen and looks at the mess. What’s all this? He blames Pinki for giving stupid ideas to his mother. Now Ma wants me to become Santa Claus for the kids! Am I some joker? Pinki tries to say something but he does not let her. Pinki cries. It means Ma ji woke up. She dint even come to meet me once. She does not worry about me anymore. Now neither Ma ji nor Rana ji has time to listen to me.

Payal comes in kitchen. She notices the cake material kept on the slab. I will help you (Pinki) in such a way that the cake will be out of the world. It will be a salty cake now. She is about to add salt to the cake but someone walks in the kitchen just then. It is Lucky. He tells her against it. You are intelligent. We don’t have to do any such thing to bring out the truth before everyone. Babu ji has always guided us to walk on the right path. Liars fall in their traps one day. It will happen for sure. She agrees with him. I wont do anything wrong now. Now we will see if Pinki will do what we have been thinking she will or will she do something else.

Pinki puts the cake in oven. I will take small beauty sleep till then. She sits down on the floor itself. Oven starts beeping. She wakes up with the noise. The cake is spoilt by now. All my hard work was ruined by this cake. She pours chocolate over burnt cake.

All the villagers have come to Ahlawat House for Christmas celebrations. People ask Kamla ji about the occasion. Kamla ji says we are celebrating English festival. Komal explains the significance of Christmas to the ladies. Pinki looks miffed. Kamla ji praises Komal for her valuable input. Ladies praise Komal. She is number 1. Kamla ji again compliments Komal and vice versa. Kamla ji feels shy. Pinki sadly looks on from far.

Kids talk about Santa Claus. They are eagerly waiting for Rana who comes there just then. They ask him about his dress. He shoos them away. I dint want to be Santa. Lucky comes dressed as Santa Claus. Kids stand sadly in a corner because of Rana’s behaviour. Lucky encourages them to come to him for gifts. Komal whispers something in his ears. He manages to attract the kids. They all smile heartily. Kamla ji whispers to Pinki that Lucky got an upper hand again. If you had spoken to Rana then it wouldn’t have happened. everyone would have called our family number 1. Pinki replies that she dint have time to speak to anyone. kamla ji asks her to bring food for everyone. Komal looks on. This was just a small blast. Big blast will happen soon.

Precap: Pinki brings cake. Kamla ji cuts it. People complain about the cake. Kamla ji scolds Pinki. You couldn’t do one thing properly! Go inside or I will throw you out of the house! Pinki asks her if she will throw her out. I helped you at every step. She tells everyone that Kamla ji forged votes to make her husband win!

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