1. Dolly
    May 19, 11:52 Reply

    I am glad you are one of those that have hope for Pragya and Abhi! Actually no serial is allowed to make us wait one year for a couple to get together romantically! I have told my friend that hasn’t watched the serial and she get annoyed everytime i tell her nothing have happened between the couple. Thats when I realized that those who are still watching the serial for Abhi and Pragya are those who have strong faith and have some kind of hope. Those who stop watching it because Abhi and Pragya haven`t gotten together yet shouldn’t! I promise, I have a feeling there is something big happening the day Abhi and pragya get together! and yes you are right! I always wait for a romantic moment to happen. Its not fair leaving us for so long and then a small moment coming up.But hopefully one day! Hold on and be strong! Because iam with you here. But its sad that there aren’t any good fanfiction about abhi and pragya though.

  2. Dolly
    May 18, 14:17 Reply

    Tanu is pregnant with another guys baby. If anyone remember, she met a guy in January. When she was going to her car and the guy (from the serial Qubool hai as new Asad. Real name Raqesh Vashisth) met her and they had a small talk. Why would the producers of this serial show a random guy appearing and then not coming up again. I mean obviously he has some kind of role in the future? I`ve written this before and wouldn’t be surprised if I am right. Plus, I think Abhi loves Pragya too much. To prove Pragya he is not a casanova, he will prove it is not his child in front of everyone when the day of Abhi and Tanu wedding will be…
    I don`t know about you guys. But i just feel bad for Tanu and Aliya nowdays! I used to be especielly irritated on Tanu. But now I just understand that Tanu is in love with Abhi and he has been with her for years. And suddenly he loves someone else. And Tanu feels threatened and doesnt know what to do. I hope in the upcoming episode Tanu will realize she cant ever be with Abhi because they arent meant for each other. She has to admit it for herself. If she does this, I think deep inside Tanu and Aliya are good people, they just have bad intentions when it comes to doing things they want. If Tanu and Aliya are ever going to be happy and get marry to a guy they love, they must both put aside their crazy love obsession and see life for other great opportunities they have ahead! I mean come on Aliya! If i was her i would enjoy having a great caring grandma, plus protecting brother and go on hell with education. I am sure Pragya would die for going back to teacher! But she can`t because Abhi and Pragya loves each other, and that need to be sort out. Maybe in the future!

    • Bandorpuali
      May 19, 06:42

      Totally agree with you. In fact if the new promo of Tanu as a bride actually takes place then the whole concept of the “Bhagya” that the “Kumkum” brings will fall apart….I am sure the script writers will weave the astory along those lines and not totally lose out on the “belief” in which the serial is based. I am optimistic like you…..As Sriti asks us to do, we stick on with the serial with the hope that Abhi and Pragya will not be separated…..but the writers should also give us some moments that are special of Abhi and Pragya as enthusiasm maintenance shots hahaha

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