Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 13th October 2016 Written Update

Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 13th October 2016 Written Update by H_Hasan

Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 13th October 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Gyan and Dhyan asking Amrish, why he is tensed? Amrish says she is Surili and the matter is about Shaan. She will try to win the case anyhow. He says I am worried as she has again became lawyer, and now I have to climb court case again and again. Surili asks media, about the case. Surili asks who called you here. Maggie says she has called them as Rajni had insulted them last time. Surili says she is fighting the case as she didn’t get… (lawyer) and then says she is fighting her own case. Reporter asks did your bahu pushed your son from cliff. Surili says you will know soon, and tells that she is over confident. Surili asks Media to take Rajni’s pic and write that she is a black spot on womanhood. The photographer clicks her pics. Rajni sees camera and poses
for pics. Shaguta says she has gone mad, we can declare officially. She asks her family to come and click pics with her.

Rajni kisses Surili while posing for pic. Surili asks her to stop it and says I will take out your ego. Rajni says her strength is because of oiling which Shaan used to do. Surili asks her to tell why did she push Shaan? Rajni says it is nice as all family members are together. Surili says but we all are against you. They go inside. Rajni is standing alone.

Dev is in Shaan’s workshop and thinks he will punish Rajni and will dismantle her. Kuhu comes to Dev and asks him to repair the gadget, says we will know if he is alive or not. Dev thinks Shaan didn’t tell me anything. He switches it on. Green light blinks. Kuhu says Shaan is alive. Dev gets happy, but then says he can’t be alive else he would have come back. He says it is Rajni’s trick, she has become corrupt. He breaks the gadget angrily and goes. Kuhu thinks nobody will believe on Rajni, but she has always saved them. She thinks Rajni’s secret have become her enemy.

In the courtroom, judge asks Surili to start the proceeding. Surili gets up and says she will fight her case against Rajni kant, who is unfortunately her bahu. She tells Judge that Rajni had pushed Shaan down in the cliff and she is the eye witness to her crime. She says when a bahu come home, inlaws expect all the good qualities in her. Judge asks her to talk about case. Surili tells since she came to our house, she gave me pain. She says she did partition of the house, proved me pregnant and also did my godh bharayi. She says she got my daughter married to Dev Bangru and got my family arrested by the police on dowry charges. She drinks water, and says I always thought that a saas only can trouble bahu, but now it is proved that even bahu can trouble a saas.

Judge says it is not proved yet. Surili says she has pushed my son Shaan from the cliff, who loved her so much and had fought with me to marry her. She says I asked Rajni, why did she do this, but she didn’t answer me. Surili says all the family members were tensed, but she has no tension on her face. She says she is cold blooded murder. She says I am sure that my son will be fine. She requests Judge to give rigorous punishment to her for attempt to murder. Judge asks where is defence lawyer. Surili says there is no lawyer of defence and asks Judge to give her verdict. Rajni stands up and says according to my database, we can fight our own case according to indian laws, can I represent my case.

Judge permits her, and asks if she accepts the allegations by the prosecution. Rajni says no. She also wears lawyer’s coat and proceeds towards Surili. Surili gets tensed. Rajni bends down and touches her feet. She says Shaan said that we need to take elders’ blessings before doing any good thing. She says just now Surili Kant said that she didn’t know about the crimes which she did that she got bahu like her. She says this can answer only by Surili Kant. Surili is shocked. Rajni says Surili Kant gave good description of Adarsh bahu, but it was incomplete. She says Adarsh bahu takes care of everyone in the family and keep them happy. She says she does all the work etc etc, but I forgot the main line that a bahu is also like a daughter.

Everyone claps for her. She asks if that bahu couldn’t keep up to their expectations then if it is that bahu’s fault. Surili says you have never met my expectations, and says you are stranger to me. Maggie says yes. Surili says she didn’t get any lawyer, as all lawyers know that her case is weak and false. Rajni says wrong, I am fighting this case as I know law and can get justice. Surili says I want to ask her question. Judge asks Rajni to come to witness box. Rajni says command accepted. She says I have brought something for Surili Kant. She brings sweets box and says you are fighting case after many years, and asks her to have it. Surili refuses and runs. Rajni follows her. Judge asks them to stop it and says court hearing will be resumed in sometime. Rajni says you made the sweets fall, it is inauspicious thing.

Outside the court, Surili hopes Rajni goes to jail. Rajni comes there. Shaguta asks what you are doing here? Rajni says there is a break, that’s why I came here. Surili says we are against you. Rajni says I am just protecting myself. Shaguta says we have forgotten that she is stubborn, we have to kick her out.

Gyan asks Amrish why is he sitting at last bench? Amrish says it is your mum’s order. Rajni asks Surili about the distance when she witnessed her pushing Shaan.

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