Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 14th October 2016 Written Update

Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 14th October 2016 Written Update by H_Hasan

Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 14th October 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Shaguta trying to move Rajni, but she couldn’t. She asks Maggie to help her and push Rajni. Maggie pushes Shaguta, and she collides with Rajni. She tells Surili that Rajni’s head is hard like coconut. Shaguta and Maggie try to push Rajni together. Rajni moves and they fall on Surili, and the muddy water splashes on Judge’s saree. Surili says I will clean your saree and puts water on it. Rajni tells Judge that Maggie and Shaguta were pushing her, but she moved and they fell on Surili. They go to clean the stain. Amrish comes searching for Surili. Rajni tells that Surili went to wash her saree. Amrish tries to clean judge’s saree thinking she is Surili. Judge scolds him for trying to flirt with her. Surili, Maggie and Shaguta get tensed. Surili says Judge will
take her anger on me now. Amrish apologizes and says he is searching for his family. Surili, Shaguta and Maggie hides. Rajni stands there. Amrish says she is my family. Rajni says I am her family. Amrish says she is my bahu. Judge asks you are Surili Kant’s husband. Amrish says yes. Shaguta says WTH. Judge says so Surili is your wife. Amrish says yes, I did this mistake. Judge says I should have understood this and goes.

Surili scolds Amrish and asks why can’t he figure out the difference between her and stranger woman. She asks him to sit on back bench, else judge will get angry and gives verdict against them. In the courtroom, Surili asks Rajni to say that she will speak truth keeping hand on Geeta. Rajni says I have to read this. Surili says you will get 2 days to read it and full life to understand it. Rajni takes Geeta in her hand, turns its pages and feeds in her memory. Surili says she don’t want to take promise as she is wrong. Rajni says I have read it. Surili asks her to promise. Rajni says it is personal choice to promise or not? Judge says Rajni is right. Surili asks Rajni if she had fight with Shaan. Rajni says yes, but she has no feature of fighting.

Surili asks are you adarsh bahu? Rajni says I have adarsh bahu program in me. Judge asks what is this? Surili says she is strange from inside. Rajni says yes….She asks Judge to write down, and says tea for Bau ji’s pressure, green tea for mummy ji, and parathas for Maggie bhabhi. Surili says she is mannerless and behaved badly with you. Judge warns both of them not to talk rubbish, else she will adjourn the court for the day. Surili tells Judge that she is requesting Maggie to come to the witness box. Maggie goes to witness box and tells that Rajni is not good and had planned to elope with her brother on sangeet day. She tells Rajni made everyone against my brother with her cheesy talks. Surili calls Shaguta next to the witness box.

Shaguta says she is so weird and no class. She says she is poor herself and called me beggar, and to top it all, she got me married to that stupid Dev Bangru. Rajni says I want to cross connection this witness. Surili says objection my lord. Judge over rules it. Maggie comes to witness box. Rajni asks how many slaps your brother got till now? Maggie says 434 till yesterday. Rajni tells that he is a loose character guy. She then calls Shaguta Dev Bangru, and asks what did you do with me when I called you beggar by mistake. Shaguta recalls putting oil on stairs and making her fall down. She says I don’t know. Rajni says you have misled me and took me near stairs and made me fall down. Did you remember now? Surili objects. Judge asks Rajni to speak about the case. Rajni says okay. Surili asks did you push Shaan Kant that day or not. Rajni recalls pushing Shaan. Shaan shouting Rajni. A fb is shown.

Surili asks did you push him or not? Rajni says yes. diya. Everyone is shocked. Rajni says diya and baati, like Bubbles and Amartya. Surili says she always changed topic. She says Shaan went against us to marry her, and what she had done with him. She had pushed him. She asks Judge to give rigorous imprisonment to her. Rajni says I want to ask few questions to Surili Kant? Judge says permission granted. Rajni says you told about Rajni’s bad things, and asks her to tell about her qualities. Surili says she makes good food, do all the work without any hesitation, etc. Rajni asks what is the definition of adarsh bahu for him. Surili says case is about my son. Rajni asks what is the distance when you saw Rajni pushing Shaan. Surili says I didn’t measure the distance. Rajni asks if you was this much far. Surili says may be. Rajni asks did you wear specs that day. Surili says no, I don’t need it.

Rajni says let me simplify this for you and asks her to tell the color of clothes which Amrish have been wearing. Surili says it is mauve, chocolate brown, coffee brown etc. Rajni asks her to wear specs and confirm. Surili wears it and says this man is not my husband. She asks where is Amrish? Rajni says he is not your husband and he is not wearing mauve colored clothes. Rajni proves that Surili’s eye sight is weak. She asks Judge to note down the point and says when Surili Kant can’t see near distance thing then she can’t see the happenings at a distance. She says Surili Kant always disliked Rajni and never saw her with positive sight. Surili accepts that she is having specs, but whatever she saw was true. Judge says court can’t accept this, and says it is a nonsense. Surili asks Judge to understand her emotions being a woman. Judge permits her and adjourns the court till next day.

Surili thinks she couldn’t get any proofs. Sharmila shows something on her mobile. Surili is hopeful to prove Rajni guilty and says nobody can save her now.

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