Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 16th May 2016 Written Update

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Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 16th May 2016 Written Update by H Hasan

Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 16th May 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Maggie taking Shaguta’s interview as she acts as Rajni and Maggie as interviewer. They make fun of Rajni. Surili says Rajni is oversmart, and says if she gets the job, then she will become independent. Just pray that she fails in the interview. She says if she doesn’t get the job then I will give her job. Shaguta says something is cooking in your mind. Maggie and Shaguta pray to God that Rajni shouldn’t get a job, never.

Rajni comes to give interview and sees someone biting nails due to nervousness. Receptionist asks her to go inside for interview. Interviewer asks her, do you think women are suitable for accounts job? Rajni says no, and says she feels only women is suitable for accounts job. She says when a woman goes for shopping, even 2 lakh rupees is less, and she can run home with 2 thousand rupees during toughest time. Interviewers get impressed. He asks question again. Rajni answers well. She says it is my turn now, and says there is a cat and has three kittens. She asks what is that cat’s name. They ask what is that cat’s name.

Rajni says correct…that cat name is kya….They get impressed and hires her on job with a salary of 25000 Rs. They ask her to submit her certificates. Rajni says she don’t have certificates as she never went to school and college. Rajni asks what is more important, certificates or intelligence. They say that they can’t give her job due to company policy. One of the interviewer comes to Rajni and says you can get the job, and asks her to do something. Rajni asks what? He whispers something in his ears….Rajni says okay, I will get those things. That interviewer tells his colleagues that he will take responsibility of that candidate.

They see Rajni sitting under the table and saying that Mr. Sahay asked me to get tea, and kids’ sweets under the tables. They say bribe. Mr. Sahay says she is lying? Rajni says this feature is not in me. Boss says you are fired. Rajni says he is a good man. Boss says he wanted bribe from you. Rajni scans about bribe and says you are fired. She asks can I get this job. Boss says no certificate, no job…Rajni says I needed this job, and says her husband doesn’t work and she will search job somewhere else. She says Mr. Sahay, you are fired.

Maggie asks Surili what is going on in her mind? Surili asks everyone to sit down fast… she sees Rajni coming. Rajni makes food smilingly. Bubbles says she might have got the job. Surili says she would have told us. Rajni calls interviewer and says she is Mrs. Rajni kant. She asks can you give me job without certificates. The call get disconnected. Surili hears her. Rajni says I have given 15 interviews, but didn’t get the job till now. Surili asks Shaguta to see her master stroke. She tells Shaguta that she has a work which doesn’t need certificates. Rajni doesn’t hear her. Surili shouts and repeat the same thing. Shaguta gives her water as she coughs. Bubbles asks why you are shouting? Surili comes near her and says she has a job which doesn’t need certificates. Rajni says my ears were closed and that’s why I couldn’t hear you. She says I have this feature. Surili says I have a job.

Rajni asks what is the job. Surili says Aishwarya went on a leave for 1 month, and asks Maggie to get the vacancy published in the newspaper. She says we don’t need certificates. Rajni says she will apply for the post. Surili says don’t tell that your saas is making you work as Bai. Rajni says she is in need of job and that’s why asking her. Surili is surprised. Rajni says yes happily….Shaguta says she is totally mad. Rajni says what will be my pay? Surili says I will give you 10000 Rs. Rajni says per day. Surili says per month. She asks her to come for work at 9 am. Rajni tries to hug her and gives her flying kiss. Surili says camel came under the mountain. Bubbles says what does it mean? Surili says our dream will be fulfilled, and she will leave the house by herself. She asks her to start counting her days.

Next day, Maggie tells Surili that Rajni didn’t come till now. Sharmila says shall I go and check. Maggie says if she went to Police station. Surili says I will tell Police that it was your idea. Rajni goes out of the house. Surili thinks she has double crossed me. Door bell rings. Surili asks Maggie to check. Maggie says door is closed. Surili says this answer is not given by anybody till now. She goes to open the door and finds Rajni standing in Aishwarya’s attire. Rajni greets her and says I am your new Bai……Surili, Maggie and Sharmila are shocked.

Seeing Rajni as maid Aishwarya in the house, Amrish asks Surili what is Rajni doing there. Rajni introduces herself as their new Bai Rajni. Amrish is shocked.

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