Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 29th August 2016 Written Update

Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 29th August 2016 Written Update by H_Hasan

Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 29th August 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Rajni coming to Baba ji’s den and says hello Kuhu. Shishya asks what happened to you? Did you run away from Olympic and came here. Rajni talks and raps…Baba ji says did you bring boxes? Rajni says yes, I brought it. She brings 500 boxes and keeps it. Baba ji gets happy. Dhyan and Amrish count the money kept in boxes. Maggie tells Surili that Rajni went without money. Dev comes and says did Rajni console you? Maggie says she was doing hip hop. Dev and Shaan are surprised and tensed. Gyan says if anything happens to Kuhu because of Rajni then I will not forgive her. Shishya checks the boxes and says everything is empty. Rajni says what you are searching. Baba ji says money. Rajni sings song you ask money money, you are cheater, betrayal, and a thug…Baba ji asks
her if she is joking and asks where is the money. Rajni says she don’t have the feature to joke. Baba ji says you will soon learn, and takes out chocolate from Kuhu’s mouth. Gyan tells Amrish that he will call Police. Shaan asks him not to over react. Amrish says what we shall do now. Shaan says I am going naa, don’t worry. Surili says we don’t know dongi’s adda. Shaan says I have kept GPS with Rajni. Everyone is shocked. Shaguta says he means to say in Rajni’s phone. Amrish says I will also come.

Dhyan and Gyan insists to come too. Shaan says everyone of us should come then Baba ji will get scared and harm Kuhu.. They let Shaan go alone. Kuhu asks Rajni to save her. Rajni uses her powers and teaches a lesson to Shishya and goon. Dhongi baba switches on remote and Rajni gets attracted to the magnet pillar. Kuhu asks Rajni to do something. Rajni says I couldn’t do anything. Shaan asks Rajni to send her location. Rajni sends her location. She tells Kuhu that her magnetic poles are not working. Shaan comes. Shishya and goon bring him. Rajni says hello Shaan. Shaan sees Rajni stuck to pillar. Baba ji tells Shaan that he made a good robot, but my eyes have fallen on it. Shaan says we have made the arrangements and asks him to get money and free Kuhu and Rajni. Baba ji says you can just take Kuhu, and asks him to give command to Rajni to listen to his commands only. Shaan doesn’t agree. Baba ji takes knife.

Rajni takes the knife with her magnetic powers. Baba ji breaks the glass and tries to stab Kuhu. Shaan stops him and gives commands to Rajni to accept only Baba ji’s commands and he is her creator now. Rajni says ok Shaan…Baba ji asks who is your creator now? Rajni says Shaan…this new creator doesn’t know that I am stuck to this pole. Shaan asks her to give command and free her. Dhongi baba frees her. Rajni says you are my creator Baba ji. Baba ji gives command to Rajni and asks her to kill Shaan as he has troubled him a lot. Rajni says command accepted. Shaan gets shocked and says I am your creator, stop please. Rajni says I am sorry Shaan, my master is this dhongi baba. She slaps Shaan. Kuhu asks what you are doing? Rajni slaps him again. Shaan sees mirror and asks Rajni not to activate laser beam as it burns him. Baba ji asks Rajni to throw laser beam on Shaan. Rajni throws laser beam. Shaan holds mirror and the laser beam falls on goon and shishya, removing their pants. Baba ji asks Rajni to stop and asks her to beat Shaan. Rajni says okay. Shaan asks Rajni not to give him electric current.

Baba ji gives command to Rajni to give him electric shock. Shaan gives iron pole in Dhongi baba’s hand and gives other end in Rajni’s hand. Dhongi baba feels current and scream. Kuhu gets happy. Shaan asks him to give command to Rajni to stop and says it is a malfunction. Dhongi is freed again and asks Rajni to tie Shaan with chain and then he will beat him. Shaan asks Rajni not to tie him as he gets rashes with it. Rajni says command accepted. Shaan says no Rajni. Baba ji asks her to tie Shaan fast else he will run. Rajni picks chain and throws on Shaan. Shaan bends down and the chain gets round up around Dhongi. Shaan uses remote and attaches Baba ji to magnetic pole. Kuhu says what we will do now as he is listening to Dhongi’s commands. Shaan gets an idea, asks Rajni to beat him, give him shock but don’t follow his commands. Dhongi baba says Shaan is clever and asks Rajni to follow Shaan’s commands. Rajni says command accepted and gives hi five to Shaan, saying I am back Shaan. Dhongi asks Rajni not to listen to him and says Shaan have confused me. Rajni does hip hop again. Shishya and goon are running away, but just then Shaan and Gyan come there with Police. Shaan says I told them not to come but he came. Gyan frees Kuhu. He tells Dugdugi baba that he will vent out his anger on him. Inspector says we will handle. Shaan frees him. Amrish says you are bad soul who came to our house. Dhongi baba says I am not that one, she is the one, a robot. Amrish looks at Rajni.

Bubbles tells that she tried to flirt with cake man, but he rejected her. Amrish says I will get her married in 2 months and asks Rajni for help.

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