Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 3rd October 2016 Written Update

Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 3rd October 2016 Written Update by H_Hasan

Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 3rd October 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Commissioner asking Pandit to sit. Shaan asks Rajni to sit in tailor sitting position. Rajni asks are we going to do yoga? She scans and says got it…Shaan. She sits. Pandit’s body also sit as it is sync with that of Rajni’s body. Amartya and Bubbles come for marriage. Shaan asks them to sit. Goons come there in disguise of a waiters manage to come inside. Surili wonders why did Bhai 2’s to be wife haven’t come till now. Maggie says she will come. Amrish asks Gyan and Dhyan to get ready to swap the bride. Shaan tells Rajni that they will do Jai mala rasam. Goons check for Pandit and wonder where he could be. They get call from boss, warning them to searching Pandit and crystal power else….Goons get scared. Shaan tells everyone that Pandit is having maun
vrat today, and he told him only 1 thing, asked him to read the mantra which is in him. He says we will keep maun for the ones who had invented mobile, applications etc.

Amrish asks him to read mantras quietly. Shaan says we will light fire first and asks Rajni to do acting like lighting fire. Pandit picks a coconut. Shaan says we have understood….Goons see Rajni sitting and says we will catch her. Shaan loads the application for the mantras of marriage. He starts reading it and says Swaha. Surili says it is done. Shaan tells meaning and says this means God Shri Indra have united this new couple as Chakravati words unite…Amrish says Chakra vaka pakshi…birds. Shaan says correct. He says they shall enjoy married life and have children, but really keep in control the population of this country. Shaguta asks if this is written in this App. Shaan asks the groom and bride to stand up. He asks Rajni to give varmala to bride and groom. Everyone is surprised and asks where is Rajni? She is not here.

Shaan says if Rajni would have been here, she would have given garland to Bua and Mamu. He asks Rajni to stand up and give garland to groom and bride. Rajni stands up. Pandit also gets up holding Diya and Baati. Everyone is surprised. Shaan says my god…Pandit ji have deep thoughts in this action. He gives diya to Bua and baati to Mamu. He asks Rajni to sit. Rajni sits. Pandit also sits. Shaguta says it is weird, Pandit ji must have kept vision fast. Amrish asks shaan to explain. Shaan says our Bua is diya and Mamu is baati. He says Mamu and Bua are incomplete without each other, and says I will light this diya and baati. He lights the match stick and lights diya baati. Everyone is quite amazed with this explanation. Bubbles and Amartya are happy. Everyone claps for them. Shaan gives garlands to them. Amartya and Bubbles take garland. Surili eagerly waits for the other bride.

Bubbles tells Amartya that they will make each wear garland at same time. Prem Ratan Dhan Payo plays…………..Everyone claps. Amartya and Bubbles sit for marriage. Dhyan asks how we will hide the replacement bride’s voice. Amrish says I didn’t think of this. Surili says I have only one choice to stop this marriage and tells Pandit ji that her baba used to say that a bride shall keep maun vrat before marriage so as to get strength to lead a happy marriage. Amrish likes the idea. Bubbles says okay, I will keep maun vrat. Dhyan says we have to make Bua go from here. Surili says we shall do shanti path infront of my baba’s asthi kalash. Amrish likes her idea and says I will kiss your baba’s mouth. Surili is surprised and asks what happened to you today. Gyan also praises crow nana. Amrish asks Surili to do shanti path and says till then he will take Bubbles from there. Surili says yes, and is happy. Bubbles stands up. Amrish compliments his sister on her beauty. He asks her not to talk and not to be seen to anyone, to keep off evil eyes. He makes her wear ghunghat/veil on her face.

Goon comes to Bubbles room and check. Amrish takes Bubbles there. He sees waiter there and asks what he is doing here. Waiter says someone asked me to get snacks here, and I was making place to keep the same here. Amrish asks him to go. He asks Bubbles not to remove veil else abshagun will happen. He asks her to sit quietly and says I will come to take you just as Shanti path gets over. Bubbles says okay. Amrish asks her not to utter a word and keep maun vrat. He then makes her wear Punjabi bangles, and gets emotional. He asks her to sit quietly, and goes. Bubbles removes her veil and then wears again. Amrish comes out and whistles.

Dhyan and Gyan bring the replacement bride. Amrish asks did you like the groom? Girl/woman says yes. Amrish asks her to keep maun vrat till she gets married. Woman says okay. Shaan asks Rajni to pick the ingredients and put in the havan. Rajni acts while Pandit ji continues to pick and put the ingredients in the havan. Surili asks Shaguta to check if the bride came, else Bubbles will marry Bhai 2. Shaguta goes to check. Shaan asks Rajni to hold the ghee bottle and put in havan. Just then landline phone rings. She is informed that chosen bride met with an accident and couldn’t come there. Rajni says I am not Surili…but Rajni kant. Pandit also acts to talking. Shaan and everyone are surprised.

Rajni sees the bride in veil and thinks length, breadth and width is different and thinks she is not Bua. She informs Shaan. Shaan gets angry on her and says we have to stop it.

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