Balika Vadhu 14th January 2013 Written Update

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Balika Vadhu 14th January 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Balika Vadhu 14th January 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Jaitsar haveli
Finally, when anandi and shiv’s questioning eyes wander on the singh family, dadisa speaks up saying that jagiya has gone out for some work, out of town to jaipur and salvages the situation. She diverts their attention by talking about makhan’s sincerity when he knew they are coming. she asks gehna to get breakfast. When anandi also joins them, sumitra nd gehna tell her not to work. But anandi says that she’s not a guest that she would jsut sit around. Dadisa explains that its just a sign of respect and not for considering her as a guest. Dadisa tells gehna to get laddoos. when sumiktra asks why, she says thats essential for her PAGPHERE ceremony. Anandi excuses herself for some time.

Anandi enters her own room and is nostalgic seeing everything around as the same that she had left. She sees her mother’s photo, her books and shiv’s windchimes. Her happiness is evident on her face as she plays with it. She says that nothing changed around here.

Meenu says how anandi’s arrival into their house has brightened their haveli. Lal singh too arrives at the same time. Dadisa and sumitra are concerned that they should have asked him not to come there today, but they forgot. He is surprised and happy to see anandi there. He says that now sumitra would be okay wiuthout any medical assistance. When anandi wants to know, sumitra tries to frivolously cast it away but anandi is stubborn to know about her condition from lal singh. Lal singh maturedly tells her that she’s tired since her marriage. Anandi tells sumitra not to take this lightly and that they should consult jagiya since he knows about sumitra’s health completely. She also tells sumitra to listen to lal singh and jagiya and get well soon. After lal singh leaves, dadisa asks sumitra to get the dupatta for the ritual. But anandi forcibly asks for her to rest while she gets it from dadisa’s cupboard.

Anandi goes up and finds jagiya’s letter and reads it and is shocked.

Downstairs, dadisa is wondering what is taking anandi so long and sends gehna to look for her. But they find anandi coming down and are happy.

When anandi comes down, and dadisa asks her if she found the dupatta in dadisa’s almirah, she shows them that she found jagiya’s leaving note in the almirah, shiv too reads it and is shocked. Anandi reprimands dadisa for not telling about jagiya and on top of that lying that he has gone out for some work. While anandi’s family is tensed, shiv and meenu are shocked to hear this. Bhairo says that they didnt want to put her in tension when she knows about this. Anandi says how cans he stay happy when they are not. Dadisa tries to pacify anandi by saying that she hs to since she’s married and has to put her in laws’ over her maternal house anyday. anandi still complians on jagiya’s behaviour adding that she was relieved that when she’s gone, he would look after them and shiv’s promise too stands undone that he had made on behalf of jagiya. Dadisa says that jagiya had changed ever since he returned and therefore he didnt go to mumbai but just went to jaitsar’s neighbouring village, surprising bhairo and sumitra and everyone else while dadisa realises her mistake. On bhairo’s questioning, she tells the family everything and the news that vishnu gave her. shvi asks anandi to compose herself, but she says that she cant thinking how calm their family talked to her on the phone and even in person, and that she can see the pain behind their happiness. She knows that sumitra’s ill health is due to jagiya’s sudden disappearence. Dadisa again asks her to be happy and calm and start the ritual. But she says no, that when she can see them unhappy, she wont do any rituals and leaves from there. Everyone is shocked.

Shiv comes to anandi who is in tears outside by the car. He says that he understands what she is going through, but by her behaviour, she is all the more increasing their sadness. Anandi says to shiv that she’s guilty of having ignored her family’s unhappiness and wont be able to face them now. She asks him to take her home since she forgot her own family who went out of their way to bring happiness in her life, who turned away on her own son to support her, while she got lost in her new found happiness. She accuses herself for not being able to understand the pain in their family’s voice everytime she heard them on the phone. She begs him to take her home. The screen freezes on her face.

Underlying message: After marriage too, a girl cant let herself be detached from her family even after going in her new family. She still relates herself to the good and bad times in her own family that she was born into…its a natural helplessness.

Underlying message: After marriage too, a girl cant let herself be detached from her family even after going in her new family. She still relates herself to the good and bad times in her own family that she was born into…its a natural helplessness.

Precap: Shiv comes inside and tries to salvage the situation by pacifying them that they would come again for the ceremony, and its good since it would give them a chance to visit again. Meanwhile in ratan singh’s haveli, ganga’s husband in drunken state, forces himself on ganga despite her protests, trying to lewdly propose that if she satisfies him sexually, then he could reconsider her situation in the house. And could also make her feel important.

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  1. Ram
    January 15, 01:12 Reply

    Anandi going through her old room was superbly depicted. It is worth watching. Not Crying and creating scene.This story of Balika Vadhu can do so much for the society, I hope the writers will make the Serial more lovable.

  2. Ram
    January 14, 23:01 Reply

    Very strange episode. I do not understand why Anandi and Shiv interested in Jagyas whereabouts. If Sumitra is Sick Dr. Is there to look after her. Jagya has never treated her to know her health condition. She had experienced much worser situation when Jagya went away to marry Gauri. This situation definitely is not worse than that because Jagya has written that he will return when he completes his prayaschit.And Anandi should be more practical in her approach to the problem not cry and refuse to go through the PP ceremony.And her in laws are there what they will think of her behaviour? I think Shiv should have advised her accordingly.Anandhi has achieved so much she can do much more to remove old beliefs in the minds of people in Jilla and be a benevelant leader of the society. I was disappointed with this Episode.

    • nolla
      January 15, 07:03

      i agre with you Ram

  3. nolla
    January 14, 20:25 Reply

    Pls sanchi, this is the moment where ur idiot talks can work in ur favor, use them now or u ll never get another chance.

    With that leave for ur hostel & tell them to do the rasam when jagya comes back but u wont wait for that!!! At least here show some of ur self respect. Pple will support u here!!!

  4. nolla
    January 14, 18:15 Reply

    anandi, disgusting of you, Shiv leave her there with the singhs for a few days. am sure she ll be happy to help find her ex husband!!!! as thats what she wants!!!!!! u left ur family to come to jaitsar to make her happy but now look what she has done!!! insult u & her in laws by what she did!!!!

    u ll do the rasam when jagya is back & all the other most important rasams for both of u, make sure jagya is there to hold the talis!!! otherwise anandijee ll never do anything for you. infact u married anandi&jagya at the same time!!!!

    whaoooo, how lucky u r!!!!

    • Miss Unbelievable
      January 15, 09:11

      1000% agree

      She’s acting like a Jagiya’s wife instead of shiv. Yes your still attached to the family but the underlying message is that anandi still love jaigya and will do anything to make him happy.

      They hid this because they love you and its time to move on. I hope Jaigya marries that girl he was treating, the runaway abused wife. That’ll keep anandi at bay. I guess when you have 2 options of love you tend to go back and forward between both. Jagiya is tryma move on and anadi’s behaviour is making it worse.

      She should have married Jagiya instead and call it a day.

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