Balika Vadhu 14th November 2012 Written Update

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Balika Vadhu 14th November 2012 Written Update by Rimjhim

Balika Vadhu 14th November 2012 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Jaitsar haveli
Meenu tells sanchi that jagdish is related to dadisa and not here for now,irra too changes the topic in haste saying that they should leave since its getting late.Dadisa gives sanchi aq returning gift which she accepts after much refusal when dadaji assk her to accept it from her.They leave the haveli while anandi and a reluctant to go shiv are left behind.Anandi motions him to go,he negates saying he doesnt want to.Finally he gives in and goes out with her.

Scene 2:
Location: Shiv’s house in jaitsar and jaitsar haveli.
Shiv is continuously trying anandi’s phone to fix up meeting with her but he’s not getting tthrough.Mahi is amused at this.Their amusement all the more increases when meenu asks shiv to take her to the mandir and he is reluctant.Mahi tells her tht he’s trying to fix up meetng with anandi.She too smiles and they both pull his leg about his impatience and restlessness for anandi.Finally mahi agrees to take her to the mandir.

Anandi on the phone tells ira that they have gifted sanchi a lehenga choli,on dadisa’s instructions but the way she talked yesterday,she wont like it.And proposs to buy her a gift again.Ira tries to convince her saying that she loves the designs and colour,but is interrupted by sanchi who comes in and reprimands ira for lying when she doesnt like it at all and that she even suggested to give this to their sevant.Anandi on the receiver hearing evrything is hurt. She puts down the phone while ira too knowing that she must have heard everything motions sanchi to be quiet.

After putting down the phone,ira scolds sanchi for being so indifferent to anandi’s and her family’s feelings and though she didnt like the gift she shouldnt have said it aloud to her.Sanchi defends herself saying that she didnt do anything wrong and that if she was face to face with anandi then also she would have done the same because they didnt bother about what she likes and just gave a gift for the heck of it.Their arguement is interrupted with meenu coming in to announce that she’s going to the mandir.Sanchi sarcastically says she would go along as that’s better than being bored in the house all day.Meenu ask ira whats the matter.she tells her to visit the mandir and come back,then she would talk.Meenu leaves.

Anandi sitting in her chair,remembering sanchi’s words is interrupted with shiv’s call.She picks up to find shiv cribbing about her phone being busy for so long.she says she was talking to ira.When he asks her what they were talking about,she teases him saying its private and confidential between the two ladies.Shiv shows to be fake hurt and says he too has something imp to discuss with her and asks her the time to pick her up.Anandi says that she would not fall prey to his trick and that this imp work he would have to do alone,and puts down the phoen saying that she has to go to the mandir with dadisa and is getting late.Shiv on the other end nagging to himslf,that already she doesnt have time for him but has the time to talk to his mother.All of a suddn,it strikes him that she was going to the mandir.He immediately rushes outside and proposes meenu to take her to the mandir,mahi is curious to know his change of heart,he tells him that anandi is coming there.Mahi backs out citing an imp work and tells shiv to take sanchi and meenu to the mandir.They drive off.

Scene 3:
Location: In the temple.
Shiv reaches the temple.Meenu and sanchi get down to go inside.Shiv says them to move long while he would follow later.Meenu takes a pooja thali and walks inside with sanchi.They are all praying with closed eyes,while sanchi is looking restless and figeting and looking around.

Shvi spots anandi’s jeep and asks the driver about dadisa.He is told that she went inside to pray with anandi.He happily enters and finds dadisa on a bench,praying with her eyes closed.His gaze wanders around and fixes on anandi who too is worshipping with her eyes closed around a tulsi plant.She opens her eyes to find shiv staring at her and looks at dadisa praying with her eyes closed. Sensing his oppurtunity,shiv runs to anandi and says that he had warned her not to challenge him,as he did find a way to meet her.Anandi is concerned as dadisa had opened her eyes and seeing shiv was walking towards them.She tries to warn shiv,but he assumes its her trick to fool him and doesnt pay heed only to be confronted to dadisa when she pats him on the back.He nervously wishes dadisa and she reminds him that he was not supposed to meet her till marriage and that it being a ritual has to be followed.At a loss of words,shiv apologizes and says that he would take care in the future.Sensing his dilemms,anandi i smiling to herself.Sanchi sees anandi smiling at shiv getting scolded by dadisa and is irritated.

Dadisa enters the mandir and meets meenu and sanchi,who excuses herself for some work and goes straight at anandi and accuses her of deliberately trying to get shiv a scolding from dadisa when he had gone through so much trouble to meet her once.She could have been a little supportive instead of enjoying his discomfort.Anandi tries to calm her down saying that dadisa didnt scold him,just made him understand.She retaliates to that too saying that anandi must have been disappointed that shiv didnt get a scolding.dadisa interrupts their conversationa nd asks what they were talking baout.Anandi changes the topic andtouches meenu’s feet to take her blessings.They then take each other’s leave.

While approaching the jeep,meenu finds shiv with a broad grin and drumming his fingers on the steering tells sanchi that the reason he ‘s so happy is because of anandi.She may not be what sanchi had thought for in her sister in law but she has everything tht shiv wishes for in his wife and she makes him happy.Saying so,meenu walks ahead,leaving behind sanchi remebering anandi laughing when shiv was talking to dadisa and comments that everybody including shiv is so blindly in love with her that they cant see the conniving scheming lady behind this garb of innocence that she has seen.The screen freezes on her frustrated face.

Underlying Message: Prejudice negates a man’s thinking to such an extent that he doesnt care even if his rude and emotionless behaviour hurts the person at their receiving end.

Precap: Anandi along with shiv’s family looking at the wedding jewellery while sanchi is visibly frustrated and shiv is trying desperately to make eye contact with anandi from the corner of the wall of drawing room since he cant meet her upfront.Anandi too smiling at him from the corner of her eye.

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  1. Roshni
    November 14, 21:32 Reply

    Shiv is so cute… So happy in pyaar… Haaye!

  2. lulu
    November 14, 12:19 Reply

    Sanchi is one miserable person and she hates to see her brother happy! she forgets its her brother wedding and life not her. cant wait to see coming episode when Anandi or somebody in her family or Shiv blast her for her sucks attitude!

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