Balika Vadhu 23rd October 2013 Written Update

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Balika Vadhu 23rd October 2013 Written Update by Shreya

Balika Vadhu 23rd October 2013 Written Episode

Resumes with Sanchi’s lawyer telling Ganga to stop crying and control herself.. to prove something, you need proofs in court, not tears. He tells the judge that Ganga and Jagya used to love each other since long.. she was separated from her first husband and was alone.. helpless.. and Jagya took advantage of that situation. During this, Jagya got rishta of Sanchi.. a modern girl.. Jagya engaged her right away.. he then spent time with her as long as he wanted and showed her dreams.. once he had enough of it.. he broke engagement. Or you can say that a twist came in Jagya-Ganga’s love story and Jagya had to marry Ganga forcefully.

Now Jagya’s lawyer gets up to question Ganga. Before that he gives her tissue to wipe her tears. He says, everyone knows how you married Jagdish, but I want to know what was the reason he came to Mangalore. Ganga is quiet. The lawyer says, silence can go against you.. you must speak. Jagya nods at Ganga and gestures her to tell the court what happened. Ganga says everything about what Bala did and how she got arrested. And then how jagya helped her out and got Bala arrested.

Jagya’s lawyer then tells the court, this is such a love story that would die because of their duty towards their relationships. But like we say, pairs are made by the God… such circumstances occurred that two lovers got together in end. There is no planning of anyone. It was their destiny.. they were supposed to get married and they got married. He tells Ganga, she can leave now.

Jagya’s lawyer now calls Dadisa to the witness box. Dadisa takes the oath that she will say the truth, and nothing else. The lawyer asks her who was better partner for jagya.. Sanchi or Ganga. Shiv remembers him asking same question to Anandi. Dadisa says, both are like daughters to me.. I can’t take anyone’s name. The lawyer says, you will have to say it.. you must have some choice.. you must be wanting to see some values in daughter-in-law of your house. Dadisa says, Sanchi tried a lot to change herself and make herself like our family member. The lawyer says, Ganga didn’t have to do anything then.. Sanchi had to change herself to become like Ganga.. but Ganga was like that since before. He tells her she can leave now.

The lawyer says this proves that it was Ganga who was better choice for becoming bahu of Singh family. and it also proves that it was Sanchi’s one sided love.. which took self-obsession’s form. That is why she wanted to win Jagdish on any condition. She tried to bring changes in herself, but she failed.. because it was just a show off.. to win heart of Jagdish and his family. When her secret came out, Jagdish broke the engagement right after hearing Sanchi’s confession. Lastly, Ganga didn’t have strength to express her feelings.. so she decided to separate herself from her love. On the other side, Jagdish also stayed quiet thinking about Sanchi and his family’s happiness. But when he brought Ganga back from Mangaore after saving her from a false accuse.. situations became such that he filled her maang and gave his name to her. There was no planning in this.. it was because of certain circumstances. Just like everyone, Ganga was also surprised.. as she wasn’t expecting it. Time is up for the day.. and the judge says that the hearing will resume tomorrow.

Ira brings Sanchi to her room and pampering her. Sanchi is afraid, but Ira says their case is very strong. Sanchi says, it depends on what Anandi bhabhi says. Ira says she will talk to Anandi.

Dadisa is concerned seeing Sanchi’s lawyer’s tactics. Bhairo says their lawyer is very experienced and the final decision will be in their favour. Sumi says she will bring tea. And right then, Ganga comes there with tea. Sumi says she hopes they dont lose this case.. nothing can be worse than seeing her son going to jail. Bhairo says, I said nothing will happen to Jagya.. if we lose here, then we will go to high court..but i won’t let jagya pay for crime that he never did. Ganga leaves from there. Sumi then asks him why he had to keep Ganga with them because of whom everything happened. Bhairo says, what else could I do? Leave her alone in this new place.. and dont forget.. she came here for Jagya.. and she is also Jagya’s wife now. Sumi gets quiet.

Anandi is recalling events that took place in the court earlier. She says in her mind.. Jagya needed a wife like Ganga only.. who stays with him in good time and bad time like a shadow. But what if Jagya has to go to jail? What will happen to their happiness? Ira comes there. Anandi says, sorry maa.. had no clue when you came here. Ira says, I can understand.. you’re thinking what will happen in court tomorrow, right? I want to know whether you’re also expecting the same result as all of us.. or you’re expecting something else? You must have heard that after marriage.. sasural is a girl’s house.. it’s girl’s responsibility to stand with her sasural in all situations. Along with this family, you have some responsibilities toward Sanchi. She is like your younger sister. You can’t see anything bad happening with her. Shiv.. his daddu.. alok.. this family’s pride is on the stake.. and it’s your duty as a bahu to stand up with your family. You don’t think to think too much. Forget the past and learn to look for the future. You should only be seeing Shiv and this family. If you speak against Sanchi in the court tomorrow, then I will understand that you don’t care about this family.. and the girl who doesn’t care about this family.. how can I accept her as bahu of this house? Anandi is shocked. Ira continues, there is only one way to save from this.. you must support Sanchi in court. If you do that, then I will forget everything.. I will forget how much we had to suffer because of you and your family. Everything will be like before.. just like how it was before Jagya came in Sanchi’s life. No one will have any complain.. all this depends on you, Anandi. Ira leaves.

Anandi looks at the lord and says, in what situation you put me in? What shall I do? If I support truth, then this family will get hurt. And if I lie, then I won’t feel good from inside… and Jagya and his family will be in more trouble. What shall I do? Screen freezes on her teary face.

Precap: Ganga is at Sanchi’s house. Sanchi pushes her back. Ganga says, please believe me once. Sanchi says, of course I believe you.. everything that you said is right.. I know and you know that Jagdish is not responsible for my suicide attempt. Ganga says, doctor sahab has suffered a lot.. please take your case back. Sanchi says, I am ready to take my case back.. if you go away from his life.
Same Anandi-Shiv convo from yesterday’s precap.

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  1. Minnal
    October 23, 18:27 Reply

    Ira herself has proved Satchi’s guilt by saying, Anandhi needs to stand by her sasural for their pride & honour not because of the truth. To bully & blackmail Anandhi means she herself has lost faith in her own daughter. She herself bloody well knows it was Satchi’s stubborness, and their inability to control satchi’s recklesness that is the source of all problems. Even Daddu has been blinded by her manipulations, that he has lost all his kind & gentle nature…

    No matter what truth will prevail. And that day i would so love to c the Shekars hang their head in shame.
    Knowing Anandhi she will stand by Jagya no matter what & am sure i. The process earn the wrath of the Shekars… If Shiv cant stand by & support her, that shown what a shallow person he really is… And doesnt deserve someone like Anandhi…

    On the off chance Anandhi does stand by her Sasural, which is very unlikely, if jagya’s lawyer is smart enough to turn it in his favour. He would be able to put it down to either a disgruntled ex-wifes testimony, or that of the bahu’s loyalty to her sasural… I must say it, for once they’ve made the defence lawyer actully know what he is doing & doing a good job of it… I mean he scared Satchi into considering withdrawing the case 😀 the guy in my books needs a meadl for that…

    Why wouldn’t they call satchi’s friends to the stand, i’m sure Jagya’s lawyer will be able to rattle somethings out of them… But like everyone else, i’ve just about had enough of Satchi’s duplicity…

    Hopefully ganga will stand her ground, but on the off chance she decides to leave jagya, anandhi, bhairon & dadisa wont allow it now. Anandhi & Bhairon because they know how much jagya love Ganga & Dadisa cause now her pride has been tested & deep down she knows ganga & jagya r made for each other…

    Lets wait n c… Just waiting for the shekars to feel the shame after all the things they’ve said & done and claiming to be, educated & broadminded… I’ve lost all respect for them except for. Meenu in that family….

    • Sandy
      October 24, 09:06

      I fully agree with your views and this reminds us in Mahabharat (B R Chopra) where King Dhrithrashtra proved to be more of a father than of a righteous king as spoken by Vidur after Duryodhan laid his life in battle of Kurekshetra.

  2. Sonya
    October 23, 14:10 Reply

    The precap is terrible. Ganga does not have to beg – Jagiya will win big time. Don’t sacrifice your life for that lost cause Sachi. What does she think if Ganga leaves Jagiya will accept her. How can she even think like this after all what has happened. Stupid Sachi. A nice story.

  3. Panchi
    October 23, 12:58 Reply

    Omg …i hope ganga doesnt leave jagya.. She already told abt this to jagya once…

  4. sakthi
    October 23, 12:34 Reply

    Oh god …. Ganga don’t leave jagya ….

  5. piyare ishq
    October 23, 11:59 Reply

    Gud deserving comments
    the in-laws always shows their true colours after the marraige
    I thought meena was bad but now I realized she is actually the surportive one
    Cmon anandi say the truth
    and same even i think pratyusha was beta 😉

  6. MU
    October 23, 11:47 Reply

    im beyond annoyed

    dont do it Ganga

    it would look really dumb do this idiot really think that once ganga leaves jag will get with her

    i hope the singhs see the bahu they want

    a girl’s maayka is more important than her sasural. No matter what happens to a girl once she knows she has a house waiting for her with people who loved her and raised her screw the sasural. It’s not anandi’s fault

  7. AM
    October 23, 11:34 Reply

    Uff! This new Anandi always has this “frown” on her face always. I can only remember her frowning in most scenes. Ahhhh…i miss pratyusha as Anandi. But Omg! Anandi shud just let her sasural to kiss her ass. So irritating. Mayka is more important than any sasural who makes u choose. Sanchi’s truth is dragging way tooooooo long. How many freaking months has it been already??!! Its getting so frustrating now.

  8. Subhsi
    October 23, 11:26 Reply

    Good that Dadisa was asked about the better one of Ganga Sanchi.

    • aradhana
      October 23, 11:05

      you are doing a wonderful job xia

  9. aradhana
    October 23, 10:52 Reply


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