Balika Vadhu 30th March 2016 Written Update

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Balika Vadhu 30th March 2016 Written Update by H_Hasan

Balika Vadhu 30th March 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Nimboli telling Dadisaa that she will come with her to have Baba’s darshan. Dadisaa says won’t you go to school today? Nimboli says she took Anandi’s permission and tells that she have enjoyed when Baba ji told hinsa inplace of ahinsa. She waits for Jagya. Jagya calls Dadisaa and says he couldn’t take her to meet Baba. Dadisaa says how will I go then? Jagya says I talked to Mannu and he will take you there. Mannu comes and asks Dadisaa to get ready. Nimboli says will you drive the car. Mannu says he has turned 18 now and shows his driving licence. Dadisaa agrees and asks him to drive safely. Akhiraj gives pravachan. Dadisaa, Mannu and Nimboli come there. Akhiraj stops seeing them. Harki smirks. Akhiraj signs Harki and Kundan to go inside. Harki covers her face. Deenu signs Kundan to come along with him. Dadisaa greets Akhiraj and sits to hear his pravachan. Everyone say jai ho…..

Akhiraj thinks they will not return to badi haveli, but their dead body will reach there. Nimboli laughs and asks why he is giving lecture to everyone. Akhiraj looks angrily at her. He signs Harki. Dadisaa and Nimboli come infront of him. Dadisaa says my head pain got well with your vibhooti. He asks didn’t you bring your grand son MLA. Dadisaa asks how do you know about him. Harki says he knows as he is close to God, etc etc. Akhiraj sees Mannu and recalls meeting Jagya when Mannu married Pooja. He says this child is young, but have enjoyed marital bliss at young age. Kundan asks Deenu, do you know what to do? Deenu says yes, and fails the car brakes. Dadisaa says you knows everything. Akhiraj gives her cow’s dung as Vibhooti and says this is my blessing for your family. He thinks why Kundan and Deenu haven’t return till now. Kundan keeps an eye at them and asks Deenu to hurry up.

Akhiraj calls Nimboli by her name and asks won’t you ask me questions? Nimboli says my name is not Nimboli. Akhiraj says you was separated from your mum and have suffered much, and asks what was your identity then…Nimboli. He asks her to accept her past and not to run away from it. Dadisaa asks Mannu to sit down with Nandini. She tells Akhiraj that Nimboli was kidnapped in her childhood by a devil. Akhiraj and Harki looks at each other. Dadisaa says we got this girl after 11 years and happiness entered our home. Akhiraj says it will not be for long. Dadisaa asks what do you mean? Akhiraj says she is looking healthy, but she is unwell from inside. He gives her some white powder and asks her to make Nimboli eat it morning and night. Dadisaa thanks him and goes. Nimboli and Mannu also goes.

Akhiraj thinks where did Kundan and Deenu have gone. Kundan sees them coming and informs Deenu. Deenu says just 2 mins. Two persons come there and asks Kundan to take them to meet Guruji. Kundan says I have some work. Deenu cuts the engine/brakes wire and hides. Dadisaa, Mannu and Nimboli sit in the car. Mannu drives the car. Dadisaa tells Nimboli that she is lucky as Baba ji gave prasad. Nimboli says I will eat it only if it is sweet. Mannu tries to put the brakes, but finds it failed. Nimboli asks if we will die. Dadisaa says no. Nimboli hugs her. Mannu says don’t worry, I am trying to stop the car. He gets tensed and sees truck coming from opposite side. Nimboli is scared.

Mannu tries to save them in vain. Akhiraj asks Deenu to enquire where their dead bodies are kept and smirks.

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