Balika Vadhu 5th February 2014 Written Update

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Balika Vadhu 5th February 2014 Written Update by H Hasan

Balika Vadhu 5th February 2014 Written Episode

The episode starts with Daddu praising Dadisaa for handling the puja and function. Ira says, we will leave now. Anandi says, we will leave now. Dadisaa agrees. She says, I thought to stop you but…Anandi says, I want Amol to be a part of basant panchchami in his school. Dadisaa blesses him. Shiv takes her blessings. Anandi and family leave for home. Anandi gives tea to Daddu and Alok. Daddu asks about Amol. Anandi says, he is packing his school bag with Shiv. Servant Ram Charan comes and thinks to tell Daddu about Saurab. Saachi comes there and eyes him angrily. Ram Charan keeps quiet and lowers his eyes. Anandi senses something is wrong. She asks the servant to tell. Saachi thinks what if Ram Charan tell them about Saurab. Ram Charan says, I need to leave for my home, they need me now.

Ram Charan says, I have to leave my job. Daddu asks him to take leave and go. Ram Charan asks him to hire some other servant. Daddu asks him to share his problem. Alok says, he might be not comfortable to share his problems with us. Daddu says, we can’t force you to stay back. Take your money and go. Ram Charan agrees. Anandi says, give full salary to Mali kaka naa. Daddu agrees and gives the money to Anandi. Anandi goes to give his salary. Anandi gives him money. Ram Charan is still in shock. Anandi asks him to tell the truth. She asks, did Saachi tell you anything? Ram Charan says, mistake is mine. I shouldn’t have enter her room without her permission. Anandi asks him to tell. Ram Charan says, when I came back from the market, I saw the door opened. He tells that he heard Saachi’s voice and peeps in her room. He tells her about some guy in Saachi’s room. Anandi asks, who was he? Ram Charan says, don’t know. Saachi asked me to keep quiet. I can’t lie to Daddu and that’s why decided to go to my village. Anandi says, you are a well wisher of the house and that’s why you showed concern. She says, you don’t need to go anywhere. I will not tell this to anyone. Anandi decides to know about that guy Saurab.

Dadisaa and Nandu talk about the camera. Dadisaa is surprised about the technology. Nandu asks money from Dadisaa. He says, I need it to get a surprise gift for Mannu. Dadisaa agrees and gives him 100 Rs. Nandu thanks her. Daddu calls for her daughter in law’s and says we have to go to our school. Sumitra, Gehna and Ganga come followed by Nandu. Nandu gifts English alphabets to Mannu. Everyone are happy. Dadisaa says, lets go to school. New collector asks his peon to tell Mr. Sharma to meet him. Ganga sings Om Jai Saraswati Mata……bhagan……..Everyone are happy looking at the school. Ganga remembers her first day at School when Anandi brought her to school. Dadisaa says, first word you wrote was Mannu. Ganga misses Anandi. Dadisaa says, daughters have to look after their home and kids.

Collector comes and gives speech. He praises the former collector Shiv and says it is hard to follow his foot steps but I am trying, He praises Dadisaa’s effort for making the village better. He thanks Anandi also. He says, I will try to give the best facilities to this school. Some girl asks him, when will college open here? She says, how will I study further? Sarpanch asks, why college is not opening. Collector says, we have to follow the rules and promises to build the college. Dadisaa senses something is definitely going on in his mind.

Girls come to the site and came to know that chemical factory is building at college place. They come to haveli and tells Dadisaa. Bhairov thinks to get the know about it.

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