Banni Chow Home Delivery 12th September 2022 Written Update

Banni Chow Home Delivery 12th September 2022 Written Update by MA

Banni Chow Home Delivery 12th September 2022 Written Episode

Banni starts coughing while singing. Basti people comments its an abshagun/inauspicious. Yuvan thinks he will not let the pooja spoil because of Banni. Basti lady asks when will the aarti complete. He offers water to Banni and sings bhajan. His students play music. Banni and everyone feel happy and encourage him. Two real show hosts present there praise his voice and decide to take him in their singing show. Yuvan then gets conscious of the crowd and walks aside. Banni asks what happened to him. Yuvan says there are so many people around. Banni says he sang really well. Yuvan says he sang after many years, now he doesn’t have to fear as he has his mamma and Banni Dulhan with him. Myra and other also praise Yuvan’s voice.

Mamisa meets Banni. Banni notices her jewelry and costly phone and questions how did she get so wealthy soon. Devraj fears that Banni will find out that he is helping Banni’s Mamusa and Mamisa. Mamisa lies that she won a lottery. Banni refuses to trust her. Devraj takes Banni in lieu of performing Yuvan’s nazar. Manini calls Viraj and asks him what is happening there. Viraj says nothing much, Yuvan is teaching music to kids and singing on stage, Banni and Devraj praising his singing. Manini asks to spy on Banni as she is very intelligent.

Banni performs Yuvan’s nazar. Reality show hosts visit Yuvan and asks if they can speak to him. Banni greets them and says she is Yuvan’s wife. Hosts inform Banni about a singing competition, The Rocking Star, and invite Yuvan to take part in the competition. Banni promises that Yuvan will. She excitedly describes Devraj about the competition. Devraj says Yuvan can sing only alone and in front of dear ones, its difficult to convince him to sing in front of 1000s of people. Banni says Yuvan will sing for sure and she will boast his confidence. Yuvan panics and refuses to sing. Devraj says everyone faces nervousness during their first time. Banni says even she was nervous when she got a first order and slowly she got people’s love and overcame her weakness, similarly Yuvan also can overcome his stage fear and prove that nobody can sing like him. Yuvan recalls people mocking him and thinks after this competition, he will be mocked by the whole world.

Precap: Yuvan and Banni spend quality time together.
Manini says Yuvan will attend office daily with him from today. Banni tells Devraj that today is the last day to submit competition form. Manini challenges Banni that Banni took away Yuvan for a day from her, now she will take away Yuvan from Banni everyday.

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