Barrister Babu 19th November 2020 Written Update

Barrister Babu 19th November 2020 Written Update by Amena

Barrister Babu 19th November 2020 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Bondita kneading the flour. She recalls Gandhi ji’s words. Trilochan comes and finds her lost. He claps and asks her to come out of her thoughts. He asks her to think of kitchen work, leave the claps for the men who work outside. She gets an idea and goes. Anirudh thinks of the Surayya and other girls. Bondita comes to him. She says everyone should know their justice, their rights, what is the thing on which they have right but they aren’t given, a woman has responsibility of a family, family makes society, society makes a country, women can’t be backward, else how will country progress, if women can make food in kitchen, then they can make country also, if woman can become mum, sister, and wife, then she can become doctor and barrister also to do good for society. He smiles. She says Trilochan says women brings prosperity in family, she can bring it in country also, men and women are two wheels of the family. He says you said right, our family and country are incomplete without women, I m glad that you told about women role, how did you hear it. She says Gandhi ji. He asks did you hear his speech. She says no, he said it to me. He asks did you meet him. She says yes, he said I should think, what’s such that I didn’t get but I have a right on it. He asks did you meet him, where, did he come to Tulsipur. She says yes, he came to Batuk’s school, he is really great, he explained big things easily. He smiles.

She says I got courage, we can win fight by non violence also. He says I didn’t know he is here, you are lucky. She asks is injustice happening with me, he asked me to think about my rights, I have thought of it. He asks really, what is it. She says school. He gets shocked. She says there is a different world in the school, Batuk is seeing that world, why am I stopped, because I m a girl, there were just boys, why not girls, why are girls given education at home, why not school, I have to study with different kids, tell me, its injustice with me, I should also get new world. Anirudh thinks of the britisher’s words.

He says why couldn’t I think of it, Gandhi ji is great, he showed me a new path again. She smiles. He says I will meet Gandhi ji next time, Bondita you will get to see the new world, you will go to school. She happily claps. They smile.

Its morning, Anirudh signs Bondita. Bondita greets Trilochan and gets blessings. Binoy says its fine. Anirudh asks won’t you ask where we are going. Trilochan says you will take her to teach her now. Anirudh says I m taking her to Batuk’s school for admission. Trilochan shouts what, will she study with boys, give me a saree to hide my face. He says I will not let you do this, its wrong. Trilochan and Binoy scold Anirudh. Anirudh asks why can’t she go there, Gandhi ji also wanted this. Bondita nods. Anirudh tells them about Bondita and Gandhi ji’s meet. He asks will you refuse to Gandhi ji’s words. Trilochan says wait, I will also come. She asks will you come with me and study with me, we will sit in same class. Trilochan says no, I got educated as much as I wanted, I want to come for your satisfaction, elder should be with bahu. Anirudh smiles.

They come to school. Anirudh thinks I can’t take Kaka inside, he can ask principal to meet another classroom for Bondita. He asks Trilochan to sit with Bondita. He says I will meet Sir and come. Trilochan says fine, I will teach her something. They talk. Anirudh goes to principal. He asks Bondita to forget it if anyone speaks against school. Trilochan asks Anirudh to talk in low tone, he can hear everything. He says you think I m bad, I will teach her wrong about school, enough, go. Anirudh goes.

Principal says you are one of my fav students. Anirudh says you will always be my fav teacher, you had guided me well. Principal says sit down, you are like my son, I know you have studied here for years, you know about our school. He sends boys to the class. He says our school is only for boys, you want your wife to study here, have you gone mad, I met her on annual day, there was much drama, but fine, you arrange study at home for her. Anirudh says I have taught her at home, its time she studies at home, you taught me that change is the only constant, why not we bring a change in the school.

Trilochan says you know Anirudh, you will be only girl to study here, how will you manage. She says Batuk will be here. He says forget him, boys are naughty, if they do any mischief, if they make you cry then, what will happen. She says I m thinking what will happen to that boys, all the boys were scared of me in the village, I used to tie them up to the tree. He says fine, I don’t want to know about it, how will you compete with boys, boys have more power and intelligence than girls. She says I heard it, but I don’t believe it, we can’t know it without making girls compete with boys, girls aren’t sent to school, how will we know who is more intelligence. He says you and your arguments, its good if principal refuses to Anirudh. She smiles.

Principal says its madness for public, you left a good chance in london and came here, you married that little girl to save her, what do you want to earn, I was proud of you when you went to London, you want to bring a revolution. Anirudh says trust me, you will say the same about Bondita, you will be proud of Bondita, she will be first girl student, girls will understand the importance of education by seeing her, trust me, I trust Bondita, I want your help, please give her admission. Trilochan says Anirudh didn’t come out, maybe Principal refused, good. Anirudh comes and says Principal said yes for Bondita’s admission. Tujhme roshan hoga suraj….plays… They smile. She claps. He says you will go to school with the boys. She asks really. He says really. Trilochan looks at them.

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