Bekaboo 20th May 2023 Written Update

Bekaboo 20th May 2023 Written Update by Amena

Bekaboo 20th May 2023 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Bela saying you are smiling. Ranav says you girls are impossible. She says you guys are impossible. He asks her to keep drinking water, else she will get dehydrated. She jokes and laughs. He goes. She thinks why am I smiling. She goes and hears Shekhar and Adi talking about testing Mallika. She worries for Mallika. Mandodari and Yamini get Mallika to the jungle. They ask why didn’t you save Dadi, are you a Pari. Mallika says I m my dad’s Pari. Mandodari asks why, we will play a game with you, I will tell you names of few things, some things fly and some don’t. They push Mallika down the cliff. Yamini says her dad is my business partner. Paatali/Mandodari says if she is a Pari, she will fly, else she will die, that’s all. Mallika falls down. Bela looks for Mallika.

Ranav meets Adi and argues with him. Mandodari and Yamini see Mallika alive. They see Mallika alive and say she is a Pari. Yamini sends the wolves to attack Mallika. The wolves attack Mallika. Bela comes there and saves Mallika. She says we fairies mean life and love. Mallika says you are a fairy, Mandodari and Yamini are finding you. Mandodari and Yamini see the wolves leaving, and think did that Pari stop them. Yamini says she has stopped the wolves, but she can’t stop me, she is gone now. Ranav comes to the jungle and hears Yamini’s words. Mandodari hides. Yamini asks how did you come here. Ranav scolds her and says I won’t let anything happen to Mallika. She says you are also foolish like your dad. Ranav and Yamini fight with their powers. Mandodari looks on, as Ranav overpowers Yamini. Yamini runs away. He follows her. Bela hides from them. They come to Mallika. Yamini says we had drunk her blood, we didn’t get any powers, she is a fairy. Mallika says I m not a fairy. He says if she was a fairy, then she would have not got hurt, stop it, Yamini. She says I will find out today. He says no, I won’t let you hurt her. She says I have to find out. He stands in front of Mallika and faces Yamini’s attack. He says look at her, she isn’t a fairy. Mallika says I m not a fairy, she is… He wipes her memory and says I know, Yamini has hurt you a lot, you will forget everything now. Mandodari looks on shocked.

Mallika faints. He holds her and takes her. Mandodari recalls Ranav and her first meet. She thinks only Pratham had the power to erase people’s memory, it means he isn’t Ranav, he is my Pratham, how did this happen, my son Pratham has come back. She smiles. Yamini says you were playing hide and seek, you got hidden from Ranav. Mandodari says Ranav is following his dada ji’s path. She thinks Pratham will support me. She says Bela can be that fairy, you remember, Bela saved that old woman. Yamini asks what, she did that for humanity. Mandodari says maybe Bela saved that Mallika today, if she is a fairy and married a Rakshas, then she has a motive behind it, we have to find out her motive.

Bela sees the flowers and says who has sent this, Ranav, no. She checks the thank you note from Ranav. She says I can’t believe it, he called me at the jungle cliff. She thinks did he get feelings for me, shall I go or not. She goes to the cliff. She says just a Rakshas can romance here, why did he call me here. She goes to some scary place.

Mandodari says we will know it now, if she is a fairy or not. Yamini says go devil, go and kill her. Bela says why did Ranav call me here. Some liquid falls on her. She checks and sees the sticky liquid. She sees the devil and screams. Mandodari says we will know the truth now, if she is a Pari or not. The devil walks towards Bela and jumps to attack her. Bela falls down.

Mandodari says now she will become a Pari and attack on him. Bela closes eyes and takes a pot to attack the devil. She tries to run. The devil stops her. She falls back and says no…. save me.

Yamini says she is getting scared like a human, I think she is going to die. Mandodari says let her die. The devil falls away. Yamini says she has thrown him away, she is a Pari. Mandodari says no, its someone else’s power. Ranav comes there and fights the devil.

He asks Bela to get up. She hugs him. He says don’t hug me, you had called me here. She recalls calling Ranav and asking why did he call her there. He says I didn’t call you, don’t go there. She thinks I should go and see who called her. She asks Ranav what’s all this. Ranav thinks some powerful Rakshas can call this devil on earth, who called him and why. Ranav fights with the devil. The devil leaves. The place begins to collapse. Yamini asks what is all this, we should leave from here. He asks are you fine. Bela says yes, I m fine. Mandodari thinks an ordinary girl has trapped him in love. Yamini says she isn’t a fairy, come. Bela asks who was that devil, who wants to kill me. He says I have to erase your memory now. He uses his powers. He thinks just one person can do this. He goes home and attacks Yamini.

He says you have attacked Bela. He scolds her. She asks did you fall in love with Bela. He thinks of Bela. He says you always save her, does she save you. He thinks who saved me that day. He says you stay away from Bela and Mallika. Yamini says they both aren’t fairies. He laughs and says you got me married to Bela, and thought Mallika is a Pari, you got Adi married to Mallika, his life also got ruined, your life got ruined in return, you deserve this. He leaves.

Bela thinks Yamini suspects that I m a fairy, so she attacked me, I have to save Mallika. Ranav thinks Bela isn’t a Pari, but just a problem. He sees Bela and thinks the problem has come. She thinks what problem does he have with me. He thinks can’t she handle herself. She thinks he feels I forgot everything, he can’t erase my memories. She takes her pillow back from him. He stops her and thinks she didn’t even say thanks to me. She says then sleep on the bed, I didn’t stop you. He asks what. She says I had seen you staring the bed, you sleep on the bed, I will sleep on the couch, I don’t want you to curse me. They argue. He makes her away. Tera ye ishq….plays… They share an eyelock.

She thinks whatever is between us, won’t get solved soon. He thinks some string is tying us together. Later, Ranav hears a voice calling him out and asking him to come. He runs on the road. He reaches some cave and says the same place again, who is it, who has the power to call my soul. He hears someone calling out Pratham. He sees Ashwat and everyone’s pic. He asks who are you, show me your face. She says you know who I m.

Mandodari shows the bangles and says it belongs to the Pari who killed Ashwat. The old man says when two powers strike, it creates a storm. Bela wakes up and looks around for Ranav.

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