Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 1st July 2016 Written Update

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 1st July 2016 Written Update by Tanaya

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 1st July 2016 Written Episode

The episode starts with tiwari crying at home and anita consoling him. Vibhu and anguri are there. Anguri says how are you feeling tiwari? tiwari says how will I feel and I am sad and all this happened because of this useless tika and also someone’s love took my house. Vibhu and anguri ask whose love? Tika says that you are not talking about that saraswati auntys love and yours? And you are cheap. Tiwari slaps tika and says I did not say that and he again slaps tika and says because of you everything happened and you don’t even feel sorry. Tika says sorry. Anita and vibhu say we will try to get that house back but this happened because of happu singh too. Happu comes and says so the whole family is here and how was the marriage and tells tika you got a good family. Everyone is looking at
happu singh. Happu asks what happened? Anita says that because of you tiwaris house is gone and those people were frauds and they did all this just for the house and saraswati is no bride and she is that little kids mother. Happu says what? Vibhu says they must have bribed you and then you agreed to do this. Happu says I swear I did not take any bribe from them. Anita says no they need things straight and if that doesnt happen then she will call the commissioner and remove happu from job. Happu says I will do whatever I can to take that house back.
At the kitchen of anguris house, vibhu goes to call anguri. Saraswati is there and she says get lost from here and this is my house and not any anguris. Vibhu says yes I forgot aunty and I am going. saraswati is angry as vibhu calls her aunty. At vibhus house kitchen anguri is there and she calls vibhu that she is here and not there. Vibhu says yes I am comin. He goes and says he is sad as he used to see her everyday there and now she is not there and that fat lady is rude. Anguri says she misses her kitchen and feels like its calling her and she wants her house back. Vibhu says yes and he will do his best to bring back that house, vibhu comes in through the kitchen and says lets make food.
At tea stall, tiwari and vibu are there. Tiwari is crying and vibhu says its okay and we will get that house. Tika comes singing song and reading a newspaper. Tiwari and vibhu look at hime stunned. Tiwari says juts look at him and he lost my house and named it to that iwtch and doesn’t regret and feel guilty. Tika says I am feeling very sad but I am not expressing it. Vibhu says what are you reading the paper. Tika says he is reading for a marriage advertisement. Vibhu says look at you and here you lost tiwaris house and you still want to marry. Vibhu takes the paper and reads another article that 2 thugs duped an American saying they are shah jahans family and they sold taj mahal to American for 5 lakh rupees. Tiwari and vibhu look at each other.
They go home. Vibhu tells anita the idea that they should be two foreigners and granddaughters of queen Victoria and they will fool those dumb people. Vibhu says this is the only solution. Tiwari request please. Anita says okay.
At home vibhu knocks door and has become a Punjabi estate agent. Saraswati opens door and tells what does he want? Vibhu says that he is an estate agent and he has clients for this house, saraswati says oh that is good and she calls him in. they sit, vibhu says he has client the two granddaughters of queen Victoria of England and they want this house. Saraswati looks at her son guttu and says that’s amazing. Vibhu calls anguri and anita and they come in dressed as foreign women and they sit in. they tell saraswati that they want this house and just tell the cost. Saraswati says this house is very good and she will sell it at 3crore rupees. Anita says only and I will give you 6 crores. Saraswati and guttu is happy. Then anita and anguri speak in code language and say they will teach them a lesson. Saraswati says what happened? Vibhu says they are speaking Spanish. Saraswati says okay. Then anita says we will buy this house and gives her a demand draft and saraswati names the house to them. They are happy. Saraswati and her song go from the house happy.
At night at tiwaris home everyone is there and anita says they acted well and finally got this house back and anguri says yes she acted for the first time in her life. Tiwari says finally I got my house. Vibhu says to anguri that they are back. Saraswati and her son come again and say why are they here and where are those british women? Anita and vibhu and tiwari anguri laugh. Anita and anguri say who? Guttu says that actually they sold this house for 6 crore to queen victorias granddaughters but the ink just got rubbed from the cheque so they came to take another cheque. Anguri says its because of laddo. Laddo comes and says yes its because of my magic ink pen and it vanishes in sometime and we fooled you both as you took our house. Saraswati says what? Guttu is shocked. Anita says yes I and anguri were the both daughter and vibhu says I was the estate agent and they 3 act again and laugh. Happu singh comes and arrests them and says they have records in police stations and I got proof and he takes them.

Precap: a news reporter on tv says that this man is a serial hair killer and at night he goes and balds whoever he wants in Kanpur city and stay alert and why he wants the hair no one knows. Anita and vibhu watch news curiously. Doctor is the victim of that man.

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