Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 25th August 2017 Written Update

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 25th August 2017 Written Update by Tanaya

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 25th August 2017 Written Episode

Tiwari says yes it’s the same payal, Anita says yes like someone is trying to sign us, amaji says but there’s no one inside I called out, Anita says I threw payal in but it came out.amaji says and before we could do something Thakur came there.

Anita says I have a plan, Thakur is cheapster I shall keep him busy and entertain him and you will go find anguri, Tiwari says I can’t let you do it, Happu says he is right what will we do, Vibhu says excuse me, happu says I meant you.
Amaji says shall I go entertain him, Vibhu says we need to entertain not shock, baby you go.

Anita enters thakurs room and says wanna drink then enjoy it slowly, Thakur says my life is a drug and is always high. Amaji shows others the room, Tiwari says anguri open the door, Vibhu
says don’t , can’t you see the lock, al see a shadow, happy says I shall manage the lock wait and takes Ammas hair pin and tries to opens the lock but fails.

Anita sings for Thakur and keeps him busy, happu tries hammering the lock, he tried various means finally succeds. All enter the room but Lakhan pal closes the door and goes to report thakur and Thakur kisses him thinking it’s Anita. Lakhan pal says she is distracting you and her mates have entered the room.

All call out for anguri, Tiwari starts panicking, Vibhu says calm down, all hear someone crying. They see anguri in wired and scary look starring at her, and she asks to them, Anita and Thakur arrive there too.
Tiwari says anguri what all is this, Vibhu says did this Thakur misbehave with you, anguri says I’m Gulabjan this house second daughter in law, that women who this Thakur married and then later killed me.

Thakur says this is nonsense, Vibhu says don’t interrupt her, Gulabjan says I use to entertain people with my dance, I had many fans and one of them was this Thakur and one day he begged me and asked me to marry him and I accepted his proposal, I fell for him and came to this haweli but this monster is so suspicious, one day I called our gardener to aid his foot in my room and he thought I have an affair with him and then he killed me.

Thakur goes in flashback and remembers the episode when this happened, he killed Gulabjan, and says no she is lying I didn’t do anything, take her away, Gulabjan says either you will die or will be arrested, Vibhu says bhabhiji calm down, she says shut up and you accept it and gets in argument with Thakur, Thakur asks what proofs you have, she says Vibhu remove clothes , Vibhu says what, Anita says just do it, Vibhu about to get off his shirt, Gulabjan says the cloth behind, Vibhu removes it and sees Gulabjan painting all are shocked, amaji says my daughter in law, she says no it’s me fatty, we just look similar so I choose her and if you still don’t believe me break the walls behind.

Ṭhakur says no why will you do that, happu says quite and asks ṭilu tikka Malkhan to break the wall, they do so,and find skeleton,all are shocked, they see other payal on that skeletons ankle, Gulabjan says this is my skeleton he put me here, anita says put him behind bars, she says no wait i have to do something before,the spirit enters amaji body and anguri faints, amaji as Gulabjan to ṭhakur says you killed me and starts beating him hard.

Vibhu says Amma is so powerful, Gulabjan says this fatty is si powerful so I choose her,and now I’m going. Anita goes to anguri and tries to get her back to conscious, anguri wakes up, amaji wakes up too, anguri asks where am I, ṭiwari says long story, anita says just take it as bad dream.

Pre cap: prem offers Vibhu job of a taxi driver to his new car.
Vibhu offers his service to anguri.
Anita and tiwari irritated by vibhus service and Anita asks ṭiwari to break vibhus taxi.

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