Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 29th December 2016 Written Update

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 29th December 2016 Written Update by Tanaya

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 29th December 2016 Written Episode

The episode starts with anita coming gone next day and she sees vibhu sleeping with someone and says who is this? She thinks its gulfamkali and says now I will not leave Vibhu and she removes the blanket, Anita is shocked to see Tiwari and Vibhu. Anita scolds the, and wakes Tiwari up, he runs away in Anita’s nighty. Anita pulls vibhus ears and takes him down.
At home anguri is singing a song and knitting a beanie for laddo. Vibhu asks for whom is that? Anguri says for laddoo, Vibhu says damn. Anguri says nowadays I am seeing Tiwari has got a lot of young ness in him and is strong and feels hot in this cold weather. Vibhu says I heard but he acts and he is a fraud. Anguri says no he doesn’t feel cold and he said those who do are old now. Vibhu says I brought jaggery and
groundnuts for you, anguri says wow that nice and Vibhu tells after eating that heat is generated inside the body. Vibhu tells anguri that Tiwari is having a problem of not feeling cold and anguri says what? Vibhu says yes and he Is burning from inside and to curb that give him everything cold he will be fine. Anguri says really? I will do that.
There Tiwari is finding the baba Ji at the tree. The baba comes from the van and sits beside Tiwari and says nice what happened again? Tiwari says you remember you were going to give me those tablets? Baba says oh yes and I do have those now but money first, Tiwari gives baba money and baba gives Tiwari the tablets and says now see you will burn from inside. Tiwari is happy and goes.
At home Vibhu and Anita are sitting in front of the heater and Tiwari comes. Tiwari says so Anita let’s have the 2nd interview today. Anita says that’s nice Tiwari and we will have it today and Tiwari to impress Anita says I will bath in cold water today in front of everyone p. Anita says that’s awesome and the interview will be good today.
At night Tiwari comes out of that bathroom in vest and underwear and anguri says where are you going? Tiwari says I am going to bath in this cold water. Anguri says what? And you’re ill catch a cold don’t do that. Tiwari says I will do it and you shut up. Anguri says but why? And what will you get? Tiwari scolds anguri and goes.
In the street Anita and Saxena have set the camera and Anita says how am I looking? Saxena says Ming boggling. Tiwari comes with the bucket and Anita says see Tiwari is here too and let’s start. Happu Singh Tika and malkhan are going by and they stop to see what Tiwari is doing. Happu says do it fast. Vibhu comes and Masterji tells happu to have patience and doesn’t he have manners? Anguri cheers from the balcony. Tiwari suddenly gets a call from baba Ji and he says actually I gave you the wrong tablets and they make you feel more. Old and I am sorry, baba keeps phone, Tiwari says what and screams and then says okay as everyone is around him, Tiwari has already taken the tablets so he is scared to take the water. He is forced to remove his vest because of Vibhu,
Tiwari takes 1st mug and is controlling his shivering, Tiwari in this way takes the bucket. Anita praises him and tells the people of Kanpur on camera that he is the daring man in Kanpur. Tiwari goes home later running as it was too cold. Tiwari sits on sofa and calls anguri and tells her to bring blanket. She goes in kitchen, Tiwari says why did anguri go in kitchen to bring blanket?

Precap: Anita tells anguri that Vibhu has come up to compete you and you took cold water but Vibhu is going to sleep on a bed of ice.Tiwari is shocked.

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