Bhaghyalakshmi 13th August 2015 Written Update

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Bhaghyalakshmi 13th August 2015 Written Update by MA

Bhaghyalakshmi 13th August 2015 Written Episode

Inspector frees Ansh. Ansh tells Bhoomi that he got afraid seeing her new avatar when she confronted inspector. Bhoomi says she did not do anything great.

Kaveri tells Pavitra to wait and watch her drama now. She goes to latha and with her usual mad acting asks if her son came and says lock up is very dark and very frightening. Agram says he himself will go and check now. Just then, Vasundhara comes with Ansh and Bhoomi. Kaveri gets irked seeing them. Agram asks how did she get Maan/Ansh’s bail. Vasundhara says judge is her husband’s old friend and she took bail from him personally. Agram thanks her and apologizes for his mistake. Vasundhara says they will talk in the morning and asks him to go and rest now.

Bhoomi stands in front of Pavitra and says she will stand like this always and asks her to mend her ways before it is too late. She says she knew about her plan and reminisces how she heard about her plan and convinced Maan to accept mistake and get arrested. She says whatever dirty tricks she tries, badi maa and she will always destroy her plans.

Ansh thanks Bhoomi. She starts crying. He asks what happened. She says though they planned all this, she got afraid seeing inspector roughing him, so she shouted on inspector and says she cannot think of a life without him and thanks him for taking badi maa’s side. He says he learnt respecting family from and says they both will face any problem together. She hugs him.

Pavitra tells Kaveri that she will teach Vasundhara a lesson soon.

Vasundhara wakes up from sleep hearing door knock, opens doors, but does not find anyone. She then opens window and is shocked to a shawl wearing man. She gets very afraid and shouts. Man escapes. Whole family gathers and Agram asks what happened. Vasundhara says she saw someone here. Ansh checks and says nobody is here. Vasundhara says she was someone here. Agram says he will check outside and leaves. Kaveri starts her usual mad drama.

Bhoomi senses kaveri and pavitra’s hand in this and asks Vasundhara if she saw that person’s face. She says it was dark and she could not. Pavitra says maybe she must have seen bad dream as it is common in old age. Kaveri acts again and says jailer must have seen a ghost. she starts that she is a guest and requests ghost not to harm her. Agram comes back and says nobody was there and asks her to rest. Vasundhara asks Bhoomi also to leave and thinks she definitely saw someone, but why did not anyone found him.

In the morning, Latha asks Suman why did not she prepare breakfast. Suman says she should have prepared it. Latha says she is ill and asks what will they feed family now. Suman says she should have informed her at least. They both start verbal argument. Vasundhara enters and asks them to stop fighting. Bhoomi interferes and says it is her mistake as she had to prepare breakfast and says she will get breakfast in 10 min. Suman says they should prepare their own food to stop this misunderstanding. Vasundhara asks Suman to prepare lunch, Latha dinner, and breakfast they both. They both agree. Pavitra yells that they are not fighting at all. Kaveri says bhoomi is interfering a lot and they have to stop her first.

Precap: Vasundhara takes car keys from driver and is about to start car when she sees a man wearing shawl running in to bushes. she shouts to stop, but man vanishes in bushes..

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