Bhaghyalakshmi 18th August 2015 Written Update

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Bhaghyalakshmi 18th August 2015 Written Update by MA

Bhaghyalakshmi 18th August 2015 Written Episode

Suman slips and falls on oil. Bhoomi and Pavitra help her and make her sit on sofa. Suman sees oil can next to kitchen oil bottle and asks Latha why she wants to kill her. Latha asks what did she do. Vasundhara asks Suman to speak. Suman says she dropped oil in front of kitchen door purposefully to make her fall and break her head. She continues shouting at Latha. Vasundhara asks her to stop alleging Latha without any proof and asks Bhoomi to take Suman to her room and apply medicine.

Latha says Vasundhara that she did not do anything. Vasundhara says she knows she would not have done it purposefully and asks to be careful heron. She asks her to start pooja now. Pandit performs pooja. Bhoomi takes pandit’s blessings.

Bhoomi hears Vasundhara speaking over phone and canceling meeting and says she looks very tensed and if wants, she can tell her problem to her. Vasundhara says each day Latha and Suman’s fights are increasing and she is afraid that when she returns from office, she will see this house broken. Bhoomi asks her to trust her, she will not let Suman and Latha meet and will not let them fight.

Vasundhara comes out of house and sees shawl draped man in car. She shouts to stop and calls Latha and Bhoomi. Bhoomi comes and sees man running from car and follows him. Latha also comes out and asks her what happened. Bhoomi comes back and says man escaped. Latha asks Bhoomi to take Vasundhara to her room and give her medicine. Bhoomi takes Vasundhara with her.

Bhoomi takes Vasundhara to her room. Latha brings medicine. Bhoomi asks Latha to go and rest as she must be tired. Latha leaves. Vasundhara reminisces shawl man and asks Bhoomi to go as she wants to rest. Bhoomi says okay and leaves. She goes outside and asks driver where was he when shawl man came. He says he got a call, so went out to attend it. She asks whose call it was. He says it was a blank call. Bhoomi thinks shawl man is related to badi maa’s past and she will find out who he is.

Ansh comes home in the evening and asks how is chachi/suman. She says she is fine now and has sent oil via servant to massage her leg. He asks about Latha. She says she is sad, but is fine now. He says he will go and freshen up. She says she will prepare tea for him.

Suman writhes in pain in her room. Servant keeps oil for massage and leaves. Pavitra enters and says she will massage her leg. Suman says she does not need her help. Pavitra says whole family is arrogant, she is sitting her yelling and Latha sitting sadly in her room. She starts brainwashing her that everyone were living so happily when she came in, but later realized that everyone are jealous of each other and continues that just like Latha threw her out like a fly from milk, she threw even her and Kaveri out many years ago. She asks Latha made her alone, etc.etc..

Bhoomi hears her brainwashing session and asks her not to yell poison again. Pavitra says she is senior to her and will not listen to her. Bhoomi asks her to stop her rubbish and dirty trick. Pavitra says she was just telling Suman benefits of living alone. Bhoomi asks her to keep her dirty tricks to herself. Suman asks her to forgo. Bhoomi says she will not tolerate anyone breaking her house and says she gave her many chances to change herself, but is not and instead spreading her poison in every family member. Pavitra says she gives good lecture and asks her to join some school. Bhoomi says she is ashamed of to call her nanad and says animals are better than her. Pavitra angrily tries to slap Bhoomi, but Ansh holds her hand on time and warns her not to ever even look at his wife, else she will repent. Bhoomi warns her to mend her ways and if she continues her dirty tricks, she will not let her succeed in he dirty plans. Pavitra leaves angrily. She then massages Suman’s legs. Ansh locks door from inside. Pavitra thinks Bhoomi is proud to call herself as Ansh’s wife, she will break her and Ansh’s relationship soon.

Precap: A lady enters Ansh’s room and slips. Ansh holds her. Bhoomi enters and is shocked to see them in intimate position..

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