Bhagya Lakshmi 10th May 2024 Written Update

Bhagya Lakshmi 10th May 2024 Written Update by H Hasan

Bhagya Lakshmi 10th May 2024 Written Episode

The Episode starts with the old landlady seeing Rohan and Paro’s pic and asks whose pic is this. Lakshmi pretends to sprain her foot and sends Rishi to get the spray. Rishi goes inside. She then asks the lady to take the sugar. The lady goes to take the sugar. Rishi comes back and says he will apply the spray. Shalu comes there and gets surprised seeing him there. Lakshmi asks Rishi to go and says nobody likes him now, after whatever happened between them. She says Chachi will come now. Rishi says I will meet Chachi and talk to her. Lakshmi asks why you are so stubborn and says she can’t meet him today. He says he is stubborn only with her and asks if she will meet him surely. She says yes. He asks Shalu to take care of Lakshmi and goes out. He comes to Ayush. They sit in the car and leaves.

Malishka thinks she will trouble Paro like she had troubled Lakshmi and will make her life as hell. Rohan tells Paro that he is best in making painting. Paro says her painting will be best. Malishka favors Rohan. She thinks to scold Paro. He asks Paro to see it after 5 mins and tells that he will change his clothes, then they will go to her house to have food. Malishka thinks Rohan shall not go to have food in Lakshmi’s house and their relation is strengthening. She pours water on Rohan’s painting and then scolds Paro for ruining Rohan’s painting. Rohan comes there. Malishka complains to him that Paro ruined her painting. Neelam calls Malishka and asks her to come to her room. Anushka asks Malishka not to lie, else will get scolded. The landlady tells Shalu that she is looking more beautiful. She tells that Rishi loves Lakshmi even now. She goes taking the sugar.

Neelam confronts Malishka and asks why did she pour the water on the painting. Malishka says she didn’t do. Neelam says Anushka also saw you doing it. Malishka says Paro is smarter than Rohan and that’s why she don’t want him to have any inferiority complex in his heart. Shalu tells Lakshmi that Rishi really cares for her. Lakshmi says his care was fake as my foot sprain. She says she acted to hide the photo. Neelam asks Malishka why did she do this, and says today Rohan got hurt because of her. She asks her what is the reason that she started hating Paro so much. Neelam says she has her own reasons, and that she sees Lakshmi in her. Malishka says she hates her because of her, and that she also sees Lakshmi in her.

Rishi asks Ayush what happened? Ayush tells that he wants to live all those moments with her and wants to hug her, but now he can’t go to her, as he has no right on her. Rishi hugs him and says everything will be fine. He says I am with you, and God is with us.

Shalu asks Lakshmi why she is locking the photo in the drawer. Lakshmi says Rishi would have seen the pic. Shalu says jiju cares for you. Lakshmi tells that he is not trustable and counts the incidents. Shalu asks why did he come here? Lakshmi says she doesn’t know and says they shall leave within 3 days. She asks her to find out where is Paro and says till then she will make food for her.

Anushka comes to Malishka and says you asked me not to advice on love, and I understand about this, as our stories and destinies are different. She says but whatever you did with Pari is bad and says Neelam Mami and I both saw. Malishka asks her to stop it and asks if I interfere in your matters? She asks did I say that Ayush miss Shalu, no. She asks if you felt bad, and says I will not say sorry and want you to feel bad. She politely threatens her and asks her not to come in her way. She asks her to remember what she said

Paro tells Rohan that she didn’t ruin his painting. Rohan says I came to know when you do something and says Mom was angry and that’s why she said this. Malishka hears her and thinks why Rohan trusts Paro so much. She thinks why they have such a strong bond. Rohan tells Malishka that Paro didn’t do anything. Anushka comes to Malishka and asks why you have problem with her, when you used to like her so much. Malishka says I don’t trust you else I would have told you, and your thoughts about Paro would have changed in few seconds. Anushka says I am sad to hear that you don’t trust me, and tells that she is not against her, but is with her. She says sorry if she felt bad. Malishka says its ok. She apologizes to Rohan and Paro. Paro asks her not to do mistake next time. Malishka thinks she has done mistake by letting her come in the house. Rohan says I will go to drop her. Malishka says she needs Rohan’s help and asks Paro to go with Ram uncle. Paro says ok and goes. Malishka imagines Lakshmi coming there and going inside the house.

Malishka tells Kiran that she is not afraid of Lakshmi, but vent out her anger on Paro as she is in tension. Kiran says you shall not be hyper as you are on winning side. Malishka says Neelam Mom saw me doing that stupid thing and says she don’t want her image to be ruined, as she made mature, good and simple image. Kiran says your personality looks good now. Malishka says she wants Rishi like she wanted before, and she wants everything like before.

Precap: Malishka tells Rishi that they have to go to mall tomorrow. Rishi says ok goodnight. Lakshmi asks Shalu, how can Paro like the city. Shalu says she is her Papa’s daughter. Shalu likes a dress for Lakshmi, which Anushka says that she is taking. Malishka tells Rohan that he loves her first and wants her. Rohan says he wants Paro first, as she is his best friend. Lakshmi sees Rishi and hides her face. Anushka asks Shalu if she knows who is she, who is her husband.

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