Bhagya Lakshmi 14th September 2022 Written Update

Bhagya Lakshmi 14th September 2022 Written Update by H Hasan

Bhagya Lakshmi 14th September 2022 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Balwinder holding Lakshmi’s hand. Shalu comes there and hits Balwinder with a rod, asking how dare he to hold her sister’s hand. Balwinder says I had come here to help Lakshmi and asks Shalu to make her understand. Lakshmi asks why did you come here shalu, you should have been with Bani. Shalu says Ayush and Chachi are with her. She says I will come with you to jiju. Balwinder says Rishi needs help, how he will help you. Lakshmi and Shalu push Balwinder and run away. Balwinder says you both shall die. Dadi and Devika come to the court. Dadi says let me go inside as my family is there. She asks ACP, when everyone will come out. ACP says very soon and asks her to leave, as terrorists may shoot the gun. The reporter asks Dadi how is she feeling, as her family is inside. Dadi asks how you will feel in such a situation. Devika asks him to ask right decision. Rano tells Bani that they are trapped due to Lakshmi. Ayush asks Inspector to understand that his Mom, Brother, and others are inside, and asks him to let him go inside. He tries to take his gun. Inspector says if you take it, then the terrorists will not give you a chance, and will shoot you. Ayush and Bani pushes the Inspector and run. Rano goes behind them.

Abhay asks Malishka if she is scared of Balwinder’s threat. Malishka says if Balwinder tells Rishi, Virender or Neelam, then? Abhay says he will not take risk to go there, as they are captive by the terrorists. Malishka thinks to do something to become heroine in Neelam’s sight. She says Lakshmi tried to become great by saving Neelam, and she will also do such thing. Abhay says you want to go to terrorists. Malishka says if Balwinder tells the truth. She says I want to become great in Neelam aunty’s sight, and will do anything for my 3 in 1 purpose. Sonia, Karishma and Kiran get up from their hideout and see Malishka going. Malishka thinks she will become great in Neelam’s sight once she do something. They see Malishka going, and then Shalu and Lakshmi also going. Sonia says Lakshmi and Shalu might be running away. Shalu asks Lakshmi if we are doing the right thing. Sonia tells Karishma that they shall run behind them. Kiran says there might be a reason that they are running. They see Ayush, Rano and Bani running from there. Kiran says we shall go behind, we will the same destiny as them. Bani asks Rano to come with them, as there is a chance of survival. Rano goes behind them. Karishma, Sonia and kiran are running behind them.

Mohnish asks Balram if he made everyone understand what to do? Balram says everyone is ready outside and inside. Mohnish says our target was judge before, but now Rishi and his family came here. He says we shall take some advantage and make changes in our plan. Balram asks what? Mohnish shares his plan with his terrorists. Malishka comes inside and opens the rope to free Neelam’s hand. Rishi asks why did you come here? Malishka says I was worried, and that’s why I came here. Neelam says I knew that you will come here, and that’s why you are my choice as you care for us a lot. Virender asks if this is the time to say all this, and says they shall run. They try to leave silently.

Dadi tells Devika that Neha might be alone at home, and must be worried. Neha is in auto and thinks if terrorists kill her mother, then what she will do. She thinks Bani and Shalu are also there. Devika says Neha must know by now. Dadi says I will talk to her. Devika calls her. Neha thinks my band will be played. Her phone rings. She checks Devika’s call and asks if everyone is fine. Dadi is on call and tells that she is Rishi’s Dadi. Dadi asks her not to worry and says your Mummy….Neha says my Mom and starts crying. Dadi says your Mummy is fine and will be fine, asks her to trust God and be hopeful. Neha says thank god. Dadi ends the call and tells Devika that she is not intelligent like Shalu and Bani. Rishi and his family are about to leave, when Mohnish throws knife at the door. Everyone stops.

The terrorists bring them back. Mohnish warns Rishi and others, and asks who is she? He asks how many girls you have in your life, one gharwali and one baharwali. Neelam says my son’s values are not like that. Mohnish holds Malishka by her hair. He asks if she wants to suicide. Malishka shouts Rishi. Rishi asks Mohnish to leave her. The terrorist tells that they shall cut his hand. Rishi fights with them. Mohnish says he shall show the death sight to everyone, first to Rishi. He shoots at Rishi. Lakshmi comes there and pushes Rishi, takes bullet on her hand. She writhes in pain. Rishi looks at her and gets shocked. He kicks Mohnish and tells Lakshmi that her hand is bleeding. Lakshmi asks if you are fine. Mohnish says you was right Rishi Oberoi, I thought she don’t love you, but she was about to give her life for you. He says you are very lucky to get such a wife, don’t look at any outsider woman. Malishka wishes if she gets the gun then will kill Lakshmi. Rishi tears his tee and ties the cloth on Lakshmi’s injury. Lakshmi says I am fine.

Rishi says if the bullet had hit somewhere else. Lakshmi says if it had hit you. Rishi says you always think about me, you shall think about yourself too. He says if something had happened to you, then what would have happened to me. Lakshmi says if something had happened to you then what would have happen to me. Rishi says this is your problem, you never accept your mistake. Lakshmi says what did I do, I came infront as the bullet might hit you. Rishi asks her to think about herself too. Mohnish says you are more than her own life, and asks how many proofs she shall give? He asks them not to say anything and says you are talking infront of terrorists who are having guns. He says if you say a word then I will kill Lakshmi. Rishi grabs his collar and says I will kill you. Ayush, Shalu and Bani come there. Ayush says hit him. Everyone start beating the terrorists. Shalu slaps the terrorist.

Ayush seems to be impressed with. Shalu hits the terrorists and hits Ayush mistakenly. Ayush says she is strong. They fight with the terrorists. Rishi asks Lakshmi if she is fine. Lakshmi says yes. She hits the terrorist who attack Rishi. Rishi says this is attack, you shall defend. Lakshmi hits the terrorist again and says I attacked to defend you. Rishi says I will attack and you will defend. He asks Ayush to take everyone out, through the broken wall behind the court. Ayush says ok. Rishi asks Judge and others to come out. Ayush wears the terrorists mask and takes his rifle. He asks everyone to come behind him. The real terrorist comes infront of them. Virender asks Ayush to be careful. The terrorist asks where you are taking them. Ayush says I am going to lock them in another room, as it is order of Rishi bhai. He then says risky Mohnish bhai. The Terrorist asks him to take them. Rishi comes back and sees Sonia, Karishma there. Mohnish and Balram get up, and aim gun at Rishi.

Precap: Rishi and Lakshmi see each other from the opposite direction. Malishka tells Balwinder that Lakshmi doesn’t love Rishi as she trusts him, but because she has taken 7 rounds with him. she believes that she has 7 births relation with him and wears mangalsutra of Rishi’s name, so named him on her name. Rishi keeps his forehead on Lakshmi’s forehead and tells that he hugged her so that the pain inside her, shall come to him. Lakshmi rests her head on his shoulder. Balwinder thinks to break her mangalsutra into pieces. He says I will see Lakshmi becomes of whom, of Rishi or Balwinder sood. He wears the mask and comes to Rishi and Lakshmi.

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