Bhagya Lakshmi 21st March 2022 Written Update

Bhagya Lakshmi 21st March 2022 Written Update by Sona

Bhagya Lakshmi 21st March 2022 Written Episode

Rano questions Balvinder what if she doesnot go to the police, Rano hears Lakshmi reveling that they are going to the police station, Lakshmi rushes to Rano revealing that she feels they need to go to the police station. Chacha jee also says that he feels they need to go to the police station, he questions if Rano was talking with someone on the call but Rano refuses and she starts making excuses, Neha exclaims that mom was talking to her, Chacha jee gets suspicious. Rano advises she feels they should also call Guddu since he can talk on behalf of Beni, Chacha jee doesnot understand what she is saying, he leaves with Lakshmi and Bani. Rano calls Guddu asking him to reach the police station.

Karishma asks Neelam if she is sure that she wants to talk with Rishi about this topic, Neelam replies she has to since he doesnot know the entire truth, Rishi knocks on the door when she asks him to come inside, Neelam questions if he knows the reason she called him here, he getting tensed asks if everything is fine, Neelam replies something indeed happens and she sent Aahana to call him but he was not in his room, Rishi explains he would have been taking a shower, she exclaims she felt the same. Rishi asks what is the problem, Neelam replies they have handled the situation. Neelam questions if he and Malishka went to the jewelry store where Lakshmi was a worker, he gets tensed when she asks him to not be worried since everyone already knows about it but she did not think that he was so eager to get married with Malishka and should now not be worried since she will always stand with him, Neelam asks Karishma to go and call Kiran, she herself is going to reveal they have accepted the proposal of Rishi and Malishka, Karina leaves.

Rishi questions what is the need since Malishka knows there is nothing between him and Lakshmi, Neelam gets angry warning him to not take the name of the girl since because of her Malishka got a panic attack, she is fine but they need to take care of her, Neelam questions what is the reason because she knows he said that he might end the relation with her, Rishi replies that he got angry with her, Neelam questions what is that angered him so much, Rishi reveals that she has started getting trust issues with him, hearing this Neelam gets tensed when Karishma enters revealing Kiran is coming since Malishka is acting like a child while taking the medicines. Neelam informs her that Malishka has trust issues with Rishi, Karina replies that it is nothing like this as she might be a little angry after what happened today and in the past few days but she knows his relation with her not like that other girl who humiliated his mother in her house, she is sure that Rishi would not keep any sort of relation with a girl who doesnot know how to respect his mother. Rishi question when did Lakshmi misbehave with his mother, Karishma gets tensed asking if Neelam did not tell him anything, she replies she did not tell him, Neelam gets a call so leaves to attend it, Rishi asks Karishma who reveals they went to her house when he was in the ICU and she begged her to come back for him, but Lakshmi did not and threw them out of the house, Bhabhi felt really humiliated and even cried a lot after returning to the hospital, Neelam once again enters the room, Rishi hugs her after apologizing, he apologizes that she had to hear so much just because of him, it ahs never happened that anyone refused to accept her order but this is the first time and he is feeling really sorry for what happened, Rishi leaves when Neelam asks what did she tell him, Karishma replies she told the truth about Lakshmi that how she loves her sisters really much and did not come to him.

Guddu is in the police station informing Balvinder that he is going to tell him about what happens in the police station, he says they are coming, Guddu is standing when Rano asks if he talked with the police inspector when Guddu replies they are going to talk, Chacha jee and Lakshmi sit infront of the inspector, they both explain that Shalu is missing and they need him to find her, he asks for the photo when Lakshmi shows the photo but the inspector replies that he cannot do anything before twenty four hours, inspector takes it casually explaining she will come back as there are a lot of cases in which a girl runs away from her house, Lakshmi replies that her Shalu is not like this, they have just come from a small village but their teachings are not small, the inspector gets angry with her questioning why is she talking like this since he cannot change the laws for her. Lakshmi explains that she is concerned for her sister, the inspector get angry threatening to throw her in jail, Chacha jee asks him to calm down since she is a girl but Lakshmi stops him saying the inspector would not understand their feelings before twenty four hours, she vows to find her sister herself.

Aahana is making coffee when Aayush comes to the kitchen, he is smiling when Aahana asks what happened, Aayush replies there are two people in this house who are different, he tends to eat a lot when he is happy but she makes the black coffee, Aahana explains that she doesnot why mom likes Malishka so much since she is creating so much drama over such a small thing, she clearly told her to end the relationship with Rishi if she cannot handle it, which is why she is angry. Aayush jokes how she starts walking, Karishma comes replying she has suffered a heart break because of that Lakshmi, Aayush corrects her saying that Lakshmi is the one who suffered the heart break because of Malishka, Karishma asks Aahana to take an appointment with a psychiatrist since Aayush is not thinking properly, he replies even then his heart is in the right place but this cannot be said for her, Karishma is about to slap him, she asks Aahana to teach him some manner since she is his mother, she knows that Malishka and Rishi are going to get married, Aahana asks why does mom defend Malishka so much, Aayush replies he knows the reason but doesnot tell Aahana only revealing that Neelam mami does everything for the family while their mother only works for her self-interest.

They all are playing while Balvinder is tensed, they ask him if he would also like to play, Balvinder question if they can see the tension on his face while they are enjoying, he explains they have kidnapped Shalu but not got the money, Babloo asks him to answer the call. Balvinder replies it is an important, he reveals it is Guddu, Rano mentions he was right since the inspector sent her away, she started lecturing him for all that which angered the inspector who threw her out, Balvinder explains that he was wrong since he was not able to marry such a nice girl, they all start arguing when Rano explains she doesnot know how they would be able to get the money when he is acting like this.

Chacha jee is trying to stop the auto, he doesot listen to Lakshmi so she asks if he is angry with her for what she said in the police station, he explains it is not necessary that they should always be right but sometimes need to understand the situation, he reveals how he was also not feeling good when the inspector was blaming Shalu but they have to listen to his words since they are the only people who can help them, he is worried how the inspector would react when they go to him next time, Bani explains it is their duty to help them, Lakshmi also informs Chacha jee how Bau jee always used to say that what is wrong can never be the right, she looks to Chacha jee.

Precap: Bani says that police cannot do anything for 24 hours. Neha says, and beside police, no one can help them. Lakshmi thinks of Rishi. Karishma asks Neelam what if Panditji gives a workaround for the marriage. Neelam says, I don’t have any objection then. She says to call Pandit tomorrow. Virender tells her that she is doing wrong. Lakshmi tries to call Rishi. Bani asks if he is not picking up. She says, line gets disconnected in one ring. Neha says that means Rishi has blocked your number. Lakshmi tries calling Shalu and Balvinder picks it up. He demands 50 lakh rupees by tomorrow if they want Shalu back.

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