Bigg Boss 14 8th December 2020 Written Update

Bigg Boss 14 8th December 2020 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 14 8th December 2020 Written Episode

Day 67
8 AM
The inmates wake up to the song dance pe chance. They all dance. Eijaz hugs Rahul. Arshi dances happily.

9 AM
Mannu tells Kash that Abhi-Rubina don’t talk to anyone. They have nothing to show, they keep sitting whole day. Kash says what to do with them? Eijaz is not doing anything.

9:15 AM
Arshi asks Rahul why people call Vikas mastermind? Rahul says he has come in the show many times. Arshi says Abhi didn’t do anything and still became a finalist, so he is the real mastermind.

10:15 AM
Vikas asks Rubina to make extra food.
Arshi tells Mannu that Vikas is doing some task, he is trying to end the ration. Mannu tells them to eat what he wants but we will hide our things.

10:30 AM
Arshi asks Kash to come and wash the dishes. Kash says I am not coming right now. Arshi says okay and leaves. Rahul says she is behind men only.
Arshi tells Kash that you didn’t have to be rude with me. Kash says my tone is like that. Arshi says I didn’t misbehave with you so you didn’t need to be rude. Kash says you don’t have to tell me about my duty. Arshi says do your work. Mannu asks what happened Kash? Jasmin says Mannu has to enter the fight. Eijaz says we have to do our duties. Kash says I will do my duty, I am not giving attention to Arshi.

12:15 PM
Kash tells Arshi that Rahul was not feeling well and we were talking about you but you came there and asked to wash the dishes. Rahul was saying that you are irritating everyone and not letting him to talk to anyone. I was about to talk to you but you came and ordered to wash the dishes so I got angry. Arshi says Rahul is asking for help in a day? She laughs. Kash says this is funny.

1 PM
Eijaz tells Arshi that Rahul is trying to avoid you but he keeps looking at you. Arshi says I didn’t do anything but he is looking at me. I don’t like men who don’t have guts. Rahul says what guts? He asks Eijaz to marry her, I will give you Maldives honeymoon package. Arshi says Rahul has no guts. Rahul asks her to focus on Abhi. Arshi says you don’t know what I am doing with him.

Vikas tells Mannu that they asked me to come in 12th season with Shilpa but she was not comfortable. Mannu says Arshi told me that Vikas didn’t want me in 12th season. Vikas says I didn’t even know you, Arshi was lying.

Kash tells Mannu that these inmates are so useless. We were fighting and they didn’t even interfere or help. Arshi comes there. Mannu tells Arshi that we will do our work only, we will play separately. Arshi says Eijaz is on our side. Mannu says I agree.

3:15 PM
Arshi asks Mannu what he was saying? Mannu says people are saying that he talks to the creatives in the back area of the house. Vikas says yes I will ask them to eliminate Rahul. Arshi tells Rahul that Vikas is saying who is Rahul? Vikas says don’t lie.
Vikas tells Arshi that you don’t have to change my words, you are shameless. Mannu hates me because you said things to him about me. Arshi says everyone knows you and all hate you because of your antics. Vikas says what antics? Arshi says don’t gain sympathy, get lost. I will tell you when I want to. Vikas says don’t misbehave with me, what antics I do? Arshi asks him to stay away. Vikas says you like to put others down. Arshi says your name is already down. We were joking about the creative team talking to you but I am your enemy now. You won’t be saved. Vikas says leave me alone. Arshi says Vikas Gupta can do anything.
Rahul tells Jasmin that they have something going on from before. Kash says we were joking about Vikas having relations with the creative team. Kash asks Rahul to interfere as we are not like season 14’s inmates. Arshi asks Mannu if you would listen to me if I say Vikas is bad? Mannu says I didn’t take your name. Arshi says Shilpa said many times that Vikas eats other’s word, everyone says it. I never backbite about Vikas to you.
Jasmin tells Vikas that you chose to ignore Arshi, just eat your meal and be in peace. Vikas says I was emotional today and couldn’t ignore her. Arshi says you can’t ignore me. Vikas says I will.

3:30 PM
Arshi comes to Jasmin and says don’t tell anyone to ignore me. You don’t have to come there in my fights. Jasmin says I can say anything to anyone. Arshi says if I am fighting with my friend then you don’t tell them to ignore me. If Aly was fighting with anyone then I would ask you to ignore Aly? Arshi tells Vikas that if someone interferes between you and me then I wouldn’t spare them. Vikas says I will ignore you. Arshi says you couldn’t ignore me in season 11. I will not talk to you now. She blows on his face. Vikas says you promise to not talk to me? She says I promise.

5 PM
Bigg Boss says to the inmates that we don’t know who is new or who is old here. All smile. Bigg Boss says no one is old here, you all are new. No one is a senior or a junior. All here are equal as a new phase of this season is starting from today. He congratulates and wishes them. He says there should be a captain in the house. He calls Vikas in the confession room. Kash says I became emotional with his words. Vikas reads the task for the captain. There is a necklace that the captain will get. The task will start from Rahul as he was the king. There will be 6 buzzers and on the first buzzer, Rahul gill the necklace to the one he wants to make the captain. This necklace will be transferred for 6 buzzers and the last person having it will become the captain. You will try to become the captain or support the one you want as a captain. You can get the necklace two times but not back to back. You have to win this necklace with your smart thinking. Rahul will start the transfer. Vikas makes him wear the necklace. Jasmin asks Rahul if he wants to become the captain? Arshi says Rahul should listen to the challenger. Jasmin tells Rahul that if you want to be the captain then you give the necklace to me and I will give it back to you. We will keep rotating between us, you can trust me. Arshi says why should he trust you? Jasmin says I am doing the setting. Arshi says you are not mature. Mannu tells Rahul to make him the captain. Arshi tells Rahul that I can rule the house and will keep the house entertained. I will get it returned on the 6th buzzer. If I am the captain and get a power then I will save you from the eviction. Rahul nods.

Rubina asks Mannu who should be the captain? Mannu says I want to be the captain. Vikas says we should get the necklace. Mannu says I didn’t become a captain in my season. Mannu tells Rahul that I met you here and became your chief. If you want to be the captain then I will make you the captain. We will keep rotating the necklace. Eijaz tells Rahul to make the captain who is deserving. Kash and Mannu say we were not the captains. Rubina says I was not a captain once. Eijaz tells Rubina that you want to be the captain when you are not mingling with others. Vikas tells Rahul that the captain has make sure that everyone is listening to him/her. Rubina says the captain should be a leader and not a dictator. Eijaz says I was the nicest dictator.

5:30 PM
Mannu tells Rahul that Vikas didn’t come to you once when you were the king. Rahul tells Eijaz that I want to you give the necklace but you have to promise to save me as a captain. Mannu says I agree. Eijaz says me too.
Vikas tells Kash and Rubina that we can influence Rahul by keep telling him that this person should be the captain.

Abhi asks Rahul who you think is a sensible person? Rahul says I think it’s Eijaz. He knows everything here. Abhi says Eijaz works a lot and if he becomes the captain then we will have to do his work and you can’t trust him. I know him and he won’t save you. You give this necklace to me or Jasmin.

Eijaz tells Arshi that we will save Rahul from the nominations. Arshi says I agree. Mannu says me too.

Jasmin tells Abhi that Rahul will give it to Eijaz, Abhi says Eijaz won’t want me to become the captain.

Eijaz asks Vikas who will you choose as a captain? Eijaz says I want to give Mannu a chance. Abhi and Rubina don’t deserve to be the captains, they don’t even deserve to be here. Vikas says I like Mannu. Eijaz says he is fair and will handle the house nicely.

Rubina tells Abhi that Eijaz has pressed the reset button, he is playing a new game. He will challenge us and won’t be on our side. Abhi says I don’t expect anything from him.

Mannu tells Eijaz that you talk to Rahul, I know he will give it to you. Mannu tells Eijaz that we are challengers and we have a divide in the house. Just don’t give it to the other group.

Rahul tells Eijaz that I will give a reason for my decision. Eijaz tells him that Mannu and I are same. If we become the captain then we will save you from the nominations. I want Mannu to become the captain. Rahul says just give a good reason.

Rubina tells Vikas that I don’t want to talk in front of Jasmin. Vikas says Eijaz is a good captain.

Rahul tells Mannu that don’t give me too much work. Mannu says we won’t give you any work. You will make an alliance with us. Just don’t listen to Vikas, just keep fooling him. All laugh.

Vikas tells Kash to talk to Eijaz and try to convince him.

Kash tells Eijaz that don’t give it to me as then I will have to give it to Vikas’s group as they think I am with them.

6 PM
The buzzer plays, Rahul says I have taken a decision that I will give this necklace to a person who is a fair captain and really loves the house. I think that person is Eijaz. People will listen to him not because he is old. All laugh. Rahul says he has passion to run the house. I don’t want to be the captain, I don’t want the immunity. I want to be nominated to get audience’s support. He gives the necklace to Eijaz. Eijaz thanks Rahul for showing trust in him. Arshi hugs him. Abhi shakes his hand and says you said bye to us? Eijaz says I didn’t.

6:15 PM
Rubina tells Jasmin that I like it. Jasmin says you can talk to Eijaz. Rubina says he has changed. Jasmin says Pavitra was right by saying he is not loyal to anyone. He will play sweet with everyone.
Eijaz tells Mannu that we will rotate this between you, Arshi and me.

Jasmin asks Abhi to try to get it from Eijaz. Abhi says I am not his brother.

Mannu tells Eijaz that Rubina’s group is not even trying. Arshi says just talk to them once. Mannu says it’s their lookout. Eijaz says I will talk to them.
Eijaz comes to Rubina and says no one is asking or convincing me. Rubina says when we tried, you were all blank. Eijaz asks Abhi why he wants to be the captain? Abhi says I didn’t become a captain, I have worked a lot so I can have a week off now. I know this house better. Eijaz says you told me that a real leader is the one who is liked by everyone. You said I was a bad captain? Abhi says you were a bad leader. Eijaz says these challengers already have a following, they were famous in their seasons so I think they will be saved from nominations and I think we have disappointed people this season so I want an immunity. Abhi says but you have an understanding with them. Jasmin says I want to talk to you.

Eijaz talks to Jasmin and asks if she can make challengers work in the house? Jasmin says I am cordial with everyone, I know how to enforce it, you can trust me.

Vikas tells Rubina that this game is going to change so fight with Abhi in front of everyone. Don’t fight with him for real but fake it. You have to show others that you and Abhi are not a unit.

6:45 PM
The buzzer plays, Eijaz says I want to give the necklace to Mannu as he is the most capable person here. He gives it to him. Mannu hugs him.

7 PM
Mannu sings naina to Rubina. Rubina says we will see who you will fool now. Mannu asks her to try to get a necklace from him. Rubina says I don’t want to be dishonest. I know what your decision will be.

Eijaz tells Vikas that Rubina and Abhi are not getting involved with new people.
Jasmin tells Mannu that I can be a good captain. Mannu says I want to be the captain but I have committed Eijaz and Rahul only. Jasmin says so you won’t change? Mannu says I can’t trust you. Kash asks if he won’t give it to anyone else? Mannu says no I will give it to Eijaz only.

Jasmin asks Eijaz if he will give it to her?

Rahul tells Mannu that Vikas will cheat someone. Mannu says we are not giving the necklace to Vikas.

7:15 PM
Eijaz tells Mannu to give it to Arshi next. She will give it to me. Abhi says don’t give it to me. Arshi says what do you need? Tell me. Abhi says peace.

Vikas tells Kash that I can give it to you if I get it.

Eijaz tells Mannu that we don’t have the majority. Mannu says Arshi is with us. Eijaz says I am not convinced with Arshi but let’s take a risk, she has promised to not cheat us. Let’s see. We won’t give it to Vikas at all.

7:30 PM
Mannu tells Eijaz that I will tell you what will happen with me soon.

The buzzer plays, Mannu says I want to give it to Arshi. Kash is stunned. Mannu says Arshi promised to give it back to me. Abhi says you don’t want to give it Eijaz? Mannu says he has given it to me so I am doing what I want to. He gives the necklace to Arshi and asks her to be responsible.

8 PM
Rahul tells Mannu that you have given it to a donkey now. Mannu laughs and says we have to make our reign increase. We will know if she cheats us then we won’t be with her.

Rubina tells Jasmin that the captain’s work is not enforce duties in the house. Jasmin says let me talk to Arshi. She calls Arshi and says you didn’t want to be a captain so give it to me? Arshi says it doesn’t work like this. Abhi asks Arshi if she promised Mannu? Arshi says you can convince me. She leaves.

Kash tells Mannu that I am with you. I will keep convincing you but we can fight to show others.

Arshi asks Abhi if he wants to become a father? Abhi says I want to become the captain right now. Arshi says you don’t even want to convince me.
Arshi asks Mannu that she is giving it to him? He says to Eijaz.

8:00 PM
The buzzer plays, Arshi says I think Eijaz is deserving and he is very hot. She gives the necklace to him. All clap. Arshi hugs him.

8:15 PM
Mannu tells Eijaz that we don’t have an option. Arshi should have given it to you right now. Mannu says Arshi changed her mind. Eijaz says she doesn’t want to be the captain? He says yes. Mannu says Abhi and Rubina are not even trying.

Rubina tells Abhi that Eijaz is projecting us like we get everything in a platter and he is working a lot.

Eijaz tells Mannu that if Arshi cheats us then she can only give it to Vikas. Mannu says if it’s between me and Vikas then she will give it to me.

8:45 PM
The buzzer plays, Eijaz says to Mannu that we tried to play it safe. It’s not the time to play it safe. Eijaz says this is a 5th buzzer, I have been thinking why challengers came here? Maybe we were playing it too safe but not anymore. There is an alliance here and I have decided who should be the captain so I won’t play it safe. He says I am giving it to Arshi. She thanks him and says make daal for me. Jasmin says he has changed his face. Eijaz says we are playing it too safe, we try to avoid fights, try to sit in corners so I don’t want to play it safe. Jasmin says so who will get it in the end? Abhi says Arshi is the game-changer now.

Vikas asks Arshi if she will give it to Kash? I knew it. Arshi says no I will not make her. She says you know very well that I follow my promises. I have made a promise to Mannu. If they want Kash to become a captain then I will choose her.

Kash tells Eijaz that you made an alliance with Mannu so you were tagging me along? You don’t trust me? Eijaz says I am still checking everyone but I am trusting Arshi and Mannu more than you. Kash say you played it well, you gave it to Arshi as I won’t talk to her. I appreciate it but I will have my time too. Jasmin says this is a permanent alliance. Mannu says you know it? Jasmin says I have seen Mannu’s game and I know what he will do now.
Jasmin tells Abhi that the single player is playing in a group now? Abhi says and he is saying that he is not playing it safe?

Mannu tells Kash that she has put in good efforts in the task. Arshi says I have put in efforts too. Rubina says we should put in efforts when there is not predictability. Eijaz says if you want to assume then don’t play the game.
Jasmin tells Abhi that even if we don’t like each other, we have to make an alliance too. Abhi says the game is still in the middle, we have to make an alliance. Rahul says I am not making an alliance. Jasmin says we don’t have a choice.

Rubina tells Eijaz that I know where your support is. Eijaz says so you don’t even want to convince me? You have no convincing power? Rubina says why should I convince you? Rubina tells Mannu that I asked him if he will give it to me but he had support for others. Eijaz says you could have tried to convince me to change my mind. Rubina says I didn’t want to convince just for the cameras. Eijaz says then don’t play the game, sit down in a corner. Rubina says you think playing is this? Just to enact? Eijaz says if I was in your place then I would have tried to convince you. Rubina says if I was in your place then I would have given a chance to hear you out. You cleared it since the start that you have made an alliance. Eijaz says I don’t want to waste time on this, keep playing like this.

9 PM
Abhi tells Jasmin that Mannu and Eijaz said that they have decided to rotate it between them only. Rubina says then he asked us to convince him. He wanted an enactment.

Kash tells Arshi and Mannu that I am on your side. When Rakhi comes then don’t involve her. Arshi says she won’t be involved in us. Arshi tells Mannu that Vikas asked me to make Kash the captain.
Abhi tells Rubina that ask Eijaz to make his group work in his captaincy. Rubina says you are wrong here. Abhi says I am talking about captain’s personal work, we will do our duties but won’t do personal work of Eijaz. We will keep highlighting his group.

Arshi tells Mannu, Kash and Eijaz that we will rotate captaincy between us only. We want immunity between us. Arshi tells Kash that I trust you. Kash says you can but don’t say anything to Vikas. I will talk to him. She tells Eijaz that I am in your team, we will talk silently.
Vikas tells Rubina that they might give it to Kash in the end. I have tried for it. Abhi says Eijaz will prove his alliance. Kash comes there so Abhi asks her to try to get it. Kash says I don’t think they will give it to me. They are playing their game.

9:45 PM
The last buzzer plays, Rubina asks Arshi to take the necklace off and wear it back. Arshi laughs and says she is cute. Arshi tells the inmates that we all know I will choose someone from my group only, it’s already decided so nobody put in efforts. She gives it to Mannu and says he is the captain. Mannu cheers and says for the first time. Arshi says I know he will be a great captain, he will be fair to everyone. All clap for Mannu. Bigg Boss congratulates Mannu. Mannu thanks everyone for not putting in efforts. Abhi shakes his hand. Jasmin hugs him and says I am independent.

10 PM
The captain’s room open. Mannu, Arshi and Eijaz come there. Eijaz says we have got it luxury budget items. Mannu says don’t say that. Eijaz says there are items from the old captains left here.

10:15 PM
Jasmin tells Vikas that you have put in efforts today, I know it feels bad. Jasmin says it’s a game. Vikas says I really like you, I feel you are alone in this house. I was alone in my season too, don’t be too independent. I got Jyoti and Arshi in my season. Jasmin cries and says I have become alone because Aly left. Vikas says you can’t be in pain. Jasmin says I feel like I could have stopped Aly from going but I didn’t. Mannu asks why she is crying? Are you crying in English? She says it’s none of your business.. I am joking. Arshi says she has learned to cry.

10:30 PM
Arshi tells Kash that we have set the game, we have to remain in a group. Kash says we will trust each other. Arshi says we will rotate captaincy between us only. Mannu says we will not let them become captain. Arshi says we will trash everything and get the captaincy task rejected if we can’t win. Mannu says yes, just break things around if it’s not in our favor.

4:30 AM
Vikas is waking everyone up. He wakes up Kash and says let’s say good morning to everyone. Vikas shakes everyone and wake them up. He comes to Eijaz and scares him. Eijaz wakes up and asks what happened? Vikas says I was asking if you are fine? Do you need a blanket? He says no. Vikas comes to the captain’s room and asks Mannu if he needs a comforter. Mannu says no. He comes and wakes up Rubina and Abhi also.

PRECAP – Arshi tells Mannu that you are a referee but you can take sides in the task so decide.
Vikas tells Rubina that the referee is on their side. Rubina says they will make it physical so it’s going to be a lot pushing and pulling.
Rubina asks Mannu if he will play fair or from a side? Mannu says I wouldn’t be talking to you if I was fair.
Vikas tells Rubina and Jasmin that we will win this task. Kash says we can get this task rejected.
The task plays and they all fight to win the task. Rubina tells Mannu that he is not fair. Kash tells him that Rahul is disqualified. Eijaz pushes Kash. Jasmin says he is just manipulative. Eijaz says you have not energy. Jasmin says I am in 20 years and not in 40 years like you.

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