Bigg Boss 15 10th December 2021 Written Update

Bigg Boss 15 10th December 2021 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 15 10th December 2021 Written Episode

Day 68
6:30 PM
The last round ends, Nishant says it will be fun now. Pratik says time for the loophole. Rajiv says you people kept fooling me. Karan asks Rajiv to trust him. Give me 5 minutes. He calls Rajiv aside and says if we want to save Rakhi then we will give you that chance. Tejasswi says he will go there and tell them everything. Rajiv says you people keep fooling me, he angrily leaves. Karan asks Umar and Tejasswi who do we have to save? Rashami is saying that it was not Devo’s game but Ritesh’s game. Rajiv tells Shamita that you people cheated me. Shamita says what have I done? Rajiv says it was decided that I would win this round, you are my sister so you should support me. Shamita asks what have I done? Pratik says she protected your bag. Rashami tells Karan that Devo can flip on anyone. Karan says we can tell her that we are making her win this so she has to support us. Shamita tells Rajiv that I protected your bag. Rajiv says I trusted you but you let them attack my bag. Umar asks him to calm down. Rakhi tells Karan that I will be fair later on. Ritesh asks Karan to trust him, we will be fair with you all. Rajiv shouts that why did you eliminate me from the task? Shamita asks Umar to make him part of the conversation. Umar says he keeps saying things here and there. Rajiv goes into the washroom and says I need time. Rashami tells Karan that Rakhi can flip anytime she wants. Shamita asks Rajiv to come out of the washroom. He says give me some time. Shamita says I protected your bag so complete the task now. Rajiv says don’t do favors on me. He comes out. Shamita sits down and says you have to be mature, you will complete the task. We can fight later on.

6:45 PM
Rajiv comes to the garden and Tejasswi will do the task. Shamita asks are you serious? Tejasswi says Rajiv and I are on the same page so Rajiv will do the task, she empties her bag. Rakhi offers 10 lacs and Rajiv makes her the winner but eliminating Devo from the task.

7 PM
Bigg Boss tells everyone that Rakhi becomes the first contestant to reach the finale week. He says VIP members have 2 lacs in their bag now and Non-VIP members have 33 lacs in their bag. The condition was that VIPs have to maintain more money in their bag than Non-VIP members to be safe and remain VIPs but they failed to do so in this task. He says except Rakhi, all VIP members which include Rashami, Abhijeet, Ritesh and Devo as commoners now. Only Rakhi is the VIP now, she will run the house, she will be safe from the nominations and won’t do any household work. Tejasswi hugs Rakhi and congratulates her. Karan says I knew this would happen.

7:15 PM
Karan asks Shamita why are you upset? Shamita says you people kept changing the plan. Karan says yesterday I told Rajiv that Rakhi is not my priority but he went to Rakhi and told her everything. That’s why I didn’t tell him any plan today so he is angry.

Nishant jokes and asks Rashami to wash the dishes now. Ritesh says they will work also? Rakhi says yes.

Shamita talks to Rajiv and Karan. Shamita asks Rajiv if he told about Karan’s plan to Rakhi? He says I did it but in front of Karan only. I told him clearly that I wanted Rakhi to win the task. Karan says but why are you sharing my plan with her? Rajiv leaves from there.

7:30 PM
Abhijeet tells Rakhi that you are the owner of the house so support us. Rakhi says I will fight for you. Abhijeet says we have to make Devo and Rashami fight. Give me the task of cleaning the garden. Give the kitchen duty to Rashami and Devo so they will fight.

Rajiv tells Umar that you people keep charging at me. Shamita tells Rajiv that you can’t tell their plans to others. Umar says Shamita never supported you but you still trust her? Shamita says you don’t need to talk about my relationship with Rajiv. Umar says then don’t support him as per the convenience. If your relationship is strong with him then why did you want to save Neha and not Rajiv? Shamita says Umar is a bitter person, you keep everything inside you. Don’t start getting personal with me. Rajiv says Shamita has supported me always. Shamita says Umar is a terrible person, he can’t fight without getting personal. Umar tells Devo that Rajiv didn’t trust Karan so what can I do?

Pratik tells Rakhi that I want chopping duty. Rakhi says I know you will interfere in other’s duties.

Karan asks Rakhi if Ritesh will support me in the game? Rakhi says he will.

7:45 PM
Karan tells Tejasswi that Ritesh is not in our favor. He says don’t say anything to Rashami-Devo. They are playing together but pretending they are against each other. Rashami was right that Devo can flip.

8 PM
Rashami tells Karan that Ritesh is provoking Devo and she does things that go against her. Karan says Devo is on Pratik’s side. Rashami says it’s clear, she defends him. Karan says she will try to come back to you. Rashami says I will see when she comes to me.

8:30 PM
Umar tells Rashami that Rajiv thinks I was against him in the game.

Shamita asks Rajiv if you are emotionally attached to Umar then give him priority but I feel like he is trying to control him. Rakhi says everyone is asking for dinner. Rajiv says I won’t follow the orders, I am not feeling well. Shamita says give him an hour to rest. ,,

Day 69
8 AM
The inmates wake up to the song. Rakhi takes a broom and asks everyone to get up.

10 AM
Rakhi and Ritesh hug each other. Pratik says kiss kiss kiss. Ritesh gives her a small kiss on the lips. Rakhi laughs and blushes. Everyone teases her.

10:30 AM
Umar says someone las left the veggies in the dustbin, I won’t clean the trashbin. He asks Nishant if he threw it in the bin? Devo says it was fresh veggies, who threw it away? Umar asks Tejasswi if she did it? Tejasswi says it has fungus. Rakhi says it looks fresh. Tejasswi says it’s 10 days old veggies. Rakhi shouts to not waste food. I will eat it. Tejasswi says don’t be crazy, it has fungus. Devo says it doesn’t have fungus, we will eat it. Nishant says some veggies must be fine but other veggies had fungus. Devo says if you don’t want to cook something then put it back in the storeroom, don’t waste food like this. Tejasswi shouts that I didn’t know I can send it back to the storeroom. Pratik says Umar is charging at her for no reason. Umar asks him to get lost. They both start arguing. Tejasswi says let me talk at least. She tells Rakhi that it has fungus, all veggies went stale, it’s not fresh so I won’t cook it as it’s risky. I am not the one to waste food.

1 PM
Karan tells Umar that if I did a mistake then you would shout at me like that? Umar says I didn’t know it was Tejasswi who threw it away. Karan says but you didn’t have to shout at her in front of everyone. Pratik saw the chance and he took Tejasswi’s side so you scolded Tejasswi more. Just go and talk to her, she is hurt that you shouted at her.

1:15 PM
Tejasswi tells Rajiv that Pratik said Rajiv will flip the game in the end. Rajiv says I would never flip like that, I wanted Rakhi to win. Nishant asks Tejasswi if she didn’t trust Rajiv? Tejasswi says because Pratik said that Rajiv would flip. Rajiv says Pratik was joking but you didn’t show any trust in me.

2 PM
Umar tells Tejasswi that Pratik was trying to act goody goody with you. Tejasswi says if I did a mistake then talk to me, you don’t need to shout at me in front of everyone. You people don’t show trust in me. Karan does it also. If you doubt me then don’t talk about it in front of others. She tells Umar that they know how much I love you all so they never plan anything with me. Umar says if it was someone else who had thrown veggies then I wouldn’t have spared them but when I got to know it’s Tejasswi who did it then I calmed down a little. Tejasswi says Pratik played well and made you look bad.
Devo tells Pratik that Umar knows you will react that’s why he provokes you.

6 PM
Tejasswi reads the task in which Rajiv and Ritesh will be salon owners. They will do the hair styles of the girls. Abhijeet and Nishant will judge the girls and the winning girl will get a hamper.

6:;15 PM
Rajiv makes Shamita’s hair. Ritesh makes Rashami’s hair. Nishant asks Shamita if she will do a cool hairdo? Rajiv says you are disturbing me. Nishant says I don’t care if you are getting disturbed. Ritesh makes Rakhi’s hair. Rajiv makes Tejasswi’s hair. Ritesh makes Devo’s hair.

6:45 PM
Nishant says we will give scores to every girl. Rakhi is up first, she has a high ponytail. Shamita has made hair buns. Rashami has done doll hairstyle. Abhijeet says she looks innocent. Tejasswi has made buns. Devo has made high ponytail. Devo walks away like a model for Abhijeet. All laugh. Nishant and Abhijeet make Shamita the winner.

7:30 PM
Ritesh and Devo joke. Devo says Abhijeet is a fake man. Abhijeet takes off his shirt and says I am not fake. Devo shouts that he makes me work the whole day, he dances with me but when it comes to a competition then he selects another woman? She acts like crying and says he cheated me. Abhijeet takes off his shirt and says I became like this for her.

8:30 PM
Rashami tells Umar and Tejasswi that I don’t understand why they spit on the tap. Umar says we should take this issue up. He says the kitchen has most of the issues. Rashami says I don’t want the kitchen duty, it bores me, the issues there are useless. They fight over soggy veggies for hours, have some logic. Tejasswi says exactly. Rashami says they all wanted to look great by saying they will eat it. Umar says Tejasswi is an another team, she is in Nishant’s team. Karan says Nishant said that he will share a secret with her and she shouldn’t share it with Karan. He was making sure that I don’t know that you both have a secret. Rashami says I know he does it. Karan says Nishant does things behind people’s backs.

12:15 AM
Umar tells Karan that if I watch Pratik as an audience then I see him with so many girls. He was with Neha, then Akasa and now Devo. It’s always the same story. Karan says even his dialogues are same. Umar says I thought he is a genuine man but he is not.

2:30 PM
Nishant tells Rashami that Karan was never my friend on the show right? Rashami says you started bit*hing about him, you started it. Nishant says he started doing his own thing. Rashami says he was right but you ditched him.
Karan tells Umar that Nishant is trying to make friends with Rashami. He wants to become a finalist too.

4:45 PM
Rakhi does horror make up and tells Shamita that I am Julie. I have been living in this house for years. Shamita laughs at her.

5:15 PM
Rakhi scares Tejasswi. She hides from her and says I will cry, please don’t scare me. Tejasswi hides behind a sofa and says I am scared. All laugh at her. Rakhi is scaring her so Tejasswi hides behind Karan. Karan laughs at her and says she is gone. Tejasswi gets up and sees Rakhi there, she hugs Karan and says please spare me.

1:15 AM
Tejasswi tells Umar that we wanted more people on our side in the game. Karan says I never did it, I never made friends for the game only. You became Vishal’s friend for the game also? Tejasswi says you think I was Vishal’s friend because I need an alliance in the game? I don’t play those kind of games, it was someone else’s game but you don’t see that. I was good friends with Jay and Vishal. Karan says don’t be defensive. She asks Rashami if you felt I made friends with Vishal for the game? Rashami says it never seemed like that, Vishal never said anything wrong against Tejasswi. He always supported Tejasswi. Tejasswi says I know that.

1:45 AM
Karan tells Tejasswi that Rashami knew I had a problem with Vishal. I was playing along today with Rashami to know what she thought. Tejasswi says Rashami has been favoring you. Karan says that’s fine.

2:15 AM
Umar tells Karan that Tejasswi is clear that Vishal’s priority was her but then what about Shamita? Who was his sister. Karan says she said Shamita was never Vishal’s priority. Tejasswi says I was his number 1 priority. Karan says when were you going to tell us that? We didn’t know about that. Don’t pass stupid comments.

3 AM
Karan tells Tejasswi that Vishal started shit but now you are saying all that. Now I am feeling that you knew about his way of playing the game so were you okay with it or were you playing the game? Tejasswi says some of his statements were wrong like when he celebrated Raqesh leaving. Karan says I had a big issue with that statement. Tejasswi says but then you wanted to sympathize with Shamita. Karan gets angry and says are you going to make sense? You are saying I did all that for Shamita? Tejasswi says Shamita never reacted to Vishal’s statement but you were angry on Vishal for his statement?
Rajiv tells Umar that Tejasswi is two-faced, she knew all along that Vishal was supporting her but she never told us, we kept doubting him.
Karan tells Tejasswi that you dealt with Vishal conveniently. There is no difference between you and Shamita. You used him when you wanted to like Shamita did also. Vishal was wrong but you supported him because you wanted to use him as a strength. Tejasswi says I feel Shamita and Vishal were both wrong but you still support Shamita. Karan says I don’t care about Shamita. Tejasswi says sure. Karan leaves from there.

4 AM
Tejasswi sits by the pool alone and takes off her mic. She jumps in the pool to calm down.

The episode ends.

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