Bigg Boss 15 27th November 2021 Written Update

Bigg Boss 15 27th November 2021 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 15 27th November 2021 Written Episode

Weekend ka vaar
Salman welcomes everyone. He says let’s see what happens this weekend. Bigg Boss didn’t gorgive anyone this time. As per the promise, the house is cleaned. Jai, Simba, Vishal, and Neha are out. And the 7 people left, it’s very difficult for them to live. We have sent 4 wild cards, Rashmi, Devolina, Rakhi and her husband, Ritesh. Their focus and points are clear. They’ve a good plan to target inmates and kick them out. It’s 7 vs. 4. The wild cards are torturing the inmates. Today they had to tell who they think aren’t a competition. The ones who don’t deserve it. Let’s see.

Devolina says Tajaswi. I only see her with Karan or Vishal or Nishant. She doesn’t have her own stand. She never goes against the wrong. SHe throws mud on Tejaswi. Everyone claps. Devolina says the next name is Shamita. I told her before too. She keeps trusting Vishal. If you think you can’t trust Nishant, you shouldn’t trust Vishal either. Shamita says I know he speaks around but so does everyone. His way of speaking was different. Rakhi says he called her maal. But if she doesn’t have a problem they why do you? Rashmi says she had a problem. That’s what Devo is saying. If you havea problem then why take it? Shamita says stop it. It’s on me what relationship do I have with someone. He has a good side too. Just because he speaks a certain way, doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a good side. I can’t keep justify what I do in my life. Nishant and I have a different bond. Devolina says we can see that. Shamita says when there was jungle task, Pratik Nishant and I had a fight. Only Vishal was talking to me. That’s when our bond became stronger. Devolina says so you like hypocrite people. If you think he wasn’t good for you, you still want alliance. You want a friend and brother. You want everyone with you. You’re trying to influence Pratik to save Neha. Shamita says we all try to save people here. Devolina says so you will stand with wrong. That makes you weak. shamita says I don’t think so. Devolina says I do. And my opinion matters heres. She throws it on Shamita.

Rashmi says I will talk about it based on yesterday. I think first is Shamita. You are making yourself wweak. You don’t need alliance. You can play it on your own too. I want to play this game. It’s more fun when the other person is also strong. Nishant says too much sugar. She throws it on Rashmi. Rashmi calls Kraran. She says you’re too dependent on Tejaswi. She throws it on him.

Ritesh comes next. He says everyone has more potential than me. Whoever I am selecting has more potential and I saw that before. He calls Shamita. He says I thought she deserves the trophy but in last 24 hours, I feel like she’s too depressed about her friends going. He throws it on Shamita. Karan and Umar dance and pick him up. Nishant dances too. They say jeja ji.

Rakhi says jiji is coming now. She says Shamita you got many doses already. Karan you come. This chocolate boy has a Ravan too. I want that Ravan out. He was out in beginning. The girl shook your focus. I am here for you. Everyone laughs. Rakhi says wake up. I will wake you up. You want trophy right? The soliders can’t think about love at the border. They throw it on him. Karan says thank you. Rekha calls Pratik. She says I supported you from day 1. The one decision, you ditched Simba. That Neha decision. He says it wasn’t for Shamita. She’s my friend. I thought her OTT journey was short. So I thought.. She says you are here to make her win? You ditched your friend. Pratik says I told Simba already. I asked who would you save between Nishant and me. Neha was my priority. Rakhi says she didn’t save you. Pratik says I didn’t expect a return. She says take your own decision. He says I do what my heart says. Rakhi says will you play now? He says yes. She throws it on him. Rakhi calls Umar. She says you are going good.. But hitting someone wasn’t good. He says I felt bad about it. What Pratik does, he does everything for the game. I considered him my brother. Now he’s not. I have seen him. He doesn’t deserve friendship. Pratik says I liked him. But see what he did. Rakhi says be friends or enemy. If it’s a fight, fight. Rakhi throws it on him. She says the next is, my cook. You’re not here to cook only. You’ve a good here too. She calls Rajiv. She says either you are either too nice or pretending. We want to know who you are. Take a stand. He says some people talk too loud and fast. She says take names. He says Pratik speaks in everything. Pratik says get it done with. He says it’s my chance to speak. Devolina says let huim speak. He says if I feel bad, I will say it. I can’t shout 24/7. I wanna enjoy this house. Rakhi says is this moon? Karan says Rajiv you don’t need anyone to defend you. Just say it at the moment. Rajiv says I told Shamita we will support each other but play our games. I never asked her to not talk to people. Rashmi says she is seen dictating you. shamita says I advise, I don’t dictate. Rashmi says the way you speak, it looks like dictation. It goes for everyone. Rashmi says if you don’t decide your respect others won’t either. You need to draw a line. Rakhi throws it on him.

Shamita says I wanna say something. The first fight with Afsana, I won’t talk about it. The second one with her, I got into it. Because she said really bad things. But after she’s gone, if he keeps her photo, would I like it? Rakhi says she saved him so it’s her right to question it. Tejawai says he can do what he wants. Shamita says whatever happened with me, it happened because of her. How can he forgive her. Tejaswi says that’s his decision. You can fight and mend it. Shamita says I didn’t deserve it. Tejaswi says then don’t get into it. rashmi says there were a lot times when you weren’t there for him. Afsana was. Tejaswi says if he has forgiven and you’re keep grudges, then it looks like it’s your grudge that you’re using Rajiv for. He cleared it. Rajiv says I never let it out. Rajiv says she came to me and said someone behaved so bad with me. I am your sister. I feel bad, that you don’t take a stand for me. She didn’t take Afsana’s name. Tejaswi says I have seen you cry and say that you’ve forgiven Afsana. Who is she to question you.

Rakhi says very good. Everyone has woke up. Nishant says say it Rakhi. Karan says don’t get fooled by him Rakhi. Rakhi says this bee can’t fool me. Rakhi says this bee is on every door. Nishant says I like it. Rakhi says your real self isn’t coming out. When will you play your game. You have one spoon Pratik. Rashmi says student. Nishant says I don’t get what people say. He’s my genuine and good friend. They can’t stand for themselves so they speak for others. Karan says everyone can see what you did with Umar and everyone. Nishant says please tell me. Karan says you said you don’t have a problem with Tejaswi and Umar but then you play against them. Nishant says you speak behind the backs. I say it on face. Karan says I wasn’t even talking to you. Your points only come out on weekend. Pratik says so he can say whatever he awnts on weekend. They all fight. Nishant says I am mummy. You can be chachi. I know what to do. Let them decide. Play for yourself. Tejaswi says I cried for Rajiv and you called them fake tears. He says I can laugh on anything. It’s not necessarily you. Karan says you laughed on her tears. Nishant says you all also say I am Pratik’s mom. I can feel bad about that too. Nishant says I was laughing at Shamita.

Nishant says Tejaswi if you want to stay friends with me, be on your own. Karan says don’t tell her what to do. Umar says whatever Pratik does is right for you. Nishant says to Tejaswi you know I always voice things if I find them wrong. I never go and question him. Karan says you never come and talk to me. Nishant says neither do you. Karan says you never spoke to me and the entire night. Nishant says I agree but besides all that you said and things that I found one by one, how can I be okay with that? Nishant says I kept believing yo. I never said a single word to you. Rashmi says if you didn’t speak then, don’t speak now. Nishant says do what you want. You f-ed the friendship. Rashmi says friendship is either strong. Don’t back-stab. You all do that. When I am upset or sad I would go to my friend. You use each other conveniently. Karan says I always was there for him. She says you will go in and try to be friends again. Why are you talking to him now. Don’t stay with a friend who backstabs. Tejaswi says if I stand with you, and you laugh at me, it looks wrong. If they try to stand for me, they’re right. Karan says I called him friend and trusted him. Rashmi says it’s too sided. You get slapped, because it’s one sided. Umar says to Nishant talk about it to him. I realized you both have it in mind. Just say it out clearly.

Weekend ka vaar
Salman says you all saw what happened in the house. Let’s go in. He welcomes everyone. Salman says 4 of you are lucky that you will get to see Antim. The wild cards won’t see it. Every week, one of you will go out and see Antim. He asks Rakhi who is he? She says the one you have been looking for. He says everyone thought he was fictional, you proved everyone wrong. Is he real or hired? Rakhi says he’s my husband, meet your jeja ji. Karan asks Ritesh where are you from? He says I am from Bihar and currently in Belgium and I am a Software Engineer. Rakhi never lies. I was a coward that I didn’t come in front, I was very cautious about my business. I told her not to get my picture out. People used to call her a liar. I felt bad when she cried in the last season and I thought I was doing wrong. I will say it in front of everyone he’s my husband. Salman says like 11 countries police looks for dance, you work on 11 laptops. He says yeah my workday is very hectic. I have to take many meetings. Rakhi says he gets tired by the night. Salman says now you don’t have the computer, where will your fingers work now? Rakhi says on 11 contestants. Salman says or on Rakhi’s shoulders? He says I learned her value very late. I have traveled the world, she’s a precious stone. I have never seen a girl like her. She’s very honest. SAlmana says she can detect lies too. salman says bring somethign from the store.

Salman says you have to give her this rose and say a few romantic lines. He goes to rakhi. Salman says no you’ve to give it to Shamita. Everyone is shocked. They laugh. Pratik says welcome to bigg boss. Ritesh says neither me, nor you could comprehend my feelings. You are not only my friend, you’re more. Shamita hugs him. Salman says now you wil take the flower back and say I didn’t mean it and give it to Rakhi. Everyone laughs. Ritesh says Rakhi, I’ve hurt you. I am sorry for it. You’re my life and my heaven. I am sorry for it. You’re my wife and you will be for next 7 lives. He hugs her. Rakhi says thank you. Salman says you must be asking why I sent him to Shamita. He told us he really likes Shamita. SHamita says at least someone likes me. Salman says that’s the reason why you’re in the house and 4 are out. The ones who are gone out, everyone is playing very synthetic game and playing false.

Salman says the only one who was real was Simba. He didn’t do anything but was at least. No one is doing enough. You all look false. This is the first time I am getting such messages. I am very upset about it. I don’t like last season’s contestants coming in this season. But it’s the fault of inmates because we had to call them to wake you up. I kept telling you and you didn’t listen. I don’t know what’s going on in your mind. It hasn’t worked for you. These 4 work really well. When they came in the first season, they did too well. That’s why they all came to the house twice. Devo is here thrice. She’s seen everything. You guys do not stand a chance. No chance. You were all clueless and still are. They know the game. Are there are friendships? Execpt for Karan and Tejaswi. No one has any point. Tell me which one of these 4 is a tought competition. He asks Karan. Salman says none of you looks like a winner. You all are on one level and that’s very low. Every season there are people who look like winners. The wild card winners deserve trophy. None of you show your true self. The one who is doing a bit is Shamita. Sometimes you get carried away. Like Gautam was one man against everyone. Siddharth Shuklan, one man army. Tell me one person who’s that way here.

Salman says there was task where wild cards had to wake up these inmates. Shamita was targeted the most. Rashmi, you said you couldn’t connect with her. Did you connect with her as audience? Rashmi says no. Salman says what vibe is she giving that no one can connect with her? Rashmi says she gives up when her friends aren’t with her. She’s very emotional. She stays behind a barrier. She doesn’t even let people try. Until she tries, no one can go to her. It’s seen evidently. Salman asks Shamita why did you call her hypocrite? Devolina says if everyone tells you that this person is fooling you, says wrong about you. But even after that you are normal, then it feels like you’re not doing good. You need their alliance. Salman says why do you think Shamita fights and then has tea with these people? Devolina says they all think everything here is temporary and people would judge them outside. Shamita cries. Devolina says if you fight in the morning and have tea in the evening people will think you only did it for the show. Was that fight even real? It takes time to be normal. Salman says that’s correct but forgiving is also correct. Devolina says it is. But it takes time. They fight and then get normal. Salman says if there’s a fight in my family, we have fix it that night. If you drag things in time, your relations would get worse. But in this house there are no relations. It’s more about the points you take. You confuse the audience this way, you will lose the trophy. the trophy should be the goal.

Salman asks Pratik how did Simba go out? Pratik says Simba asked when he got the special right. He asked if I were in Nishant’s plan who would I take from here? Pratik says I told him Neha is my very old friend. She was my priority. I never promised him anything. I told him clearly it’s Nishant and Neha. Neha’s journey in OTT was short. I used my right to protect her. Salman says we all thought Simba is your friend. Umar says his priority is always Nishant. Salman asks Nishant, do you agree with Pratik? He says I don’t agree but he’s a grown up. He takes his own decisions. Things go up and down between him and Neha too. I told him I stay out of it. Simba him and I were good friends but Neha was his closer friend. If I had the right, I would save Simba. Salman says Pratik this confuses the audience. Say it openly. Pratik says I want to say it openly. After OTT, Salman says stop talking about OTT. It’s gone. It was past. You’re on colors now. Shamita says it’s my fault. I wanted to save Neha and Rajiv. I asked him to choosen between Neha and Simba. I had to save both Rajiv and Neha. Salman says it was Pratik’s decision and it’s not your fault. Your priorities were clear. Rajiv and Neha. You saved Rajiv and you wanted to save Neha. But eventually it was Pratik’s call. He does his own. Why should anyone be blamed for his act. Salman says your number will also come Pratik.

Salman asks Umar. Umar says Pratik asked Shamita to save Neha. He wanted to save Simba too. But for the game he had to. Pratik no one second what for game? Salman says Pratik who asked him to talk? Pratik says you did. Sorry bhai. Speak when I asked you. Umar says his priority was to save Simba and Shamita will save Neha. He sacrificed Simba when that didn’t happen. He let his friendship go. He shouldn’t be trusted. Umar says I said what’s in my heart. Salman says and another person who was targeted was Karan. Salman says we have a question and we hope you’ve an answer. When you have a fight, what you do after it? You try to explain like I am emotional. But when Tejaswi and Umar do the same, you don’t like it. You want to make up with everyone but your friends shouldn’t do it. You school them. Like Nishant and Pratik are clear, they don’t like you. They maintain their stand. You go to them and tell them you are emotional and you have a relation outside. Karan says we are friends outside. My nature is that way, we used to speak every day. There are many old memories. It comes out of me. Salman says when your friends do the same you mind. Tejaswi says on media round I was accused that I acted in front of you with tears. Salman says I was talk about confusion. When you and Kundra talk before sleeping, there is contrast is in it. You say something else then. Karan says I saw it in media round. There were journalist that said Tejaswi was doing an acting. You should have defended her. He laughed. Shamita and Pratik were doing the same.

Salman asks Rashmi to explain Tejaswi and Karan. She says Tejaswi and Karan are always together. Like mother and kids. But he is only doing what Tejaswi is asking him to do. He’s stopped using his brain. Salman says correct. She says he’s only into dressing and style and he got Umar who is doing better. Salman says this happens in love. Rashmi says it was new, I think he will get back. Salman says how will it get when it gets old? Rashmi says he won’t let Tejaswi talking to him. Karan says I didn’t expect this but it happened. Today Tejaswi asked me not to select her dresses. I said I will do my best. Rashmi says but play your game too. Salman says you are in very laid back zone. Are you in a holiday resort? Or are you at work? Okay you fell in love. This is your work. Will you like if she wins and you don’t. First two week’s Karan was different. He had a motive to fight. His focus was on trophy now it’s somewhere else. What happened now? No fighting spriti? Only love. Only 2-3 days got 4 people out. Jai looked like a contestant who could win. And he’s out. He has huge fan following. People who say you’re being see because of Tejaswi. You’ve to be seen because of your own self. Karan you are doing nothing for this audience. Do you want to give your best or not? Karan nods. Salman says you can love and all but your career is at stake.

Salman says Pratik you’re doing well but focus on priorities. He says now Rajiv. They suggested that your sister dominates you. It isn’t Shamita. When press roasted you, you took Shamita’s side and don’t stand for people who help you. Decide if you wanna be a competitor or a player. He says Shamita is my sister but I am here to play. Salman says if you win, she will be happy. You can be siblings but play the game first. It should be your first priority to take stand, entertain and go near the trophy. Wake up and adjust your focus. The 7 people here became 11 because all 7 of you couldn’t show your personality. They have fan following from older seasons. Think about it. people will go very quickly now. Salman says I feel like whatever I said they’ve start working on it.

In the house
Shamita says I have been told that I get shaken up when people close to me are gone. For me relations are very important. This game won’t come in front of relations. I will go out if I have to. For me, my relationships are my strength not weakness. Yes I shatter when my relationships aren’t doing well. Rashmi said she couldn’t relate to me because I was off. Nishant says she was talking about the show. Shamita says she’s a stranger for me. She came to me. I was heartbroken. I told Rakhi the same that Neha left. I feel low. Rakhi said it’s okay. You can meet her when you go out. If my husband goes I will stand better. It made me feel better. Rashmi judged me.

Rashmi says to Karan you’re lost. It’s not too late. He says I appreciate you telling me that. I am trying. Rashmi says you stopped playing. He says but I have a connection with Umar and Tejaswi only. I can’t trust Nishant anymore. Rashmi says you have to play for yourself. Nishant says to Tejaswi we will stay the same no matter what anyone says. Don’t let it bother you. If you have a problem you can stop talking to me. She says are you crazy? He says we are friends outside. Tejaswi says I know that. Tejaswi says many things happened and I saw how people were used. People forget when they had to take a stand. You should see it too. Nishant says I know what you mean.

Rakhi says what he said in English I didn’t get it. Ritesh says I said the connection between us, I couldn’t get it myself. I can only say that I have a feeling in my heart that you are not just a friend. Rakhi says more than friends? Sweet. Shamita says what you said for Rakhi was sweeter. He says it came from heart.

Weekend ka vaar
Salman says when you take a break, you must see promos of sirf tum. He welcomes Esha Singh and Vivian. Esha says we are like fire and water. Poles apart but fell in love. He says she’s my junior in college and my responsibility. Salman says are you comfortable with it? She says he’s caring but he gets angry. Vivian says you can say anything that’s in your heart, I gave you that right. Salman says what a chemistry. Salman says this house is a campus. People go out as per audience’s choice. Salman introduces them to inmates. Vivian says there are couples in the house. Karan and Tejaswi. Karan says I thought Karan and Umar. Good to see you borther. Vivian says another one is Rakhi and Ritesh. Esha asks which one is more compatible? Rakhi says we are official. Vivian says let’s do a compaibility test. Rakhi says what will we get? Salman says you already get it. Esha says we will ask questions, the one couple that wins, will get sirf tume jodi no. 1 title. Esha asks karan and Tejaswi to pick boards.

Tejaswi asks does Karan like Tejaswi with loose or tied house? They write loose hair. Esha asks what’s the last thing Tejaswi does before sleeping. They both right skin routine. Vivian asks what’s the first thing Karan does in the morning. Tejaswi says Umar. They both laugh. They both write, makes tea. Esha asks whow ill do the first call outside the house. They both write Karan. Esha says he has to find my number himself. That’s the plan. Salman says what a game. Karan says I have, I play the game. She says why do you have my number. Esha asks who does Karan not trust at all. They both write, Nishant. Rakhi says what a khichdi. Vivian asks which girl does Karan like talking to besides Tejaswi. They btoh write Shamita. Salman says my question, does Karan sucks in breath or pushes it out when he kisses. Tejaswi says we haven’t kissed. Salman says okay when he does, they both write inhale. Salman says wow. Everyone laughs. Salman says what a match.

Salman says Rakhi, Ritesh. She says we are not needed. They’re perfect. Salman says very difficult standard set. Let’s see Ritesh’s IQ. Rakhi says make him sit with shamita, he will answer better. Vivian asks if Rakhi were single, who would she like in the house? They both write Karan. Salman says good going. Vivian asks if Ritesh were single, who would he go with? They both write Shamita. Salman says Shamita is in demand. Esha asks which side does he sleep on? Rakhi is confused. She writes left and Ritesh writes right. Ritesh says you said right, I changed. Salman says anyone can change him. He can go from right to left. Why are inmates telling? How many people slept with Ritesh? Rakhi says we slept here. Vivian asks what do you call him by love? Rakhi writes papa, he writes jaan. Rakhi says I call you papa. Everyone knows. Salman says Ritesh lost. Vivian says Karan and Tejaswi have full marks. Esha says now let’s see who has better chemistry. Let’s see a dance.

Karan and Tejaswi dance on Saree ke fall sa. Rakhi and Ritesh dance on tere dil mein meri entry. Everyone enjoys. Salman says Karan and Tejo this is chemistry. Vivian says compatibility no. 1 jodi is Karan and Tejaswi and chemistry is Ritesh and Rakhi. Salman says what moves Ritesh. Ritesh says I danced for the first time. Vivian says didn’t look like it. They both leave.

Salman says when something goes wrong people go against it. But this Kaan (mistake) is getting a lot of appreciation. this is about a brand new show Matsiyakaan. A new show. Let’s welcome Ravi Kishan and Ravi Dubay. Salman welcomes them. He congrtulates them. Ravi Kishan says first tere naam, then bigg boss and now this show changed my career. It’s become huge. Ravi has done very well. Ravi Dubay says he’s the con man and I am the policeman. He stays in front of you and still hidden. Salman asks Ravi Kishan how do you feel like being here, you were part of season 1. He says I was very notalgic. I did well in Bhojpuri industry. I was lost. I came to this house and came back to my senses. People like me as a person. Salman asks Ravi Dubay, do you get inspired? He says yes. Salman asks them to go in the house.

In the house
Ravi Kishan and Ravi Dubay come to the house. Rakhi says Ravi Ravi.. They all clap. Ravi Kishan says Rakhi and Ritesh came in front of the world. You are doing very well. We are here to celebrate our show and then show you all a few things. How you all are falling each other and how there are no friends. You backstab. This game is like that. You’re all using your brain too much. Let’s break your heads. Ravi Dubay says there are 7 old people and 4 new VIPs. You 7 have to decide which 4 of these isn’t your threat. You have to throw that bottle on him. Ravi Kishan says we have ambulance don’t worry. Ravi asks Pratik to go first.

Pratik says rashmi isn’t a competition. She said I have confusion between me and Nishant but we are very clear. Her words doesn’t manipulate him. Rashmi says the way you’re explaining looks like it fed into you. He hits the bottle on her. Shamta comes next. She says two people threw a mud bucket on me. I would want to call Devolina. 3 of my friends left so I was very sad. She started judging me and called me weak and hypocrite. No one has ever used these words for me. I am not intimated by her. She’s woken me up but she’s not a competition for me. Devolina says if I have woken you up, I am a threat to you. That’s why you woke up to fight with me. You are being weak. You are doing tit for tat. Shamita says if you’re done talking, let me talk. Devolina says sure talk. Shamita says I won’t call Rashmi because they was she spoke to me I liked. Rakhi also gave me pointers that I really liked. But the way Devolina called me hypocrite, I didn’t like it at all. So I would like to tell her she’s not a threat. She hits it on Devolina.

Ravi calls Umar. Umar says I would call Ritesh. He’s a very good human, always smiling. Rakhi says he wants him to lose his memory after getting hit. So he can take me. Umar says I feel like Ritesh won’t take a stand here. Here you have to take a stand even if your friends are wrong. Shamita says do you? He says stay calm. Shamita says I am very calm. He says you only speak on weekend ka vaar. Rest of the days you’re in your shell. Shamita says don’t clarify. Umar says people here stay in their room for 6 days and they recall on weekend this show is about talking. Normally they’re like don’t talk loudly. Shamita says do you think I don’t take a stand? Ravi Kishan says no you take your stand. Shamita says let him talk he’s seen the show. Umar says relax, you woke up today only. Shamita says we’ve seen you waking up. Umar says speak in your turn. Shamita says I don’t need your permission. Umar says Ritesh might not take very big stands. I don’t see him as a threat. Ritesh says I do agree. He asks did anyone get married? He says my sister. Ritesh says when the bride comes to the house, she stays quiet for 3-4 days. This doesn’t mean she doesn’t know. She knows everything. But she observes first. Everyone claps and says well done Jeju. Ravi Kishan says what a choice Rakhi. Ritesh says then after a few days, she responds people back the same way. I own a multinational company. I take all decisions there If Rakhi can’t stand in front of me who are you? Ravi Dubay says the bride has woken up.

Nishant comes next. He says entertainment is by 3 things, Rakhi, Rakhi and Rakhi. She has sent the benchmark so high. The show hasn’t ended. I want to challenge her so I can break her entertainment. Rakhi says I challenge you break my level of entertainment. They both dance together. He breaks the bottle on Rakhi. Rakhi says where am I? Who am I? Nishant and Rakhi dance on ankhiyon se goli maray. Ravi Kishan calls Karan. Karan says I’ve noticed a thing in this house I have danger from people who had a place in my heart. People think Ritesh isn’t a threat but the way he’s gone into our hearts, I feel like he’s become a threat. He says Rakhi and Rashmi guided me a lot after they came in. I respect that. Devolina said a thing that we couldn’t say about Shamita, it was very clear. I felt like why Devolina didn’t say anything to me. So I want to take this chance to say to devolina that I respect you but we have to fight for it. I would want you to become a challenge for me. ravi Kishan says what do you want to say? Is she a threat? He says no. Ravi says you’re playing reverse psychology. Devolina says I would love be a threat for him. Ravi Dubay says Tejaswi and Karan you both look very good together. Very cute. Karan hits Devoline. Rajiv says to Rakhi you were such a good entertainer in your last two season but I will be the entertainer this time. He breaks it on her. Tejaswi says to Devolina you didn’t see my game well. You said I don’t stand alone. Devolina says you never stand against Karan or Umar. When Karan hit you said you were scared. It gets over your right and wrong. Tejaswi says I was also upset at him. I don’t need to justify to you about my stands. She hits the bottle. Ravi says there are still many masks that must fall. You all are a threat to each other. He says Devolina three people said you’re not a threat, she says I will be. They leave.

Shamita says to Rajiv, he’s trying to irk me. If he wants to be on that side I can totally do it. He gets very ill-mannered. Be careful of him. Rajiv says sure. Shamita says I really like Rakhi. I like Rashmi too. Devolina was right I did tit for tat. Devolina says I don’t get angry, I get hurt. Shamita says you were right. I did tit for tat. We didn’t speak. Devolina says you were upset and then that task happened. Shamita says let’s sit and talk tomorrow. She says sure.

Weekend ka vaar
Salman says we all saw what happened in this house. we will have Sunil Shetty and his son will be here. Neha Dhupia will be going into the house tomorrow. He sees off everyone.

Episode ends.

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