Bigg Boss 15 8th December 2021 Written Update

Bigg Boss 15 8th December 2021 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 15 8th December 2021 Written Episode

Day 66
Karan reads the task in which the VIP members can win a ticket to the finale week. The non-VIP members will decide who will get the ticket. There will be 4 rounds in which the non-VIP members will go in a den and take another non-VIP member’s bag. They will walk on the stairs with their bags and others will throw the trash from the bag. The non-VIP member who has the heaviest bag at the end of the round will win that round, the VIP members will announce a winner, then that non-VIP member will eliminate one VIP member from the task. The VIP members can negotiate to give away 10 lacs from their treasure box. At the end of the round, the non-VIP member will accept one offer and eliminate one VIP member from the task.

4:45 PM
Abhijeet tells Rashami that it’s the chance to go to the finale week so we don’t need give away money. Ritesh tells Rakhi and others to keep fooling them, we can’t lose money to them.

Shamita tells her team that I don’t mind giving it to Rakhi, it’s a finale week and not a finalist. Let’s target Abhijeet, Ritesh and Devo first. Karan says I agree.

Shamita tells Rajiv that I don’t want Abhijeet till the finale here.

5:15 PM
The first round starts, the non-VIP members take others’ bags and stand on the stairs. They all start attacking each other’s bags. Nishant tells Karan to keep the task between you, me and Tejasswi.
Devo tells Rashami that Nishant is not pedaling on the stairs so we will disqualify him. Pratik asks who wants to go to the finale week? Rakhi says me.

5:30 PM
Devo asks Rakhi to not change her stance, we will disqualify them. The round ends.

Rashami weighs their bags and Tejasswi wins the round. Pratik asks her to talk to everyone.

Tejasswi asks Abhijeet about his offer. He says 5 lacs. Bigg Boss asks who won the round? Devo says no one was the winner in this task as no one had a filled bag. This round had no winner. Tejasswi says you don’t even want to the finale week ticket? Devo says you were not pedaling on the stairs, you didn’t play the task. Rajiv asks Rakhi to be fair, we will give you the ticket. Shamita tells to get the ticket, just negotiate the offer with Tejasswi. Umar asks Rashami to use her mind and not follow Devo. Tejasswi says all VIPs are fools to listen to Devo. Abhijeet says I don’t want the finale week ticket. Shamita says they don’t want to do the task. Karan says we won’t do the task like this.

6 PM
Bigg Boss calls everyone to the garden. He says VIP members are judges of this task and they have decided that no one was a winner in this round. Their decision is final so we won’t interfere. Bigg Boss says but the ticket to finale week will be given to one VIP member so no round can be rejected in this task. We want to tell you that the non-VIP members didn’t get a chance to negotiate the prize money so we will deduct 10 lacs from the VIP members but we won’t give to the non-VIP members. Bigg Boss says we will accept VIPs’ decision that no one was a winner in this round so they will take a decision themselves and will eliminate one VIP member from the task. They can take a mutual decision or majority voting. All non-VIP members dance in front of them and say keep doing this. Bigg Boss asks the VIP members to take a decision fast. Nishant teases Devo. Karan asks Devo to keep getting all the rounds rejected. Nishant says Rakhi should play for herself now.

The VIP members sit in their room. Nishant comes there and says Devo you must be feeling bad.

6:30 PM
Rashami asks Abhijeet who you don’t want to see as a finalist? Abhijeet says I won’t take anyone’s name. Rakhi says I am a weak contestant. Devo says we will decide mutually. They takes Abhijeet’s name.

6:45 PM
Nishant tells Tejasswi that we have to negotiate for the highest amount.

Devo eliminates Abhijeet from the task, she says he keeps saying that he doesn’t need it. Abhijeet says the audience will save me.

7 PM
Umar tells Abhijeet that they are making you look like you don’t care about the ticket. Abhijeet says I won’t beg them, I wanted to take Devo’s name but they didn’t listen to me. Ritesh says they are provoking Abhijeet.
Ritesh tells Devo that I can get eliminated from the task volunteerly but I don’t want to lose money. Devo says Rashami keeps asking me to go against them. Ritesh asks who will you eliminate between Rashami and Rakhi? Devo says if Rakhi doesn’t give away money then I will choose her.

Karan tells Rashami that you can give us money and win this task, you don’t need this VIP membership moving forward.

7:15 PM
Shamita tells Devo that only you keep talking at the end of the task. Devo says no other VIP member talks, they keep forcing me to talk. Rashami says you are not weak, we all support you. We all agreed to your decision, we were united. Abhijeet says Devo never takes a stand for myself. Devo asks him to stop it. Rashami says Abhijeet is playing a politics, he doesn’t want to take a name but he gets angry if we eliminate him? Devo charges at Abhijeet and says he kept talking about cheating Rashami. Abhijeet says I knew Rashami and Devo were plotting all this together. Devo charges at him and says he is a *****. Rashami takes her from there. Shamita says she got angry with me when I cursed but she is cursing at him today? Nishant says you can taunt her later on. Devo tells Rashami that I am losing it. Rashami says I know but don’t give him attention. Devo throws a bottle near Abhijeet. Rashami hugs Devo to calm her down. Ritesh shouts at Rakhi to shut up, don’t come near me. Shamita says I don’t like the way he talks to me.
Devo cries and tells Rashami that I need a little time, I have to control myself. Rashami says you are not talking to me at all. Devo says you don’t spend time with me, you didn’t share a bed with me. Rashami says I am sorry. Devo says you keep spending time with Rajiv. Devo cries so Rashami hugs her and says you are sounding like my boyfriend right now. Devo laughs. Rashami says I am your boyfriend and you are my girlfriend complaining. Rashami says I will shift my bed with you.
Rakhi tells Ritesh and Abhijeet that we will be a decision maker. Karan tells them that anyone will give away the prize money so take a stand for yourself. Devo comes there. Abhijeet says she cursed at me. Rashami asks him to stop it. Abhijeet says I can curse too. Devo says if he doesn’t stop it then I will curse more. Rashami takes Devo from there. Bigg Boss says Abhijeet is out of the task but he is still a judge in the task.

7:30 PM
The 2nd round starts, non-VIP members take each others’ bags. They all start padeling on the stairs. Tejasswi says I won’t attack Nishant’s bag. Karan says Nishant attacked my bag. Pratik says we just need to focus on the money. Nishant attacks Shamita’s bag and says I didn’t attack Tejasswi’s money. Umar says Nishant made a deal and now he is acting like he did a favor on Tejasswi.

Rashami tells Ritesh to let’s play individually, we all deserve the ticket so let’s play.

Umar tells Tejasswi to attack Nishant’s bag, you people are playing a game. Pratik says we are doing it fairly. Tejasswi says I don’t know what your plan was. Nishant asks Tejasswi to just empty my bag to pacify Umar. Umar says you all want to play like this? Tejasswi says Nishant saved my bag last time so I am saving his bag this time. Umar says keep doing a deal. Nishant tells Umar to win the round and bring 10 lacs, we don’t care about who wins the task. Umar says then why you people are making deals between each other? Tejasswi says I thought it was the plan to not attack Nishant’s bag. Nishant says I don’t care about whoever wins, we just need the money. Shamita says we should decide one name before the round starts.

The round ends and Umar has the heaviest bag so he wins the round. Rashami offers him 50K, Rakhi offers him 1 lac. Ritesh offers him 2 lacs. Umar says I want 10 lacs. Devo offers him less amount. Rashami asks Devo to think and play. Devo says I am negotiating. Shamita tells Rakhi to offer 10 lacs and you will win. Umar will make you the winner. Just play for yourself. Rakhi writes 10 lacs and offers it to him. Shamita says Rakhi won. Umar says Rakhi has offered me 10 lacs. Shamita says now Rakhi has the power to eliminate anyone. Rashami calls Umar and offers him 10 lacs. Devo offers him 10 lacs on Rashami’s saying. Ritesh says Rakhi messed up the game. Rakhi says how? I offered him first. Umar says I will consider everyone in the task. Umar asks Rakhi who will you eliminate? She says Rashami. Devo says I will eliminate Ritesh. Ritesh says I will eliminate Rashami. Karan asks why? Ritesh says we don’t get along. Umar says Devo wants to eliminate you. Shamita tells Rakhi that Umar likes Rashami so don’t eliminate her. Rakhi says it’s up to my fate then. Shamita tells her to eliminate Devo if she wants Umar to choose her. Rajiv says just take Devo’s name. Rakhi says okay. Devo tells Rashami that Umar wants to eliminate me from the task, I know that.

8:15 PM
Ritesh tells Umar that you are a good man, if Rashami can flip on us then she can flip on you also. Forget about your friendship with her. Rakhi tells Umar that I will save you in the future. If you want then I can change the name. Rajiv says you will have to eliminate Ritesh in the next round. Rakhi says I will do it, she asks Umar to think about it.

Karan tells Rashami that Tejasswi is not talking to me as she thinks I plotted something with Nishant but I didn’t.

Umar asks Devo if she will eliminate Ritesh? She says yes. Umar says I am taking Devo’s offer of 10 lacs and eliminating Ritesh from the task. He says Rakhi, Rashami and Devo deserve the ticket more so I am eliminating Ritesh. Bigg Boss says today’s time of the task has ended. The non-VIP members have 13 lacs in the treasure box now.

Pratik tells Abhijeet to play for himself.

Shamita tells Rajiv that I want to save Rakhi, I feel bad as she doesn’t understand the task her so I want her to win.

Rakhi tells Pratik that we will get a chance too. Pratik says you have to take up the opportunity.

Karan tells Shamita that Umar didn’t want to eliminate Rashami that’s why he didn’t choose Rakhi.

Rashami tells Devo that Ritesh and Rakhi took my name. Rakhi gave the offer first. Devo says I promised Rakhi to not take her name so I will have to take your name. Rashami says you can’t do promises like that. Devo says I will keep the minimum bid. Rashami says Ritesh and Rakhi have an alliance. Devo says Ritesh doesn’t support Rakhi always.

Rakhi tells Ritesh that you keep listening to Abhijeet. Ritesh says you are a sensible person, you gave away the offer too soon. Shamita asks them to support each other, don’t fight on the TV like this. Rakhi says he keeps scolding me. Ritesh says Umar is against you and me.

9 PM
Devo tells Rashami that Abhijeet is hurt as I cursed at him. She goes to him and cries. She says I am really sorry. Abhijeet says you can be angry but don’t curse at me. Devo says I am sorry, your words hurt people. Abhijeet says you should have talked to me clearly. I can say that you are faking your tears right now. Devo leaves from there.

Devo is crying. Rashami goes to her and asks what happened? Devo says I respect Abhijeet, I didn’t like his words but I kept it inside me. I am feeling bad for treating him like that. Rashami says I am feeling bad for you that you took it all in, you are actually crying for him? I know how he talks so don’t feel bad. Devo says I don’t know why I am feeling bad. Rashami says you shouldn’t have said sorry to him.

Abhijeet tells Rakhi that Devo will cheat you. Rashami and Devo are one. I am telling you that they have a setting. Devo came to me and cried but I told her she is faking it. Ritesh says but you keep sitting with her.

10:30 PM
Karan tells Umar that you and I want Rashami to win. Pratik and Nishant want Devo to win. Shamita and Rajiv want Rakhi to win. If Nishant plays in the last round then they can spin the task. Umar says we have to eliminate Devo. Karan says I will talk to Nishant.

Shamita tells Pratik that I am supporting Rakhi so dont’ flip on me. He nods.

Rajiv tells Rakhi that Umar and Karan want Rashami to win. Shamita and I are supporting you. I don’t mind Rashami winning but I want you to win also. Rakhi says you want Rashami to win? I supported you.

12 AM
Karan goes and hugs Tejasswi. He asks if they can talk? I don’t know what I did. Tejasswi says why are you upset? Karan says I was not planning anything. Tejasswi says go and talk to other people. Karan says like Shamita and Rajiv? I am planning to make Rashami the winner. Tejasswi says I don’t have a problem with that. Karan says you were planning everything with Nishant and Pratik. Tejasswi says really? Don’t blame me for that. You never talk to me, you keep planning with others. I do all the things for you but look at the way you treat me. I never talk to Nishant and Pratik about the game. They are not my priority in the game. Pratik treats me like his sister but I don’t expect him to support me in the game. I don’t care if cheats me but I can see what you are doing for other people. Karan says good, thank you for the information. He goes from there.

12:15 AM
Rakhi tells Devo and Nishant that they will support me if I eliminate you. Karan and Umar want to save Rashami. Pratik says you people should have eliminated Rashami in the first round. Devo says I didn’t think of that. Rakhi says you both go against each other but then you both want to be friends also. You can’t be at two places. Rashami tells Rajiv that I will have to eliminate Devo.

The episode ends.

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