Bigg Boss 16 2nd November 2022 Written Update

Bigg Boss 16 2nd November 2022 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 16 2nd November 2022 Written Episode

Day 31
8 PM
Ankit hugs Priyanka. She says don’t touch me. Move from here. I don’t want all this. He says I am talking. she says you never talk. You don’t exist me. Keep it like that. He says you want it like that? She says yes. He says okay. Ankit leaves in anger. Priyanka cries. Abdu asks Soundarya Gautam Sharma how are you? She says I am fine Abdu drama Rozik. He says how are you SOundarya Gautam Sharma? She says my father will fight with you. Sajid consoles Priyanka. He says don’t cry. she says he always does rubbish. He does this every time. He says I do this myself. Sajid says we know how much you care for me. Priyanka says he is always happy alone. Nothing matters to him. Sajid says he’s always with you. He cares for you. He cares for you a lot. He eats with you only.

8:30 PM
Abdu and Nimrit say Gori and Stan aren’t talking. Sajid says to Ankit let it be pleas.e He says I am also done. She thinks she is always right. Abdu says they’re tiring to influence them. Abdu says Soundarya and Gautam have been sitting with Gori and Stan. Shiv says Gautam and Soundarya are doing right as per their game. MC and Gori will come back here.

11:15 PM
Ankit sits next to Priyanka. She says go from here. He says I won’t take your permission. She says don’t show me this attitude. Do you want me to start talking right away? He says okay you have fun. I have no hope for you. She says you gave me this change. He says should I say old things in front of the camera? Priyanka says what? Don’t threaten me. Say it. I was never wrong. He says you never accept when you are wrong. Priyanka says should I say things from your past? See your threats. He says see yourself. I have seen enough. She says yeah you have seen enough that I have given you so much room. He says yeah you’re never wrong. Priyanka says I was an idiot and that I always ended up trusting you. She asks Gori is there an empty bed in your room? Gori takes her. Priyanka cries to Sajid. she says he said should I say things on camera? What would I say? What past? Ankit says you have made mistakes too. Everyone is right and you’re wrong. Priyanka says I was happy when I wasn’t talking to you for 5 months. Shiv Stan and Gori console Priyanka.

Sajid says to Ankit she is hurt because they brought them past. Ankit says I also have a tolerance level. Sajid says just hug her and end this. That’s all she needs. Priyanka says we didn’t speak for 5 months. I fixed things. I went back to him. I shared things with him and he wants to say them on TV. Ankit comes there and tries to hug her. Priyanka says he said he will say things in the past. I want to know what he meant. Ankit hugs her. Priyanka says what was it? Gori says there’s nothing. Sajid says say sorry Ankit. Ankit says I am sorry. Abdu hugs them. She laughs. Sajid says she sees is smiling. Tina, Shalin, and Nimrit say are they fake?

11:30 PM
Sajid says so many emotions and it’s just friendship. Tina says they’re always together. Gautam and Ankit discuss how Shalin is fake. Gautam says everyone can see it. Ankit says he says I smile because I am nice. They laugh. Sumbul comes. Ankit says you give me strength. I felt like I am stuck in the wrong place but when I see you I feel some motivation. They laugh.

12:45 AM
Priyanka says you said I can say things from the past. I had to make you say it otherwise I would look wrong. He says I am sorry.

Day 32
8 AM
Everyone wakes up and sings the anthem. Tina and Shalin have tea. Archana says to Shiv that people call it friends but there is a relationship. Shiv says everyone can see what is real and fake. Archana says attachment isn’t loved.

10 AM
Abdu says to Stan speak out whatever is bothering you. Shiv asks what happened. Sajid says tell me what happened? He leaves. Abdu says Stan and Goria are sitting with Gautam and Soundarya. Sajid says they’re provoking him that you are Stan and Shiv is influencing him.

2 PM
Sumbul picks up the call. Bigg Boss asks for Gautam and fires Gautam. Bigg Boss asks Archana if is everything good. She says everyone is smoking in my room. It’s not right. He says it’s an emergency bathroom for everyone. Why do you come late to the living area? Will it be called star entry? She says I will be careful. Bigg boss says Gautam you said you want captaincy to justify your feelings with Soundarya and saved yourself. You couldn’t stop Soundarya from speaking English. Soundarya says I am sorry. He says being the captain your entire focus was on Soundarya. The house was a mess. You’re fired. You all get your grocery back. You all might have an opinion if Gautam was able to succeed in the mission he got captaincy for. He says that soon there will be a court session in the house. He asks Nimrit why are you smiling? She says I see an aspect of my life.

2:15 PM
Nimrit asks Shiv did you speak to Stan? Shiv says Sajid said he will come back. I asked him if anything is wrong. He ignored me. Shalin asks for more chicken.

Shiv says I won’t believe it when I get butter at him. I am sure when Ankit speaks all the cameramen fight to record it. They laugh. Stan says my school-going brother cracks better jokes.

2:45 PM
Bigg Boss says Ankit and Gori are the court’s judges. He says you will have to speak a bit Ankit. Ankit says that’s fine. Bigg Boss says you will have to conduct the court. Ankit says can we punish them? Bigg Boss says yes. Bigg Boss says Gautam come and stand here. Nimrit and Stan are lawyers. I will tell allegations about Gautam and Stna is Gautma’s lawyer. Nimrit is against him. Whoever’s statements judges like, the lawyer will get a special target. After 4 days we feel like Gautam and Soundarya’s relationship is still fake. We will start this after the buzzer.

Nimrit says I will call Shalin and Shiv as my witness. And then Archana. Gori says to Stan you should talk to people and convince them.

3:30 PM
Ankit says that only a person who is called to speak can speak. Bigg Boss says can I speak? They laugh. Bigg Boss says Soundarya also stands with Gautam. You either speak in English or take your mic off. Soundarya says I didn’t know how to translate it. Bigg Boss says what were you talking about? She says I was saying they’re playing for eviction. He says so you took your mic off? As punishment, there will be no vegan grocery in this house. There will be deductions from another grocery too. Everyone is mad. Archana says to punish the one who did it.

The court session starts. Nimrit says their screenplay started from the first weekend when they got shot together so Gautam thought this was a better game to play. Stan says this is a lie. Nimrit calls Shalin. Shalin says on the weekend when Gautam was nominated we wanted to help him shine. So we were joking about him having a relationship. Shalin says he said I have no other option. Stan says he didn’t know who would love him? It’s a two-way thing. Stan calls Sajid. Stan asks do you their love is true? He says yes there are three reasons. I know the first one and they know the rest. If their love is fake then all friendships here are fake too. The whole house was against Gautam but Soundarya stood with him. Nimrit says did she say what Gautam did was wrong? He says yes. Nimrit calls Shiv. He says friendship and love are slow. A guy danced with her. You said such a bad word about the girl you love? This isn’t fair. now she is standing with him because Karan called it fake. They are proving a point, not love.

Stan calls Gautam. Gautam says Shalin suggested I play a love angle to save myself. He then suggested I start with Tina. Everyone is shocked. Gautam says he saw in old episodes that this angle works. I told him I ma out of this. If he’s with Tina today then it shows what his plan was. Nimrit asks did we talk about it? Did you admit this relationship isn’t real? He says I never said it. Nimrit says did you deny the statement when you said I have no other option? He says I said I love her and I have no other option. Ankit says no one will shout in the court. Ankit and Gori discuss it might have started that way but now it looks real.

Nimrit asks Archana. Archana says Gautam I said I will flirt with any girl who comes through the wild card. But now it’s started with Soundarya so people will get me wrong. It’s fake love that’s for the camera only.

4:30 PM
Stan calls Soundarya. Soundarya says he’s my love. If you call love fake. Shalin tried to hook Gautam with Tina. What is he doing with Tina? Shalin says it’s not fake like you. Ankit says this case isn’t about Tina. Soundarya says if it’s hurting her so much then imagine how we feel being called fake all the time.

4:45 PM
Ankit says after hearing all the statements. The court has decided that the love might have started because of the love angle but now it’s real. MC Stan is the winner. Bigg Boss says MC Stan the grocery is in the store and you can distribute half of it in the rooms as per your choice. Shiv tries to help Stna. He says I will do it myself.

5:15 PM
Priyanka says to Archana you said Gautam flirted with you too? Gautam says yeah you can’t keep calling other people’s feelings fake. Archana says the world is saying this because you are stuck in this game now. Tina says both judges were Stan’s friends. It was biased. Nimrit says everything was fair here. Because of Soundarya, we lost groceries too. It’s their fault every time. Shalin says he said something about Soundarya just 3 days ago. I don’t even want to repeat it. Nimrit says he even said I don’t have an option.

Gautam says some people think you’re faking, some think you love her but people will talk. Do you. Gautam says exactly.

5:30 PM
Archana says if I am cooking I will clean. If you are cooking you will clean. Sajid says I am doing it don’t tell me the rules. She says I am, not like it. He says what do you mean? She says I mean not angry like you.

6 PM
Bigg Boss says the time for the next session. I will set my court now. I want to talk about Stan because his efforts were barely there and half-hearted. I don’t know what my judges liked about him literally saying nothing. So I fire him. Nimrit dances around him. She says the next defense lawyer is Soundarya if she can talk in English. I also fire the judges. Everyone dances. Tina says I love you Bigg Boss. Boss says the next judges are Priyanka and Tina. Everyone laughs. Bigg Boss says the next allegation is that like hiss relationship his friendship with Shalin from Gautam’s side is also for the camera. To be seen on camera he fights with Shalin and becomes friends with him.

6:15 PM
Soundarya tries to convince Sajid. Gori and Stan try to speak to shiv. Gori says she tried to boss us. We feel like a crowd since Nimrit came here. Stan says you are acting like Shalin. Stan says if you don’t think we are important then don’t talk. Stan leaves in anger. Sumbul says it’s their topic don’t bring me in it. Shalin says no one would.

Priyanka repeats the allegation and the session starts. Shiv and Stan keep arguing. Shiv says everyone can see your attitude. Priyanka says we have started. Nimrit calls Shalin. She asks did Gautam call you a brother and then nominated? He says exactly. Nimrit says he never came to you when so much was said against you. Shalin says he didn’t speak to me for 12 days. Soundarya says if he was fake he would come to you and show up on camera. When did you feel like it was for footage?

Soundarya asks Gautam. He says he was mad at me because of the nomination. People told me about the incident he did and I took a fair decision. He came to me when Sumbul came to me.. Nimrit says did you say Shalin and I face off? Gautam says yes I did. When he fought with me. Nimrit says he thought people wanted to see a face-off.

7:15 PM
Sumbul says it’s not fake. There were misunderstandings. Tina ask when Gautam didn’t support you when Shalin was called out for you, was that real? Archana says Tina is a lawyer or a judge. Nimrit says he keeps changing his opinions.

7:30 PM
Nimrit says this man does things calculated. He thinks what people would think. Soundarya says Nimrit interferes so much. If Gautam was fake he would do it every day. Tina and Ankit discuss. Ankit says to Sumbul they will decide it’s fake. Nimrit wins the case. Bigg Boss asks Nimrit to distribute the rest of the groceries.

Soundarya says Bigg Boss kept Tina judgmental. Bigg Boss is biased himself.

7:45 PM
Shiv and Sajid try to talk to Gori. Gori says we are just a crowd. We feel like we play according to Shiv. People say that. If you’re not telling us your conversations with Nimrit you change your topic, how are we friends? Shiv says Stan compared me with Shalin. He expects us to talk to her but she never talks to us. Nimrit takes him to a side. Shiv says I will ensure that doesn’t happen. Some misunderstanding happened from my side. Sajid makes them hug. Gori says we want to see the trophy in your hand.

8 PM
Gautam says to Shalin now you know it’s fake. Soundarya says at least he’s fake. Shalin says it was him in the court session. Gautam says I could fake friendships with the right people. Shalin says you don’t even have the audacity to talk it out. Gautam says I don’t need footage from you. You called me fake, that’s fine.

9:15 PM
Shalin says Bigg Boss please send my chicken. I am very hungry, I will get it made.

Episode ends

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