Bigg Boss Season 10 10th November 2016 Written Update

Bigg Boss Season 10 10th November 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss Season 10 10th November 2016 Written Episode

Day 25
Song tum toh plays, inmates wake up. Swami, Lopa and Mona are dancing.

Mona is messing Manu’s hair, Manveer says this is against indian culture, Mona says let Swami come, i will do more PDA infront of him. Swami comes there, Mona hugs Manu and messes his hair, they laugh. Manveer says this is not comfortable for some people, Manu says we should tie rakhis? Mona hugs Manu closely and says i will beat you, she cutely calls his name, Swami is watching them and leaves from there after glaring them, Manveer says good job Mona, she says i will do more.

Manu says to Naveen that Bani woke up and took one hour to do breakfast then one hour to work out then she will take bath and will go to sleep, she wont talk to anyone whole day, thats
her routine everyday, Manveer says even then she will go till finals, Manu says even Rahul, he just keep sitting on his bed, drink 5-6cups of coffee whole day, he will go to finals too. Lopa and Rohan just wake up and look at each other, but Mona and my story is going while they keep talking whole day but no one comments about them, Manveer says they dont do anything, they just keep sitting, Manu says only Mona tried to break wall between teams and they are putting her in jail for that.

Manveer is shaving Naveen’s hair with razor, Naveen is little scared, Lopa says use scissor, i cut Rohan’s hair yesterday, should i help? Naveen says okay, she starts trimming his hair, Manveer says she is talented, she knows everything, Man says Naveen is looking goat to be sacrificed on eid, Swami says Naveen got lucky to get haircut form Lopamurda.

Bigg boss says to inmates that there is no difference between inmates now so we need one captain to run house, captain will get immunity and this year, captain will get special powers, Bani is jumping hearing it. To get captaincy, the first three contestants to go inside confession room post the announcement will compete for the position of the captain. Making their way into the confession room first and nominating themselves for the captaincy task are Bani, Manu and Om Swami.
in confession room, Bani says why did i come here? Bigg boss says are they giving names for captaincy? Bani asks if she can give anyone else name in place of her? he says only yours, she says okay. Swami says i am becoming contender, Manu says me too. Bigg boss ask them to leave. They come out of room, Bani says to Karan why did you come inside?
Manveer says i went to bathroom, i should have been here, Manu says i went so nothing to worry, we are team, Manveer says Bani and Swami shouldnt have come.

Swami says to Gaurav and Rohan that i dont have problem with Bani becoming captain but i dont want Manu to become captain. Rahul asks him to remain standing outside confession room, i will be upset if you dont become captain, Swami goes, Rohan laughs, Rahul says let him become captain, it will be fun.
Manveer tells Mona that he desperately wanted to become the captain of the house and regrets not making it to the confession room in time.
Rohan chants that captain should be like Bani, Lopa leaves listening it. Niti says why you are miffing her? he says whatever i do is less for her. Swami comes to Rohan and says i am on Bani’s side, i dont want Manu to become captain.
Gaurav tells Bani that Swami was saying Manu has three votes while all are on Bani’s side, Swami will pretend to fight against Bani first and when Manu will loose his votes then he will back down from election and let Bani win, Bani says lets see, Manveer says we will fight till end.
Niti says to Lokesh that if Swami becomes captain then house can be in chaos.

Gaurav gives his share of chocolate to Mona and Lopa, Mona thanks him for his sweet gesture and tries to hug him. Gaurav however, gives her a cheek-to-cheek air kiss stating that her ‘special someone’ inside the house will not like him hugging her, he points at Manu.
Mona comes to Manu, Mnau says you were flirting with Gaurav? she says you are looking smart, why you keep saying that? you know he said that he cant hug because you will not like it, Manu smiles, Mona says why you blame me that i was flirting with him? Manu says you had interest in him, i saw you holding his hand earlier too, Mona says no.

Niti reads captaincy task to inmates. Bigg Boss announces the captaincy task called ‘Siyasat’(politics) in order to elect the first captain of the house. In captaincy task, where the three contenders Manu, Swami and Bani have to pose as leaders of three different political parties and win votes of the contestants. In one or more ways they have to convince their fellow housemates to join their party by wearing a garland of their party’s signature colour. While Bani is team yellow and Manu is team white, Swamiji is allotted the color red. Bani, Manu and Swamiji also have the power to punish any contestant by putting him/her in jail for breaking rules and if two leaders are ready to free them from jail then they can be freed but the inmate who will remain in jail till end, will not be able to vote for choosing captain, contenders have to give speech too in garden. Even before the commencement of the task, Swami announces that he wants to put Mona and Manveer in the jail so that Manu will lose the task, all laugh. Naveen says you cant decide alone, you want Bani and Manu’s acceptance for that. Naveen asks what you want? Swami says i want to become captain, Naveen says you wont become like this.

All are in garden. Bani is standing on stage, she says brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, ladies and germs gather around. I will try to get more food for you people, i will try to get things for vegetables, Rahul asks if she will equally divide household work? Bani says i will divide work and will give punishment after listening to everyone’s suggestions. My voting color is yellow so wear this garland. Manu comes on stage, he says i came as a commoner, people didnt like me at start, i will feel good to be captain but i will be commoner and will cook food, i will not try to give reason to complains, i will do most work. Naveen lifts him, Manu says white is my color and this is sign of peace. Swami comes on stage and says i am follower of you all, Bigg boss sent back and i touched feet of everyone, Bani and Manu keep personal revenge in their hearts, the one who will vote for me then i will take them to top 3, all laugh, Niti says this is luring, Swami’s color is red. Mona wears Manu’s garland. Gaurav and Karan wears Bani’s garland.

Lopa is wearing Swami’s red garland while Naveen is wearing white. Naveen says to Swami that you wont get votes, Lopa says he has votes, Naveen says Bani will win and will be gone, Naveen says we respect you, we give you food and all, i request you back down and make collation with Manu, if you want to give good message to people then this is great, Lokesh is wearing Swami’s color too. Swami says i will do what i want, Naveen says you have got chance, you wont get it again, both are bad so see who is more bad, Lopa starts leaving but Swami calls her aside, Bani comes and says i wanna talk to Swami. Swami says let me talk to Lopa first, Bani starts leaving but he calls Bani and says they are trying to lure me to make collation with Manu but it will do it then i will make collation with you only, Bani says i am not forcing you to do anything, what you think is right, do that, Lopa says yes do what you think is right.

All inmates are eating food, Swami says i will bring things what anyone wants, Manu says only for today, Swami says no i bring things for everyone what they want, Naveen asks Manu to not go against Swami, talk nicely with him, Manu breaks his garland and says why you keep irritating me? you keep trying to make me learn how to talk to him, i dont want his votes, i am not there to be slave of anyone, you keep pointing at me, Naveen glares him and leaves. All see their bickering, Lokesh says Rohan is slipping cell, he wont say anything, Manu says comment directly to me. Swami says i will eat after everyone eat, Manu says he is not eating first only today, he asks if he will stay silent whole week? Swami says see Manu broke his garland, Manu mimics Swami, all laugh, Manveer says this is not peace. Lopa shouts that be silent, its so irritating, she asks Swami to be silent or else will take off your garland.
Manu says to Swami that you change at end, you dont know what is happening, Swami says i will do what you people say, i will be good with them but i will be on your side, Manu says you wont win, only Bani will win because we have only 5votes, when your votes start getting less then come to me and we will do collation, we will put some people in jail and merge our votes to make me win.

Bani says to Lopa that i never intend to hurt you in immunity task, i never wanted to attack or hurt you but if you got hurt then i am sorry. Lopa says if you had said sorry before then i would have accepted it but now it seem fake, yesterday too you said that you wont apologize for anything that happened in task, Bani says its okay, Lopa says i dont want to argue, Bani says then vote for whoever you want, Lopa says sure and leaves. Lopa goes and wears white garland in support for Manu.
Manu says to Mona that whoever votes for Bani is coward. Lopa comes there and shows that she has worn his garland, Manu thank you darling.
Bani says do whatever you want people.

Rohan and Rahul are wearing Bani’s color, Rohan says to Swami that you are here to make someone win right? then captaincy wont matter to you, you should rest, captaincy will be hectic, i am sure you will go till finals so i should help someone else with captaincy, i am sure you will win.
Lopa asks Manu about Bani’s votes.

Lokesh says to naveen that you know when we wear white color? he says its peace color, Lokesh says its worn you know when. Lokesh says you talk about team but you dont even ask for tea, Naveen, Manu and all are drinking tea, Naveen offers her tea, she says i wont drink it now, she says to Manu that you didnt recognize me now. She is wearing yellow garland now.

Swami says to Manu that you can win, i will come on your side and put Niti in jail as she is talking in english then your votes will be more, Manu says i will talk to everyone, you take off yours and wear my white color, Swami leaves. Manu tells hi team that Swami wants to put Niti in jail, they laugh, Manu says he wants to put Lokesh in jail but i dont want victory like that.

Mona says i dont have any importance, Manveer is your friend, Manu says i met Manveer in house too, Mona says i came late to your side, Manu says you came running to me and rubbed my knee, Mona punches him and says why you are talking like this? he says i am joking, your team made controversy of it.

Swami says to Gaurav that Bani is winning so we should select her unanimously. Manu says and what you said earlier? you wanted to put Lokesh and Niti in jail to let me win, Lokesh says you said that? Swami says they are lying, they asked me to put you in jail, i saw you breaking glass, Manu says he was asking me to put you in jail for breaking glass, Lokesh says it was mistake,you want to punish me for that? Swami says they are lying, they were finding glass to get proof so they can put her in jail, Manveer says i cant believe he is lying so much, Manu spits infront of him in fake way. Lopa says Swami came to us and said that Lokesh has broken glass so Manu should put her in jail, Manu denied it and even i said that dont put her in jail.

bigg boss ask contenders how many votes they got? Manu says he has 4votes. Bigg boss asks Bani, Bani without me 6votes. Bigg boss asks Swami, Swami takes Bani’s garland and wear it, Bigg boss says we dont have to ask you but still, Swami says i want to announce Bani as winner, lopa says he changed sides at this time. Bigg boss says BANI IS CAPTAIN, Manu makes her wear his garland, she thanks him. Bani has group hug with her team, Rohan says our captain should be like Bani.

Karan says to Bani that they want to see how you run house, Bani says how will i know what to do?
Manu is singing martyr songs. Manu says i played fairly, Rahul says yes it was good. Lopa says Swami was provoking him to put niti and Lokesh in jail, then he would have won but he didnt do it, i am so proud of Manu and i am happy to wear white color of his team, i would have left his team if he tried to snatch votes, break garlands and all but he didnt do it, Manu says that was bad, i wont play negatively.

Naveen is cooking, Lokesh sees Manveer cutting onions, Lokesh says be careful, you might get hurt. Naveen says i want to say poetry that my own people robbed me, Lokesh says i dont see anything robbed from you, you have everything, nothing is robbed.
Bani says Lokesh is attached with them, Niti says to Bani that heart doesnt listen to us, Bani says if Lokesh wants to be with them then she should accept their behavior too, Niti says she doesnt want accept tha behavior, she has conflict of emotions, she likes to be with them, she likes loudness and fun, she told me.
Mona asks Lokesh why she is disturbing people cooking? Lokesh says when did i disturb anyone? i am cutting fruit, Mona says i was just asking if you have work here, Lokesh says i am free to roam anywhere.

Manu says to Manveer that they are intelligent, Manveer says they know how to play game, Manu says we cant run world like them, would you be able to look in eyes if you were voting for other team then your team? i wouldnt be able to look in eyes. Manveer says niti was playing with my hair even after voting for Bani like nothing happened, they have held celebs’ side, you cant say anything to chane their minds, celebs are celebs even after burning lines, Manu says Swami did so much but when he voted for them, they got happy with him, i wouldnt have voted for Swami even if i had no votes, Naveen has thinking like ours, if we were not in house then he would have mingled with them and Mona would have cried her eyes out and nobody would have look out for her, Manveer says she is nice girl, Manu says they are all horses while we are donkeys, if you love us then we are here to work for you, we are thinking from heart, but youngsters here have no hearts, how they call each other dirty and become friends next day?

Manu is joking with Naveen, Manveer and Mona, Manveer is laughing hard. Swami comes to Bani and says its time to sleep and they are laughing, Bani says you didnt sleep till now and they are not that loud, Swami says i am not asking for myself, Bani says if someone has problem with them then they will tell. Swami says people are scared of them, Bani says no one is scared, nothing like that. Garuav comes Manu’s team and says if you want to talk then go in lounge, Swami will make issue, i know this is time to have fun, if you people dont want to sleep then go in lounge. Gaurav goes to lie on his bed, Bani’s bed is beside him, Bani says to Gaurav that they dont like it when you say something to them, Gaurav says i didnt say anything bad, Bani says your face is like that, nobody told you? he says no, Bani says no one is your real friend then. Swami is lying on floor matress. Bani says i want to keep away from him, Gaurav snickers.

PRECAP- There is special bed in bedroom for Bani. Bani says as bigg boss first captain, i swear to fulfill my duties nicely, i will change arrangements of beds too. Bani comes in confession room, Bigg boss says you have to choose two inmates whom you want to punish, Bani is jittery and says i can only think of punishing Lopa but even they are stupid reasons and Manveer. Later, Manveer asks Bani why punishment for me? Bani says because you react impulsively, you shout. Manveer says i wont give it. Lopa says this was so expected from you Bani. In confession room, Bigg boss says you have to choose two inmates to send them to jail, Bani is confused and thinks hard for whom to send to jail.

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