Bigg Boss Season 10 13th November 2016 Written Update

Bigg Boss Season 10 13th November 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss Season 10 13th November 2016 Written Episode

Weekend Ka Vaar
Entering on his popular song ‘Photocopy’, Salman kick starts the Sunday episode on an entertaining note with singer-composer Himesh Reshammiya joining him on stage. Making it a complete musical extravaganza, Salman shakes a leg as Himesh sings some of their hit numbers like ‘Tera Naam’ and ‘O Priya O Priya’. Salman welcomes everyone to show. Salman says LOKESH, RAHUL and NAVEEN are nominated. Salman says Himesh is here, Himesh says i got my break from Salman, Salman says he has released his new album, Himesh says lets sing with you, Salman and Himesh sing together. Himesh says Salman sings so well, Salman says they have to work after i sing song, Salman says Himsesh went inside house.

In Bigg Boss house:
Starting the day on a fun note, the contestants
get a musical surprise as the multi-talented singer and composer Himesh Reshammiya enters the house singing his popular number ‘Hookah Bar’. Himesh says you people dont know what will happen when you come out, he says Gaurav mind blowing. He asks who they think will win? Bani says myself, Niti, Gaurav, Rohan says i think Rahul, Lokesh says i think Rohan, Rahul it will be Rohan or Lopa. Manu says i think Manveer will win, Manveer says i think Manu, Himesh asks Swami, Swami says i cant take any name. Himesh says lets Manu and Bani dance to romantic song. He sings Teri meri Prem Kahani song, Bani dances with Manveer. Himesh says you all are stars, all the best, he leaves from there.

On stage, Salman asks who you find interesting? Himesh says Swami makes you laugh so much, Bani was looking fit, Manveer is fun too, i personally feel Gaurav will win. Himesh says i will sing just chill in slow motion and you act in slow motion, Himesh sings while Salman enacts steps in slow motion, they then sing Tu hi tu har jaga song, Himesh greets and leaves from there.

Salman says one will get evicted today, lets connect call to them. Call is connected to house. Salman says all are looking good. Salman says all are settled in house but one inmate will go from house today. Salman jokes with them they are all safe, they get happy, Salman says for this time only, we will tell later who is going to evict.
Shooting up the temperature inside the house, Salman Khan gets into his Sultan mode by introducing Kushti task(wrestling match) for the contestants, Bani says oh no, they all laugh, Salman says Bani you are looking good, she thanks him, Salman says Lopa you are looking good too. Salman says one pair is Rahul vs. Lokesh, he asks Lokesh to challenge Rahul, Lokesh pulls him down from sofa, Rahul says forgive me sir, i am leaving fight before fighting, Salman asks Lokesh to threaten him, Lokesh says he is dead, Salman says you got nominated earlier like this. Salman says i was joking, Lokesh will fight Swami, all laugh, Salman says this is miracle, i feel he will be in season 15 of BB too, Salman says i was joking about pairs till now. Salman pairs them up and asks them to show some moves inside the ring, Bani vs. Lopa and Gaurav vs. Manveer are pitted against each other to fight it out in the ring while Navin is elected as the judge. Adding some fun to the task, Salman says that the contestants losing the task will become the servant of the winner for next 24 hours. Salman laughs and says Lopa and Bani will be too much fun, you behind devil and devil behind you, its too much fun, all laugh.

Inmates come in activity area. There is wrestling ring which has dust on ground. Salman says boys will fight first. Salman says rules are that if body’s any part goes out of ring then they will loose, they will become servant and captain have to make sure that they are good servant, Bani says what if i become servant? which i know i wont become but still, Salman says we will tell about it later.
Gaurav and Manveer enters ring, Gaurav hugs Manveer. Match starts, they start pulling and pushing each other, both fall down on dust, trying to throw other out of ring, all cheering for them, Manveer is pushing Gaurav from neck, Bani shouts to not touch neck, Salman says dont do it Manveer. Manveer pushes Gaurav out of ring, Gaurav says he cheated, Salman asks who won Naveen? Naveen announces Manveer as winner, Manveer hugs Gaurav.
Lopa and Bani’s fight starts, Bani tries to lift Lopa in arms, they laugh. Bani is trying to lift her but Lopa pushes Bani out of ring’s line, Salman laughs seeing Bani get tripped due to her own mistake, Naveen says Bani’s foot got out of ring, Bani says no it was on line, it didnt cross it, you Fu*ker, Salman asks Naveen who was winner? Lopa is dancing around. Naveen says one minute Lopa, stop dancing, Bani says this is unfair, Bani says to Naveen that you are lying, Naveen says dont curse me, Bani says you are a liar and liar is not a curse, Naveen shouts you dont abuse, Naveen says you called me fu*cker, Bani says i didnt say it for you, Naveen announces Lopa as winner, Bani is miffed, Manveer and Lopa dances in ring. Salman says Bani will be personal servant of Lopa for next 24hours, Mona will make sure that Bani is good servant, Mona says yes, she hugs Lopa. Salman says big hand for Gaurav and Bani and also Naveen, who Bani called as fu*cker, all laugh, Salman ends call.

Salman says we didnt know that Lopa would win against Bani who is most fit in house, and dont know when Gaurav will come out of this shock.

In Bigg Boss house:
Mona says to Lopa that i am happy for you. Bani says to herself that i dont understand how people can remain unfit? Gaurav comes there. Bani says i cant handle when Naveen lie, i hate it.
Rahul asks Naveen to not get angry on Bani, she is woman, Naveen says so she can abuse me? i saw her out of ring, what if she is woman? her abuse is right but i cant get angry? Niti says Bani should have accepted defeat gracefully.

On stage, Salman welcomes former Bigg Boss contestants VJ Andy and Tanishaa Mukherjee. They join Salman Khan for Salman Ki Sabha segment. Salman says vote for Andy, Andy says they remember, Tanisha says it didnt work for him, Andy says Tanisha got more votes, Tanisha says Gauhur got most votes. Andy says this season is different, we dont know anything about commoners. Tanisha says i disagree, i thought commoners will common people but they are very prepared, Andy says this is not bad, Tanisha says celebs didnt prepare anything, Andy says commoners have ate them alive, Salman says celebs have fans from before but they are not performing well to retain them, Andy says i absolutely love Lokesh, she is my favorite. Tanisha says i like Bani, she is interesting and Manu is playing sharply, Salman says what about Manveer? they have been pair to capture house, they call Manu the ‘Shakuni’ mama of the house. Tanisha and Andy sit on chairs.
Call is connected to house. Salman asks was wrestling tiring? Bani says i can have two, three more rounds, Salman says think about me when i did Sultan, Gaurav stand up and bows to him, all clap for him, Salman says i did wrestling daily for 6hours, it was most difficult journey, all clap. Salman says some people have come to meet you, they want to share their opinion. Salman says they are from season 7, Bani says please say Gauhar’s name. Salman says its Tanisha and Andy. They see them, Andy says Bani is my favorite, Bani runs and gives him kiss through camera. Andy says vote for Bani, Andy says i am not biased that she is my friend, Bani says come inside house. Tanisha says Bani you are interesting and you show enthusiasm, you won captaincy but after winning captaincy you became clueless babe, Bani says i get confused. Salman says they both know importance of captaincy, Salman says Andy never became captain, Salman says Tanisha became captain two times and was first captain of her season, Tanisha says you have to take decisions when you are captain, you cant flip flop, it looks like you are not ready to take decisions, Bani says its too early in house to take decisions, Tanisha says you are rewarding and punishing same person, Bani says i talked to inmates then got clarity of what way to choose, Tanisha says are you trying to please all? she says not at all, Salman says if you were not ready then why did you run for captaincy? Bani says it was instinct, Salman says inmates might have voted for you but whats wrong is wrong. Andy says Bani do what you want, Tanisha says show your personality. Andy says Many you are looking electric in Blue, Manu thanks him. Andy asks how he liked that he got reward and punishment both, Manu says i asked Bani what she was thinking? i had to follow captain. Andy says you must habituated to jail in outside world, Manu says i never went to jail. Salman says i went to jail. Tanisha asks Manveer how he liked when Bani chose him for punishment? Manveer says the only reason i found that she wanted me to wash dishes, she was not fair, Andy says why you didnt question it? Manveer says Bani said that she cant punish her team mates so we are only liable to get punishment till she is captain. Bani says if they become captains then they will save their people. Tanisha says if they become captain then they will take stand. Andy says your stand is not shown, Bani says it was my first day as captain so give me a break, Manu says it was her first day so she was experimenting on us. Andy says Lopa you are looking good, you take stand and dont move from it, you voted for Many’s team without any doubt, it was very well done. Tanisha says celebs are not showing personalities, Rahul says when it comes to me, i give straight answers, i dont like backbiting, Tanisha says this is bigg boss, Rahul says if someone plays with me then i will confront them. Andy asks Swami to give him tips for his future, Swami says i am not astrologer, Andy says you always say that you would make certain inmate win? you would do this or that? Swami says i just say that pray to God for victory. Tanisha says Swami why you lie so much? what will God say? Swami says i am playing game and i will do anything to win, everything is fair in love and war, all laugh, Salman says Om never lies, Swami says everything is fair, Salman says even if he lies, universe comes together to make his lie as truth, Swami says i am playing game and i will do anything to win it, Manveer says when he returned, he said that i will be in top 3, other two should decide. Salman says he will go till finals and will make his daughter Lopa win this season, Lopa laughs, Salman says or daughter Mona or daughter Mona. Salman thanks Tanisha and Andy for coming, Salman asks Swami what devi she is? Swami says she is Tanisha Devi. Salman says and what devta is Andy? they laugh calling him devta, Andy and Tanisha leaves.

In bigg boss house:
Bani says i knew it was wrong, Manu says it looked bad that you are rewarding and punishing same person, Bani says i dont care what it looks like outside, it was my choice to send you jail, i thought you enjoy food most so i chose you then i said that you lead your team so i wanted you to leave your team for sometime, then how i am looking bad? Manu says you dont understand hindi, you dont listen to anyone, Bani says i try to understand you, this is difference between us, Manu says talk to my hand, Bani says you are talking in english? should i punish you? Manu says you dont understand english and i dont understand your Spanish, Rahul says she is not talking in spanish, Manu says she should have brought translator, first she is giving me food as reward and then she sent me to jail, Rahul says i agree with you but she is captain, think about her too.

Call is connected to house. Salman asks why they are silent? i feel like Manu will speak, Manu says captain will speak first, Bani says he wants to speak so much so let him, Manu captain will tal first. Salman says this will keep going on, he starts laughing, and says everything is red rightnow(Swami is wearing red). Swami sings his song he composed for himself, Salman says you are calling yourself true? Swami says we win wars by hook or crook, Salman laughs and says can you something coming towards you? Swami i am not scared of any storm as i am under your protection Salman says whole India is confused, you got evicted and went out of house to do your important work or were you in secret room? Salman says let me tell you that Swami was in secret room and had eyes on all inmates, that means he was watching you all but you people couldnt see him, magic, all laugh. Salman says i will show you video. Salman gives the contestants a sneak peep into Om Swami’s secret room shenanigans by showing them a small video. It shows Swamiji making comments about each and every contestant leading to his pardaphash(revealing), how Manu said that nobody could bear his lies, Swami listened his words in secret room and says he doesnt like my true personality, then how Mona was dancing in house so Swami commented how did she get energy in old age? all are laughing listening this, Swami comments what kind of people vote for girl like her? then how he saw Mona crying and comments that you made me father but abused me behind my back, she is actress, she is acting, not crying in real. Then how Lokesh was singing, Swami comments that she got nominated as she is fool, then he commented that inmates are selfish. Manveer tells Manu how Swami banged in glass door when he came in house, Swami comments they all are ******, who vote for these dirty people? they are dirty too, video ends. All are laughing and rolling, Salman takes of his blazer and says this is interval, this was super entertaining, he did what didnt happen in last seasons, let me show you. Video plays, Swami says i will win bigg boss and will charity money to companies who are associated with Bigg boss, video ends. Salman asks Swami how many notes of 500 and 1000rupees? Swami says i dont have it rightnow. Salman asks inmates who have these notes? all raise hands, Swami says i am beggar, Manveer says he is making movie of 100crores, Salman says i advise you to take cheque, Swami says i will inform them, Salman laughs and says i love you Om ji, Swami says thank you greatest hero.
Salman says to inmates that its time for eviction. He asks Lokesh to get up, she says i am getting evicted, Naveen says he didnt say it. Salman says Lokesh pack your stuff. Lokesh goes in bedroom and pack her stuff. Manu says to Rahul that Lokesh was weak, Rahul says but Naveen has hand injured, Manu says dont know why they decided to evict her. Salman says call Lokesh back. Salman asks Rahul what he thinks? he says Lokesh should not go, she didnt understand task and got nominated. Salman says one will get evicted, Rahul says she is entertaining, Salman asks who should go? Rahul says i should go, Naveen injured his hand and even then he didnt stop task. Salman says LOKESH YOU ARE SAFE, Lokesh says i love you Salman sir, Karan hugs her. Salman says Karan is relieved most, he says i am very happy. Salman says to Niti that Naveen is in this situation because of you, Niti says i had no relation with him at that time to sacrifice anything for him but now i can give anything for him. Salman says i just wanted to tell you that it was makeup vs. Naveen. NAVEEN IS EVICTED. Manveer hugs Naveen. Naveen hugs Bani and says we are friends, she says yes. Niti is upset. Naveen sings with Swami, Swami starts crying, Naveen says dont cry, we are fighters, Naveen hugs Manu, Naveen hugs Mona, she is crying too. Naveen says if Mona and Lopa was not here then i wouldnt be able to stay here, he leaves house. Swami is crying and says he used to fight for me, Manveer says we are losing every week, Niti is in tears too. Manveer says he was smart, Swami hugs Manveer and cries.

On stage, Salman says Naveen had to pay for Niti’s makeup by getting evicted. Naveen enters stage and hugs Salman. Salman asks how was your journey? he says great, he asks who is your favorite? He says Mona, she was supportive and always took clear stand. Call is connected to house, Swami says comeback Naveen, please son, Naveen says Manu and Manveer are with you. Salman says Naveen was praising you Mona, Mona says he entered with me, i am scared to cry too as Swami will think that i am acting, Swami says send Naveen back and evict me, he is needed here, Manu says Naveen say your words, Naveen says life is cruel Manu. Salman asks who is hero? naveen says Manveer, Salman asks who is zero? Naveen says its Rahul, Rahul says i cant say anything, Naveen says he is not opening up, Rahul says i cant plot and scheme, i am engineer, educated, i cant plan or plot, Salman says it will be shown. Naveen says Manu and Manveer, all love you, i am out so you wont have problem with votes, call ends. Salman hugs Naveen and says take care of your health, Naveen leaves.

In Bigg Boss house:
Manveer is crying. Mona is crying and says i dont understand, Manu says what Rahul meant that we are not educated? we care for each other so we are not educated, Manveer asks Mona to not cry, he hugs her. Manveer he broke his hand but completed task with one hand.

Manu says to Niti when they asked Bani to take decisions, Bani said after call that i was right, when i used to watch Tv, i was impressed with character of Bani, Lokesh says when i talked to her, i got to know she is strong and kind, Manu says first thing is your tongue, if you say good things then people will be nice to you.

Salman signs off from show.

PRECAP- Bigg boss says to inmates that after mutual discussion, you have to nominate four inmates who are boring in house. Rohan says Mona, Manu, Manveer. Manu says i dont understand. Manveer says after yesterday’s weekend Ka vaar, its clear that Rohan, Karan and Rahul are boring, Gaurav says its difficult to decide and take name of your friend but we have to mutually decide. Manu scolds Swami to not say anything, Swami says why cant i say anything? Manu lifts his fist to punch Swami. Mona shouts on Swami that you are trying to attack me? old fag, dont come to me ever again. Lopa says to Bani that you dont tell me whom i should vote for. Bani says go to swimming pool and calm down, Lopa says shut up, you are my servant to bring food for me, Bani shows her hands movements saying she wont.

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