Bigg Boss Season 8 10th November 2014 Written Update

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Bigg Boss Season 8 10th November 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss Season 8 10th November 2014 Written Episode

Day 49 (Continued)
Arya says that I am pushed to a level where I am losing myself, Upen ask him to think before he speak. Pritham says what you did after lying was wrong, you were angry and Puneet were laughing on you.
Gautam says to ALi that Arya was doing acting infront of Puneet. Ali says that I was thinking why Arya was sitting with you for hours and hours.

Day 50
Open Nomination Special
Song Tera Naam Lya.. Tujhe Yaad kiya plays. All inmates get up and dances.

Gautam is ins washroom, Arya ask Gautam to get out. Gautam says I am sleeping inside, you come after sometime, Arya says I have to go in washroom, please come out, Gautam comes out and says you said that washroom is my house so I was sleeping inside, don’t say ever that it is my washroom, Arya goes in washroom, Gautam knocks on door, Arya ask who? Gautam talks in girl’s voice and says I have to go in, please come out, Arya ask him to not disturb him. Gautam leaves from there, Arya comes out of washroom and says what Gautam was doing, Pritham says he was just ding fun, Arya says I will not leave him next time.

Diandra ask Gautam to wash utensils as they have to breakfast, Gautam says its my duty so I will do it, Diandra says put water in pan first before washing it, Gautam says I wll do the way I want, diandra says I am just saying that its non-stick pan and you should put water in it first before washing it so that it becomes easy for you to wash, Gautam says I will work more, its my problem, don’t point at me everytime, you are rude, Diandra says I am rude? I told others too, I was just suggesting you, Gautam says don’t suggest me, you cant handle captaincy, she leaves from there.

Puneet says to Pritham that I told Praneet to keep eye on Karishma, Upen, Arya and Sonali, don’t leave them when do any mistake, they have hurt us a lot, he says Sonali used us, we helped her and took her in our group but now when she saw that nothing is happening so she went to Upen, now she is friends with Diandra too, she is now in their group, she share one blanket with Upen, she doesn’t know that whole nation, her family is watching her, this shows her class, earlier she was behind Gautam and now Gautam is enemy for her, I am the one that everyone can fool me.

Bigg boss says that its nomination time, this week it will be open nomination, Diandra is captain so she is safe from nominations, Renee and Dimpy are new comers so they are safe from nominations too. Puneet is in jail so he cannot nominate anyone. he Karishma to read the letter, Karishma brings letter from store room, she reads that Nomination has started and in garden the one you want to nominate, take his or her picture and put it in Paper shredder showing that you have voted against her or him. all comes in garden Area. first comes Arya.
Arya: he votes against Puneet and Puts his picture in paper shredder, picture breaks. Praneet says this is weird way of nominating. Arya next vote against Gautam and says you were disturbing me in washroom.
Sonali: she votes against Karishma, she says Karishma is self-centered. next she votes against Arya as she didn’t like what he said about Puneet.
Praneet: he votes against Upen and says that Upen was not good captain. second he votes against Arya and says that Arya lied about things which was wrong.
Ali: he votes against Karishma and says she was wrong about make-up thing, second he votes against Arya and says please grow up.
Upen: he votes against Puneet and says what Puneet did with Arya was wrong. Next he votes Arya and says Arya became personal yesterday and took Diandra’ name too.
Dimpy: she votes against Arya and says that what happened yesterday was wrong. Second she votes against Karishma and says that I know her from before but she is not co-operative.
Renee: She votes against Karishma and says when I entered the house, she first asked that can we vote against her, Karishma says it was joke. next she votes against Arya and says I respected you but you were personal.
Pritham: he votes against Karishma and says you were wrong in make-up thing. he second votes against Arya and says he lied.
Gautam: he votes against Karishma and says I will not give any reason for you. He second votes against Upen and says you chose my name when Salman asked with whose nomination you will be happy.
Karishma: she votes against Puneet and says physical violence is not allowed. she second votes against Gautam, he is my favorite so I am nominating him, Gautam smiles.

bigg boss says the nominated people for this week are Arya and Karishma. bigg boss says captain Diandra is given authority that she have to give two names for nomination and those who she will chose, they will be nominated for this week. Diandra nominates Puneet as she thinks what happened was wrong. Second she nominates Gautam and says he does argument without any reason.

Bigg boss says nominations are finished. The nominated people are ARYA< KARISHMA, PUNEET, GAUTAM.

Upen hugs Arya and says you know the reason for nominating me. Arya says don't explain to me, we are friends.
Puneet says that I was nominated and they gave reason that what happened yesterday wrong then nominate Arya, why me. Gautam says if Arya was right then why was he saying infront of Salman, Puneet says Arya is like a person who cannot understand anything and Karishma is not given brain from God. Ali says Karishma is my friend and I sit in both groups but I think Karishma is hiding herself in house.

Dimpy and Sonali are in kitchen, Sonali says I know how to make roties, Dimpy says you are not making fine, Sonali says its my work, I am doing it for many days, Sonali ask captain to tell dimpy, Diandra says don't involve dimpy in her work, Dimpy says I can help her, Sonali says I am doing this from many weeks, Dimpy taunts that even then this is your standard, Sonali says if you want to show cooking skills then come at my house, don't irritate me, Diandra says Karishma is head of kitchen, Sonali says if Karishma tell me that I dont cook nicely then I will listen, why are you coming in my work, Diandra ask Karishma if she have any problem with Sonali, Karishma says yes she doesn't make circular roties, I don't told her to make it fine but she doesn't listen, Diandra ask Sonali to make nice roties.
Diandra comes to Puneets gang and says Sonali is not making roties but map, I just asked her to help her but she started fighting.
Sonali says she is disturbing me.
Dimpy says I am elder than her so she can learn from me. Gautam says that when wild card entries came in house, Saonli said that now I have to make extra roties, is this way to welcome anyone.

Puneet says to Gautam that Karishma is duffer, all inmates are making her cook, she is queen of duffer, Salman joked that audience is lking Karishma so she got happy.

Sonali and Dimpy are sitting, Dimpy says Sonali doesn't like if someone tells her right thing, Ali says she was making you learn only, Sonali says I know how to make roties. Dimpy says you are a complete women, you know everything, Sonali leaves from there, Gautam laughs.

Dimpy says to Karishma and Diandra that Sonali proposed Gautam and said I want to be with you then she shared blanket with Upen, Diandra says I don't know anything like that, Dimpy says she slowly took blanket over her head and Upen was in blanket too, Karishma says she doesn't know format of show, she was dumb-found so she thought that this angle is right and then she made a love triangle to stay in game. she was doing shifts, like when Upen says to her that I am feeling sleepy and she used to go to Gautam. Diandra says she is flirting with boys and keep saying that my mother will not allow me to enter in house, she will scold me so why she is doing all this, Ali who was listening all this goes from there.
Ali comes in garden and says to Sonali that go in bed-room, spicy gossip is going on, you will enjoy it, just go like that, interesting topic is going on, Sonali says I am not a gossip girl, I am not going.

ALi is sitting on bed, he calls dimpy, dimpy ask him to remove blanket first, Ali says my hands are out of it, Sonali says Upen did fumble in blanket, Ali ask what he did? Upen I don't know, I never took blanket with her. Dimpy says it was shown on Tv and Arya said that romance was going on and saw that. Arya comes there, UPen ask what were you saying? Arya says about what? Upen says why are you talking about me behind my back, Arya says I will tell you, Upen says why this topic even discussed, what is your business if I and sonali are together.

Karishma says to Ali that you are very shrewd, you said to Sonali that go inside when we were gossiping? Ali says I just said that in fun and she said that I am not interested. Dimpy says we were just talking about the episode where you and Upen were showing sharing blanket, Sonali says there was no point in discussing it.
Upen in kitch says to Arya that you should not talk about girl like that.
Sonali ask Ali to not create friction between all. why you asked me to go inside, Ali says I was just doing fun, Sonali says this is not cool, why you are provoking others, you said that go inside and see gossip is going on, Ali says I will do this fun thing everytime. ali says to Sonali that don’t talk to me on any level now, Upen ask what did you say? Ali says I am not talking to you, you first learn hindi, why are you coming in my talk, Upen says I was just asking, Ali ask to not show attitude, Upen says why are you taunting me, Ali ask him to not point him, Upen ask him to not taunt, ali says I was not talking to him, all comes there Sonali says Ali does gossip everywhere, Ali says I will do that, Upen says when I will learn hindi then I will talk to you, Ali says you were showing me attitude, Ali ask him to show how much cool are you.

bigg boss has given chance to inmates that they can pour their heart out infront audience. there is booth placed in garden area and only three contestants can go in it and say what they want to. all inamtes decide to let Arya go first.

Arya comes in booth and says I am sorry for misbehaving with Puneet, I didn’t say anything to Puneet when he pushed me but when he taunted me that I am star of cheap Punjabi cinema then I didn’t like, that cinema is like my mother. Nigaar Khan (sister of Gauhar Khan) is listening it.

PRECAP- Niggar Khan is new wild card entry. Diandra gets excited seeing her. Luxury budget is to make hotel in house. all inmates have become butlers…

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