Bigg Boss Season 9 25th October 2015 Written Update

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Bigg Boss Season 9 25th October 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss Season 9 25th October 2015 Written Episode

Elimination Special
Salman comes on stage, he welcomes everyone in Bigg boss. he says RIMI, ROOPAL and AMAN are nominated. Audience will ask questions to inmates but first we will see what happened in house after yesterday’s weekend talk.
Video plays, Yuvika says food has not come today, Kishwar says eat rice which was made in daytime, Kishwar says only one dish will be made for everyone, no one will come in kitchen to make something for himself or herself, no one will eat more than 2roties, Prince says everyone will keep their things in bags, Yuvika says if all keep their things clean then it will not be unhygienic here.
Mandana says to Digangana that i would not talk to Kishwar outside house, she is very dumb people, she says to Keith that you know how cleanliness freak i am, i was getting ready when she came to me and asked me to put my things in bag, i told her that she is wasting time, house will not be uncleaned by me, Rochelle says i and Roopal was in smoking room, she came and rudely said that two people cant be inside together, then she was taunting me that my shoes are spread in whole house, cant she see her boyfriend and Prince’s things spread in whole house?
Call is connected to house, Salman says to Rimi that you have got the pass to stay in house till finale, you will stay there till finale now, Rimi is shocked and starts crying, she says no, Rimi says i will have mental depression if i live here, Salman says what about fans who are voting for you? Rimi says i dont want attention, i dont want violence, she cries, Salman says you dont have courage, i am shocked, Salman says those who are voting for you, dont you feel fro them? Rimi says i will stay till they are voting for me but i will not stay till finale, Salman says but they want you to stay, Rimi sys this cant happen.. she cries, Salman says this was joke, Rimi says thank God, Salman says but the way you are going, it seems like you will be there till end, Rimi says i am not doing anything, i am silent then why they want me to be in house? Salman says they are enjoying to see you in torture, they keep voting for you, Salman says you will come out as a strong person, he says RIMI YOU ARE SAFE, she thanks him, Salman says you do get happiness when you are safe. A fan ask Digangana that you said you were a lioness but in house, you seem kid inbetween all, Salman says what has happened to you? Digangana laughs, Salman says this is not compliment, why you are not liek being grown up, Digangana says i am trying to cope up with things like washing clothes, Salman says you should not come out as spoilt brat, you should come out as women, that people say you are hard working and as dignity. A fan ask Arvind that who was worst performer in Lagaan task? Arvind says Suyyash and Prince had aggression in start but they left task in middle so that was weak link, they left task in middle, Salman says why didnt you say it when bigg boss asked about weak performer, you were supervisor of task, Arvind says i thought workers were asked to give opinion, Salman says Kishwar and Aman gave their opinions too when they were in opposite team, you didnt give your opinion and maybe thats why Keith and Mandana became worst performer and got nominated, Prince says all gave up task but i and Suyyash kept working and doing task, if we had lost hope then what? you are calling us weak performer even after that, Kishwar says they gained most coins, Arvind says i agree that you worked the most in task but when it was about teamwork, you both backed out, Prince says even Keith said that Mandana has given up task, Yuvika says we chose Keith and Mandana as worst performer as they were not working alongwith their team and also Mandanaa broke her belt, Keith says Bigg boss asked because of whom we lost the task, it was not who gave up or who opened her belt, Vikas says two teams gave up and Mandana broke her belt so how could we do task, Mandana says Salman said himself that if you all had listened me and Keith then we would have won, Salman says i am just saying that you are giving opinion now only which is late, Rochelle says when i was giving opinion that day, people were trying to get reaction from me, i asked Keith why he is sacrificing, why he is agreeing that he was weak performer when he did most of work, Keith says i nominated myself as i stole coins and gave it back so we lost because of that, Kishwar says your team was not ready for stealing, Keith says many were agreeing with me too. Salman says ex-contestants used to take stand and give opinion on right time, some were aggressive, some were opinionated but they used to give suggestion on right time, he ends calls. Keith says to Kishwar that i was saying some of team mates were agreeing with me for stealing, Prince says i will give my opinion on time from now on, i promise. Arvind says i am just saying that Suyyash and Prince did work but were not playing with their team-mates, Kishwar says Keith took lead to steal and didnt take his team in consideration so he was playing alone too, Suyyash says it was asked who was worst performer then how can we be worst when we did most work, he gets angry and says i will show keith now, now i will show him how to play reality, i was keep telling that let me play it in fun way, dont miff me but now when Keith has miffed me so i will show him.

Salman says housemates families have come here. he welcomes Digangana’s mother, Suyyash’s sister, Kishwar’s mother and Prince’s sister. he ask Digangana’s mother what you hoped from Digangana, she says i was afraid to send her alone but now i feel she was right, she told me that she will show that she is mature and she is showing it now, she is playing really well, its not about fighting all the time, Salman says but entertaining element is missing from her, she is intelligent, soon she will trap everyone inside house, mother says i start crying, i get agitated but she composes me, Salman jokes then you are ideal contestant of bigg boss. Salman ask Kishwar’s mother that Digangana thinks Kishwar is loud, what you think? she says Kishwar react according to situation, he ask who is playing from heart kishwar or Suyyash? she says Suyyash is playing from heart, Kishwar is playing from mind. Suyyash’s sister says Kishwar is playing calculated game, Suyyash gets emotional when its about Kishwar, when bigg boss gave them clue to steal, if it was not Suyyash then i would have thought that stealing was right option but Suyyash didnt do it, Salman says he is right if stealing is morally wrong for him but should he have told about his team’s plan to Kishwar? Sister says no, it was totally wrong, he souldnt have told her when task was on, Salman says they are playing individually, Sister says yes this is not couple show, they should play individually. Salman ask Prince’s sister about Prince’s performance, she says he is performing well but he is getting stuck between Suyyash and Kishwar,you should have sent his girlfriend too, Salman jokes Bigg boss has not started supplying gfs, if it was case then i would have asked gf for myself first, all laughs. Digangana’s mother says that i kept crying whole week then Digangana went to house as she is young, Salman says she is not young, she is matured, its just you who is not accepting it, our sisters all give advises to my mother so this is same case with you.

Call is connected to house, Salman says we will show you some pictures and you have to comment. he shows Picture in which Prince is hugging Kishwar, Kishwar says he was consoling me. Salman shows next picture in which Prince is hugging Yuvika, all laughs, Yuvika says even i dont know why he is hugging me, he shows next picture in which Prince is hugging Rochelle, Rochelle says he is very sweet, Salman says yes he keep finding someone to hug, he shows next pictures of Prince hugging Mandana, Mandana says i was ill that time, Salman jokes that he was giving energy to Mandana, Kishwar now you know reason of Mandana getting fine, Kishwar says got it.
Call is connected to snapdeal costumer, she says Salman is one of the reason to watch bigg boss, Salman thanks her, she ask Prince that you keep saying that you respect girls alot, you cant tolerate mistreatment with girls but when last week Mandana was vomitting due to dehydration then you said that if someone(pointing Keith) has done something with her that she is vomiting? then you sang songs one side is gf and otherside other girl(pointing Keith having Rochelle and Mandana both), it was so disgraceful? Mandana and Rochelle laughs, Prince says i didnt say it in that sense, i said it that Keith makes food for everyone so he must have mixed something in food, its taken wrongly, Salman says even kids know this vomiting thing so dont lie, Prince says no i am saying truth, Salman says Suyyash is hiding behind you, he ask suyyash what did Prince mean? Suyyash says he must be saying about food only, i didnt ask in deep, Salman says it was joke, its fine, it was not intentional, Salman says costumer will get gift signed by dirty jokes king Prince, Prince sign it, call is disconnect from house.
Salman says my friend is coming here. He is Randeep Hooda, Randeep comes and says i will make you wear topi(hat), he makes Salman wear hat and glasses, Salman ask about his film Charles, Randeep says it is releasing 31st October, Mandana is also in movie, she is doing great in house, Salman ask if she is same in house as she is outside? Randeep says when i met her, i thought that she has spark, there can be fire with her, Salman giggles, Randeep greets Salman and leaves.
Call is connected to house again. Salman says Aman are Roopal are nominated, he says i am shocked actually, i thought Aman will stay in house for long and i am shocked that i was right, AMAN IS SAFE, ROOPAL IS ELIMINATED, he jokes that Mandana start crying, cameras are on you, Salman says i will come next week to take one more person, Mandana says take me, Roopal says for now i am going, she hugs everyone and says dont fight much, she ask Digangana to not cry, she leaves house.
Roopal talks to media, she says i am feeling very happy that i am out of house, they ask what problem you have with Prince, Roopal says Prince thinks girls cant do anything which is wrong, they ask who are game planner in house? Roopal says Kishwar and Suyyash, while Mandana is very rude with everyone.
Roopal comes on stage, she is happy to see many people, call is connected to house, she sees inmates and says good luck to all. Salman says roopal will get big bomb, she can select one pair and can tie them in partnership again, they will remain in partnership till bigg boss’s order, Roopal says suyyash and Prince are most compatible so i would want them to become partner again, Prince says i kissed you while leaving then why this? all laughs, Arvind brings belt, Salman ask Kishwar to tie them, she laughs and tie them again, Salman jokes that enjoy couplehood, call ends. Salman says Roopal you had short stay but you were fabulous in house, she hugs Salman and leaves.

PRECAP- Tomorrow the idol “bigg boss baba” which is placed in garden will speak with inmates and will predict their future in house. In nominations, inmates have to nominate two inmates whose input was minimum in show. Kishwar and Vikas nominates Rochelle. Keith nominates Vikas as he gets agitated. Suyyash says Digangana’s presence doesnt matter much in house.

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1 Comment

  1. sys
    October 25, 14:52 Reply

    Everyone target is now mandana & prince bcoz they are strong .

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