Bin Kuch Kahe 27th March 2017 Written Update

Bin Kuch Kahe 27th March 2017 Written Update by MA

Bin Kuch Kahe 27th March 2017 Written Episode

Myra invites Sarika and Nikil at Abha’s café. Riya joins them. Nikhil gets mesmerized seeing her wearing black dress. She starts chatting and trying to find faults in Sarika, but Nikhil gets more romantic with Sarika and she fumes. Kabeer joins them. Myra says she is getting late for office. Kabeer says he will accompany her. Myra says she can manage and leaves. Riya asks Sarika if she knows Kabeer. Sarika says yes, he is PG. Riya says not jut PG, a dear friend. Kabeer asks Riya to get him some green tea. Riya gets tea, Myra returns and drops it on Kabeer purposefully. She takes Kabeer aside and warns him to stay away from her family issues. He says he came here to help Riya and not her and says instead of provoking Riya against Sarika, they should make Nikhil and Riya reminisce their
old memories. He goes to Nikhil and asks which is his favorite. Nikhil tells and asks why.. Kabeer announces that Riya will sing a song. Riya takes stage and sings song. Nikhl gets engrasped in old memories.

Next morning, Abha asks Aryan to get ready for school. He says he is having fever. She checks his forehead and says he is fine. He shows temperature on manual thermometer. She goes out and asks Kabeer if he has thermometer. He says yes and asks for whom. She says Aryan. She checks temp again and tells Aryan is it normal and she wants him to get ready for school in 15 min.

In the evening, Myra receives flower bouquet and fumes seeing note from Shehawat for the most beautiful and intelligent woman Sudha. Kabeer checks bouquet and note next and comments old man is behind her mother now, if she wants to break his mouth. Myra says no. Kabeeer writes Sarika’s name on note for Riya and says wait and watch now. Sudha sees bouquet and then Riya. Riya fumes seeing note. Sudha praises Sarika is so courteous, etc. Riya continues fuming and after sometime goes to Sudha’s room and asks money for shopping. Sudha says she just shopped last week. Riya says shopping is her therapy. Sudha gives money. Riya happily hugs her. Sudha says even she wants to accompany her as she wants to buy a gift for Sarika. Riya says no and their argument starts.

Precap: Myra enters bathroom and sees Kabeer in. She shouts what the hell, get out of her bathroom. He pushes her and shouts if she could not see he is using bathroom. She slips and he holds her.

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