Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 17th August 2015 Written Update

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Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 17th August 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 17th August 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Ashok lies his head in Dharma’s lap, Dharma says you have made my day memorable, Ashok sys you have ever wished to be queen? she says why you are asking this? AShok says i thought about queen Dharma, she is lucky as Samrat loves her, Dharma says dont know if she is lucky or not, Samrat doesnt love her but hate her as he broke that statue of mine, ashok says you saw him breaking statue but you didnt see that he was broken too, i have seen him in that state, he was so sad, when a person is helpless then the person close to him have to bear anger, Samrat broke that statue in helplessness, one side he got to know that his love Dharma is alive but then he got to know that Dharma is conspirator, i know he loves Dharma alot and his son too, he wants to hug his son, the much i know about Dharma, i feel that she is same like you, Dharma says what are you saying? Ashok says it would have been great if my father loved you like Samrat loves Dharma, it would be great if my father wanted to meet me like Samrat Bindu wants to meet his son, it would be great if i had father like Bindu, Dharma hugs him, Ashok thinks that i will fulfill dream which we saw today, i will return you your respect and honor, this is promise of a son.
Helena ask Bindu why you called all in court? Bindu says all are raising questions on Ashok’s info so i have called that record analyst here who told Ashok everything, today he will clear everything that who is my son and where is he, Ashok gets tensed and recalls how analyst got to know that Ashok is son of Bindu, Ashok thinks that if Bindu gets to know that i am hi son then i will have to bring mother here too and i dont have proofs to prove her innocence rightnow, Chanakya thinks that we have to stop that analyst, he shouldnt come infront of Helena, Helena thinks that if analyst tell bindu about his son then he will do anything to find his son and if this happens then our plan will be failed, Aakramak comes there with same analyst, Ashok is stunned, he finds records in Analyst’s hands and thinks if anyone read it then everything will be known, Aakramak says he is same analyst who told Ashok info about your son, Aakramak says that analyst is fasting so he cant speak, he has brought records with him in which everything is written which is in pure Sanskrit, Bindu ask Chanakya to read it, Chanakya says to Khalatak that you can read it, Khalatak thinks that he never leave a chance to increase his numbers infront of Bindu so why he offering me now? there must be some info in it which i shouldnt inform, he ask chanakya that you are guru so you should inform everyone about it, Bindu ask Chanakya to read it, Helena says stop, you have to take oath that you will tell as it is what is written, Chanakya gets tensed, Chanakya says i take oath of truth, he starts reading “Samrat Bindu did marry a Brahmin girl and her name was Dharma, analyst is shocked, after this marriage, Dharma gave birth to Bindu’s son and his name is not known by anyone”, bindu ask analyst do you know where is my son? analyst looks at Chanakya and thinks that he didnt say Subhadrangi but Dharma so its clear that i have to remain silent, analyst says not, he leaves, Helena ask Bindu to not get weak for Dharma, Chanakya says there is only doubt on Dharma but there are no proofs of it, Helena says proofs are there, she is close to Bindu but is hiding from him, why? Bindu says i want to meet her and ask her that why she kept my son away from me? what i did that she broke my trust and if she has not broken my trust then why she kept hiding from me, i want to know full truth, Helena says its not important why she did all this but important is she did it and she should be punished for it, Bindu says yes if she is not able to prove her innocence then i will punish her with my hands, he ask Chanakya can you come to my room? Chanakya says yes.

Scene 2
Ashok is going from corridor and recalls how Bindu said that if Dharma doesnt prove her innocence then she will be punished, a soldier is following him, Ashok understand it, Sushim comes there and says i came here to say thanks, Ashok ask why? Sushim gets emotional and says i know you dont trust me and i am at fault, i always thought you as my enemy, i always used to think that why you are close to my father? but today i am happy that you are close to my father as if you were not close to him then you wouldnt have gone to find Dharma and i wouldnt have known that i have a younger brother too, i am living here as prince and my brother must be going through rough phase, i dont know Dharma cheated him or not but i know that my brother is innocent, its sad that a child is involved in all this, Bindu is very sad and helpless, i am worried that Magdh’s enemy can hurt my younger brother, i want to find my brother and if he and Dharma are innocent then i will protect them, i will hug him and tell him that his elder brother is with him in his happiness and sadness, Ashok says he is lucky that he has elder brother like you, Sushim sys you will help me to find him? i feel i will recognize him he comes to me but i have to find him first, Ashok says i dont know anything about him but i have kept message in village and i am sure we will get some info about your brother, Khurasan’s soldier listens all this, Sushim sys tell me if you get any info, he leaves.

PRECAP- Ashok burns a paper and leaves, Khurasan takes that paper and says this will take me to Dharma. Ashok this paper will take him to his end, now it will be end of sinners and my parents will unite.

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