Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 21st June 2016 Written Update

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Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 21st June 2016 Written Update by Rimjhim

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 21st June 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Corridor
Devi asks about vit, and dharma says that he must be around, as he was anxious to meet her. just then, vit comes and proclaims that before, ashoka, he shall himself select who is rightful person to be her sister-in-law. Devi continues to tease vit, while he asks her to let be. she says that he is a prince for others, but for her, he is that same naughty brother. they both say that they missed each other, as they hug each other. one of the workers comes and tells dharma that their room is ready and wait for the next instruction. dharma excuses herself from devi and kaurvaki, and leaves with the maids. kaurvaki thinks that ashoka is only hers, but for getting him, she has to pass through so many competitions, defeating her rival princesses. she leaves. vit and devi watch her tensedly. devi comments that she is sad and she doesnt understand how to help her. vit extends his hospitality, and says that if they have any issues or botherations, they should immediately seek his help. devi asks for a favour and he readily complies. she smiles.

Later, Princess Chanda meets kaurvaki, who thanks her profusely. but Chanda says that thanks isnt needed as she recognised her, since childhood, when she had come to meet her in her place, but she doesnt remember her. she says that she knows everything about her love and nothing is hidden from her, and hopes that she gets her true love. she says that she wishes to get married to sushim, as her family wants. kaurvaki says that she shall pray for her wish being fulfilled. she too wishes the same for kaurvaki. vit and devi watch her. Vit recognises kaurvaki, and ashoka’s friendship with her, while devi explains how kaurvaki has identified ashoka as her love, but the snob that ashoka is, he hasnt even bothered to find the truth about kaurvaki and kaurvaki feels he has forgotten her and her love, and before revealing her identity, she wants to be assured, whether he loves her or not, as kaurvaki is the perfect wife for him. she says that they have to make extra efforts, so that ashoka identifies her, and understands her love for him. Butshe asks him to remember that kaurvaki wont like if anyone tells ashoka about her, as she wants ashoka to know himself. vit says that it should be considered as done. he smiles. he then summons the maids, and tells them that dharma might be allocating rooms to the princesses, but then he presumes that extending his hospitality to his would be sister-in laws is bust natural. he starts giving them the rooms. anindini thinks that she needs the room next to ashoka, she would find time to get so intimate with him, that he wont be able to detatch himself, and then comes to Vit, trying to impress him, with her knowledge and research about him. she tries to bribe him with sweets, and asks him for her room. on devi’s signal, vit gives her a room, next to sushim’s. anindini asks why not near ashoka’s room. he says that its his wish. she is boggled, and then she tries to bribe him with all the sweets, but get a room next to ashoka. he asks if she is trying to bribe him, then he shall report it straigthaway. she leaves resignedly. Anindini thinks that the day she gets married, she shall get rid of this obnoxious brother. Meanwhile, Kaurvaki asks for her room, and he tries to point to the room next to ashoka, but devi makes him point to ashoka’s room himsself. he is boggled but complies. after kaurvaki leaves, devi points out, that its the best setup for their love story to blossom. he understands and complies.

Scene 2:
Location: Ashoka’s room
Kaurvaki takes off her jewellery in frustration, and throws off her dupatta, oblivious that it lands on ashoka, who has just entered. when he takes it off, they both eye each other. Kauravki reprimands ashoka as to how dare he land in her room, without her permission. he says that this isnt her room, but his. she remembers seeing it in early childhood, and thinks that everything is the same, but seeing him, it seems everything has changed. she gets sullen. devi and vit watch from a distance. he drapes the dupatta around her. tauntingly, she says that its good to see that he remembers mannerisms, as he had given a totally different impression in the courtroom. he says that he is surprised to see that she made the mistake, and is accusing him. enraged, she asks what was the wrong in what she did, and asks why didnt he tell he was Ashoka. He lashes that she too didnt tell him the truth about her identity. she asks him not to answer a question with another. he says that its needed, when the question asked is baseless. They continue to argue. Just then, he hears Dharma hollering for her, and they both get to searching for her jewellery that she had thrown away frantically in the room. after seating her properly, he tries to set the room, so that dharma doesnt sense anything. As kaurvaki twirls around, dressed in fine clothes, resembling a princess, she falls right in the arms, of ashoka, who dives in, to catch her. an awkward yet romantic embrace and eyelock follows, as he eyes her boggled. she hides behind him, so that dharma doesnt see her. Just then, he hears a tap on his shoulder, and turns around to find dharma glaring at him. he is nervous and tensed. he keeps turning in the opposite direction, so that dharma doesnt see kaurvaki behind him. dharma reprimands hims everely for what he did today, in the corutroom, and kaurvaki is thankful that he is getting scolded. she also points out how unkempt he has kept the room, and is intending to get married, and stay with another woman like this, in this mess. she asks why did he behave like that with her, as she is definitely the ideal girl. kaurvaki is ecstatic. he says that the world seems nice to her, and intentionally, says that he feels she is weird, and has a squint in the eye. she pinches him, and he squirms in pain. dharma is boggled, but he distracts her. dharma says that he is weird, that he looks at everyone with doubt. he denies her allegations, and blames it on the girls, who say something and mean something else, say something, and want other things, and that girl seems false. she again pinches him. dharma says that he shouldnt form prejudiced opinions about her without even having interacted with her. she says that she and her husband want him to make the rightful choice and that his judgement shouldnt be clouded by misdirected anger and unncessary ego issues. she leaves. Kaurvaki asks him, lashing out, when did she lie to him. he says that she just got saved due to him and instead of extending a thanks, she is fighting, and only he sees this true self. she brands him as an emotionless person. he holds her close, and says that if he is shrewd, then she isnt anything else. she retorts back saying thats indeed true. they both eye each other, and then suddenly become aware of their physical proximity. they refrain away. Devi comes with vit, and points out the mistake in allocation of rooms. kaurvaki says that she did make a mistake and storms out. devi goes after her. Vit smiles seeing ashoka, and asks whats he seeing. ashoka merely smiles slyly. Outside, as devi goes after kaurvaki, she thinks that this fighting too shall lead to love, and its a progressive one step ahead towards the culmination of their love story and while fighting, they shall again fall in love.

Scene 3:
Location: Chanda’s room
In the corridor, sushim walks past, Princess chanda who is trying to alight diyas. her foot slips, and she falls, but as fate would have it, she lands right in his arms, who dives in to save her. a romantic eyelock follows. he makes her stand, and asks her not to have taken the unnecessary hassle, and gotten someone to help her with lighting the diyas. she says that she didnt feel like bothering anyone else. he then walks past. she stops him, and when he turns around, she says that she wishes to gift him something. he complies. she goes and then gets a clothing for him, handmade by her, goldplated for him and places it in his hands, saying that her mother wanted her to give it to him in front of everyone. she begs him to accept it. he happily complies. she eyes him overwhelmingly, as their hands meet. they both feel the electric sparks. he says that he wants his fate to be with him, and he feels nice having gotten this from her. she smiles, while he excuses himself and takes her leave. after he leaves, she shyly smiles to herself.

Scene 4:
Location: Kaurvaki’s room
In her room, Kaurvaki is huffing around impatiently, as she hurriedly packs her stuff, reprimanding and lashing out at ashoka, for his indifferent, emotionless and snobbish behaviour and proclaims that if he isnt bothered, then she shouldnt be too. devi tries to assure her that she is misunderstanding. she says that it indeed is, that he selectively remembers things, from his memories of Pataliputra, and she exactly is the memory that he conveniently chose to forget. she says that he hasnt recognised her, and even misbehaved and humiliated her in front of everyone. she asks if he was right in mistreating her like that. devi asks how would she stay away from him, and manage to survive. kaurvaki gets apalled, at the sudden realisation, and thinks that she wouldnt understand what she had to go through, staying away from ashoka, but his behaviour kills her, and its unbearable. devi asks if she ever thought why is he doing this, as there must have been some way. Kaurvaki says tyhat there is indeed some reason behind his behaviour, but she cant stay here trying to solve the riddle forever. she says that when he doesnt understand anything or her feelings, and if he thinks that she shall keep lingering around for him, then he doesnt know her as if he is a prince, then she too is a princess, and once she is determined to set on thinking something, she goes after it, and once she steps away from his life. she wouldnt even look back and turn, before going far far away. The screen freezes on her tensed face.

Precap: Ashoka proclaims to Acharya ji, that he shall leave no stone unturned in bringing justice to the people of Pataliputra, and that even sushim’s supernatural powers wont stand a chance against his will power and determination. Later, they are shocked, as they all go out in the public courtyard, wherein they find Sushim’s mentor’s body, hung from a rope, with the noose around the neck. all are horrified, including Mahamatya, while sushim is aghast.

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