Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 23rd December 2015 Written Update

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Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 23rd December 2015 Written Update by Pooja

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 23rd December 2015 Written Episode

Kichak asks a future predictor what he can see. Will I become a father? Will someone sit on the throne after me or not? A lady (Kichak’s wife) looks on as well. The man says change will certainly happen in future. I see a Tejasvi kid who will sit on the throne after you. He will become an example for India in future. His fame will not be limited to Takshshila. The lady smiles shyly. Kichak does not let that man complete. It means my son will certainly be born. I was dying to hear this only. He calls out for Bhami (his wife). She comes out from behind the curtains. The man is speechless. Kichak gives him gold. The man leaves without telling him the truth. Kichak wants to hold a celebration. We will offer humans in sacrifice so there is no obstacle in our way. Bhami finds it wrong that they should kill someone to gain someone. He scolds her for using her mind. I wouldn’t have been able to do anything if I had listened to you. my son will set an example for the entire world. He will show that for ruling, you don’t need royal blood. I wont accept any hindrance in my way, even if it is you! He leaves. Bhami prays that her husband realises his follies one day. He should realise that he has ruined the lives of many innocent people only to achieve his dream.

Ashoka politely declines Amatya Raakshas’s request. My dharma is to take care of my mother and get her treated. I have to achieve my mission as soon as I can. Amatya Raakshas feels happy to hear his words. You can come to me if you need anything in Takshshila. Ashoka nods. Ashoka and Kaurvi look at each other. They start talking at the same point. She asks him why he fought for her. He replies that he would have done the same thing it if was some other girl in her place. She says I don’t understand you at times. You try to hide your truth by calling yourself a fisherman’s son. On the other hand, you attack like a pro (soldier / warrior) for a bracelet? He shares that this has his mother’s blessings. 4 pillars of living life so I never sway from my path – power, courage, patience and trust. He thinks that they are the 4 pillars of united India. Ma says, a person’s life is based on these 4 pillars only. Kaurvi thinks they are equally important for her missions’ success too. She remarks that his mother has done his upbringing in such a way as if he is some prince of Magadh. Ashoka reasons that for any mother, her daughter is like a princess and a son, a prince. It is my turn to ask a question now. Why did you save me? Why were you looking for me? When everyone was trying to save their own lives, why were you thinking about me? She gives him his answer only. They hear the sailor thanking everyone on the ship for pulling through the worst situation on board. Our journey ends now. We have reached our destination (Takshshila)! Ashoka and Kaurvi look at each other.

Kichak says a few years ago, did anyone think that we will all stand in Takshshila like this. We will have the right to make new rules! Ashoka is dead. I don’t accept it as my truth. Victory is still far. I have to reach Patliputra, Kalinga! We have to announce that we are independent, and brave. Anyone can be brave. His courtiers agree with him. KIchak adds that their respect will increase when his respect will increase. Your only aim is to make all the citizens of Takshshila believe that there is only one true king – Kichak! They all cheer for him. Kichak has deployed 4 of his trustworthy people. They will spread the word around. Agnibahu (minister for education) – he will make sure everyone gets to know about Mahanayak Kichak’s story. Education should be given while telling them about their Mahanayak Kichak. They should pray to their Mahanayak only. Dhanajay (minister of commerce) – he will make sure the treasury is always full. The citizens should not dare to even take a stand against their Mahanayak. Virayan (minster for internal safety) – he will spread terror so no one can ever think to rebel against us. A state’s success is reflected in its justice system. Only a king can do that. It will be in my hands only! I will make sure I make rules which are in our benefit only. I will teach a rebel the true meaning of justice! We are the 4 pillars of Takshshila. We will remove the name of Maurya Vansh from this earth. Everyone cheers for him.

Radha Gupta requests Bindu to allow him to leave for Takshshila. Bindu asks him why he wants to go. Radha Gupta says I want to alert my spies before Sushim reaches there. It will help Sushim only Bindu agrees. Keep me in loop. Radha Gupta agrees. Bindu thinks of Ashoka. He looks sadly at the sword. The pain of Ashoka’s loss will end with my life only. He caresses the sword. I wish I could tell you how much proud I am of you. I wish I could tell you how much I love you son.

Ashoka asks kaurvi what happened. She says nothing. He points out that at times people say a lot by saying nothing. In this journey, I couldn’t find out about you and why you came here. I have understood you are very brave. He gifts her conch shell. It transfers even a drop of sand into pearl. The same is with you. You can turn your life as beautiful as a pearl if you will keep faith. She says I couldn’t understand your truth in reality. But I am sure, there is something very important that you want to accomplish on your own. Truth is, you aren’t alone. She too gives him a gift. You will always have the prayers and blessings of all those with you who trust you. They look sadly at one another as they hear people calling out for them.

Kaurvi goes with Amatya Raakshas. Ashoka looks at her as she leaves. He recalls that she is the same fruit seller who he was following the other day in market. The other monk chants a mantra as he reaches the main gate. Amatya thinks he has finally reached the place from where his mission will start. The world will finally get to know that there is someone superior to Chanakya. Chankya began the rule of Maurya Vansh. I will put an end to that now. He enters inside the main gate along with Kaurvi and the monk.

A guy (soldier) slaps the monk. How dare you take the name of our Swami! He is called Mahanayak. Amatya says we only want to meet your Mahanayak and bless him. It will help him move towards the aim of his life. The soldier replies that their Mahanayak needs no such blessings. Amatya points out that it isn’t wrong to have someone’s blessings when you aim for something big. The soldier pushes him and walks away.

Ashoka too enters inside the main gates of Takshshila. He touches the dirt on his head. He remembers Acharya’s last words; of his mother’s words. Everyone thinks Acharya Chanakya and Chandragupta Maurya began the Maurya dynasty from here only. They don’t understand that that was the beginning of their dream of a united India only. Takshshila is trying to break the same dream now. I vow that I wont let it happen. I will throw away all the negativity from here and establish the 4 pillars of united India here! I will end Kichak!

Precap: Ashoka meets a man. He asks if the end of his life is also predestined. Ashoka asks him what he means. The man points at a group of people shouting in pain. They too had brought a message from Maurya’s. A soldier is about to hurt someone when Ashoka hits at his hand. The weapon drops from the soldier’s hand. Kichak looks on in shock.

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1 Comment

  1. Ram
    December 24, 09:23 Reply

    Thanks for written updates

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