Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 23rd September 2015 Written Update

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Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 23rd September 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 23rd September 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Helena ask Noor if you are sure Dastan will help you? Noor says he cant say no to me, she says what if Sushim wins this competition? he will sit on throne and then Siamak will not get anything, i told you that Siamak to snatch his right, why you are not doing anything? Helena says we greek if are not doing anything than that doesnt mean we are silent, there is one poison which keep residing in body, it will not do anything till it is provoked and if is it is provoked once then no remedy can stop it from killing person, till you comeback i wil make sure that Siamak do everything to sit on throne. Noor ask what about Ashok and Dharma, Helena says i will find way to finish them too.
Sushim takes blessing of Bindu, Bindu says i hope that you wont disappoint me, he takes Charu’s blessing, Charu says you have to show world that how capable my son is, Sushim says dont worry, i wont disppoint you, he takes Subhrasi’s blessing but not Dharma’s, then Ashok comes forward and touches Bindu’s feet, Bindu says you may not be educated but you will perform well because you are mannered and have great thinking, you wil not disappointed me and your mother, Ashok nods, Ashok comes to Charu and says you are not only 1st queen but my Badi Maa, he touches her feet, she says you are not of much age but you are very capable, i pray for you, he takes Subhrasi’s blessing then takes Dharma’s blessing, she says do whatever you want today but extend Maurya’s standard today, he takes Helena’s blessing, she says i know you are finding Siamak but i am sure he will come to see victory of his friend and brother.
Competition starts, Host says this is my pleasure that i am chosen to conduct this competition, this is first time a Samrat will be chosen by conducting educational competition where fight will happen with words, i all announce all Acharayas, he welcomes three Acharayas, they come and take their places, Chanakya and Khalatak are there too, then Sushim comes there, then Ashok comes there, host says that Acharayas will ask questions from Sushim and Ashok, right person will be chosen by seeing his thinking and will for Magdh, i wanna thank Chanakya for making Maurya dynasty real, it was his thinking and great will that gave us great Samrat, Sushim and Ashok takes his blessing, Chanakya says we should use our mind for people, he should use our strengths in right direction, only that way whole India will be successful, Sushim says i agree, Ashok thanks Chanakya.
Host says in first part of competition, Acharaya will ask question and Sushim-Ashok have to tell their opinion about it, in 2nd part of competition, we will see how both will react in different situations, in 3rd part we will how they will behave when they will sit on throne and have to solve problem, in last part Acharayas will evaluate marks and see who is more capable.
Competition starts Acharaya ask how to keep peace in nations? Sushim answers that to maintain peace, we need to follow rules and those who doesnt follow rules should be punished severely so that no one try to break rules again, Ashok says Sushim is right but i dont agree to him, Chanakya’s learning says that humanity is more important, crimes didnt get less by punishing people, in Dhananand’s government, people were punished too but it was not solution, Khalatak says you have to answer according to question only, Acharaya says let him answer, Ashok says i am not saying punishment is not important but for people to follow rules, we have to win their trust first, first we have to make then believe that the rules which are made is for their good only, when they will trust us then they will follow rules not by getting afraid of punishment but by their own will, Acharaya says both have great thinking, both have equal marks in first part of competition.
In court, Bindu says to family that Ashok have great thinking, he has gone through alot in life, he has much more experience then other brothers, he has given new dimensions to Chanakya’s thinking, Dharma says you are right, he has lived life of commoner thats why he understand their problems, Charu says you are right but when it comes to royal life and to become Samrat, then he has no experience, he has not seen how King lives and how he has to behave in certain situation, Bindu says then one whom you are calling commoner has impressed us all many times with his thinking and cleverness, he has ability to solve difficult problems easily,Bindu says Samrat Vanraj have that much capability that one day he will become Samrat Ashok, Helena look on stunned.

PRECAP- Acharaya ask Sushim and Ashok that if attackers have surrounded your force then is there any way to safety of your soldiers? Sushim says no, the only way is to soak in their attack, Ashok says if you dont have any way then you have to think how to make way, like soldiers are responsible to protect their king and nation, king has responsibility to protect his soldiers, he has to do everything to make sure his soldiers are safe. Acharaya says this kid has great, his thinking ahead of many kids of his age, he has extra ordinary skills and has great thoughts.

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  1. Ramchandra
    September 23, 23:36 Reply

    Wow! Excellent thinking if Ashok. The show is becoming great everyday! . Waiting for next episode!

  2. Ashoka hai Ashoka
    September 23, 14:52 Reply

    Love his thinking and kind nature if reall Ashok was like this then he was brilliant.

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