Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 26th August 2015 Written Update

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Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 26th August 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 26th August 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Ashok tells Dharma that i am not prince but Samrat Vanraj and you are my queen, i dont know what Bindu and Subhrasi taked but what decision you took for me was best in that situation, today whatever i am is because of your upbringing, he hugs her and leaves, Ashok thinks that i have to tell Chanakya about my mother’s tension, he finds some guy misbehaving with Ahenkara, Sushim comes and beats him, Sushim says cheap, how dare you do this? guy says you are beating your friend for betrayer’s daughter, sushim says you are alive as you are my friend, before i forget that you are my friend, leave from here, Guy leaves, Sushim says sorry to Ahenkara on his friend’s behalf, Ahenkara is about to leave but he stops her and says i am sorry for my behavior too, Ashok starts leaving but Sushim says you can stay here, Sushim says to Ahenkara that i knew you are not involved in conspiracy but i misbehaved with you, i cant control my anger, i have seen my father in danger, i got afraid in that fire palace and took anger on you, i didnt know what to do so i spit my anger on you, then i got to know that this conspiracy is done by person whom Bindu loved then i realized that your love was pure, i realized that i cant live without you, your love is everything for me, if you loved me for a moment then forgive me, Ahenkara says i should leaves, she leaves, sushim comes to Ashok and says i need your assistance, i am not talking about Ahenkara and me, you told me that when you will know about Dharma and her son, i want your promise that when you will know about them, you will first tell me, Ashok ask why? Sushim says because i wanna protect my father, i know enemies are behind Bindu, i feel someone is still conspiring, we should be careful, if enemies know anything before us then it will be dangerous if you need my help then ask me Ashok says if i know anything about them then i will tell you, Sushim says now on one can stop me from becoming heir.

Scene 2
noor’s dasi comes to Bindu and says that Noor wanna talk to you, Bindu leaves, Khurasan comes in his room and ask soldiers to go behind Bindu, Bindua is in danger, be with him, soldier leaves, Khurasan starts searching Bindu’s room. Bindu is going to Noor’s room, soldiers come behind him, he ask what happened? they say that Khurasan asked us to be with you, enemies are near you, Bindu says then he would have told me first, he starts going back his room, Dasi says what about Noor? he says i will talk to her later, he goes towards his room, Khurasan is finding analyst’s family record in his room, Dasi comes to Noor and tells her that Bindu went back to his room. Bindu is going back to his room, Khurasan finds record and senses someone coming in, Bindu is about to go in room but Helena comes there and stops, she ask everything fine? Khurasan comes there and says everything is fine, my agents told me that you are in danger but now everything is fine, Bindu says you should have informed me, Khurasan says i came to your room but got to know that you are in Noor’s room so i didnt come there, Helena blesses Bindu and leaves.
Ashok says to Redha that we will not get caught, he says Dharma wanted to tell truth to me but i stopped her as this is not right time as if she talk about it then she will know that i know about it and i am doing secret work against Khurasan, this can put her in danger so i wanna remain this secret from her, i wanna talk to Chanakya, Radha says no, Chanakya dont want anyone to doubt you both, he gives him Chanakya’s message and ask him to find way.
a literate person is called, Helena ask him to take oath on fire that you will read truth only, will not lie, he takes oath, he reads record that Bindu married a Brahmin and her name was Dharma, they had a son together but son’s name is not known to anyone, all are disappointed.
Ashok reads Chanakya’s letter that Enemy’s mission is his weakness, make it your strength and win the game, Ashok says enemy is Khurasan and his mission is to reach my mother so Chanakya wanna say that i should involve my mother in all this but it will put her in danger, if Chanakya have said this then there must be reason behind it, Siamak comes there and ask where were you in Janmashtmi? Ashok says i went to meet my old friends, Siamak says you could have brought them here, i would have met them, Ashok says how can i bring them here, they are common, Siamak says kyou are my friend so you are part of family, your friends are my friends, my father says that we should accept friends with their strength and weakness, we should accept their relations too, you are part of our family so dont think like that next time, Ashok hugs him and thinks that i hope your love remain same for me after you get to know that i am going to punish your grandfather Khurasan.

PRECAP- Helena says to Khurasan and Niharika that now we will use Ahenkara and make her say things to Ashok so that he tell everything about Dharma to her. Ahenkara comes to Ashok and says you can tell me about Dharma, i will be with you, Ashok tells her something which is muted, Khurasan and Niharika tries to listen it from far.,.

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