Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 6th May 2015 Written Update

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Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 6th May 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 6th May 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Sushim says to his team that lets run from this fog, they start running. otherside Ashok takes rope from all his team members, tie them together, then jumps the tree, ties one end of rope to tree and comes down, he says to others that we have to swing with this rope and go out of this place at once else nomads will attack us. Sushim’s team is running at full speed, they pass the first track. Ashok holds rope, swing around it and comes out of fog area, his team members follow this, last student is coming when he is hit by arrow, Ashok says i will bring him back, Siamak says you cant go back, student calls for help and withdraws from competition, Ashok is sad.
soldier comes and informs Acharayas that Sushim’s team have passed first track, Aakramak ask what about siamak? soldier says no news about them till now.
Siamak says to Ashok that lets leave now, AShok is sad about student but leaves with team.
sushim’s team reaches rest area. Siamak’s team passes the first track. Sushim says they passed fog area too, Indar says how without weapons? Vasu says because they have vanraj with them, Sushim curtly looks at him. siamak’s team reaches rest area too, Sushim stares at Siamak. sunsets down. soldier says both teams of have stay here for night and if any fight happens between teams then it will affect competition too.

Scene 2
Soldier informs Acharayas that both teams have passed the first track and lost one student. Acharaya kita says Siamak’s team was way behind then how did they reach? soldier says Ashok used his intelligence and made his team pass the track, Aakramak says i knew Ashok will be helpful for his team, Shrist says both teams are strong, we have to wait fro tomorrow, Aakramak says now we have to see which student is knocked out and which team go forward.
In night, Indar makes fun of Siamak’s team that they dont have anything to eat, they praise Sushim. Siamak goes to answer them but Ashok says they want to provoke you so that you do something wrong, Siamak stops, Subaho says i am Sushim’s friend, if ask them then they will give me something to eat, Siamak says they didnt save you when you were in problem, how can you expect them to help you, he is of no one. Sushim says no one is friend competition. he says to siamak that if you see me as role model then you will be beneficial, you will learn things from me, Siamak says yes i can learn alot from you, like how to steal others things, how to lie, how to beat others, you cant be my role model ever as you have no personality, Sushim says you all are going mad because of hunger, resign from this competition and you will get food. Ashok says to Siamak that i will get from somewhere, i will find something in Vann;s jungle, siamak says but there can be wild animals there, Ashok says dont worry, Siamak says i will come with you, Ashok says no, you are needed here, he ask siamak to distract soldiers while he will go back in Vann, Siamak starts talking to soldier, Ashok leaves from there, sushim sees this and says cheap guy, your end has come.
Noor writes letter that i know Justin, my insecurity to lose you, my jealousy hurts you, you dont like all this, just meet me once, i will be peaceful, i will wait for you in night and you where, yours Noor. she says to Dasi that i am giving my life to you, this letter should go to Justin, dasi says thinks once more how will you go to meet him? she says you just give this letter to him, she says all guys are same, if you loosen grip then they will go to other women and that Agni is trying to lure Justin but now i have to remind Justin that no one can take place in heart then me.

Scene 3
Ashok comes in jungle, he marks on trees to not forget way. he listens noise of some animals, Sushim is following him too. sushim is hiding behind tree and puts poison on arrow, he points arrow towards Ashok and says this poisonous arrow will hit you and you will die in seconds, otherside Dharma worries for Ashok. Subhrasi ask her what happened? she gives water to her, Dharma thanks her, she ask dharma to sleep.
Sushim is about to hit Ashok but Ashok leaves from there, sushim follows, Ashok finds fruits on tree and is about to jump the tree but recalls how Dharma said that trees can have ghostt and the one which have it, birds doesnt sit there, Ashok throws stone on tree and finds birds in tree. Ashok jumps tree and collects fruits. Sushim points arrow at him and throws it at Ashok, Ashok is shocked.

PRECAP- Siamak says that with tomorrow’s sunrise, we will attack sushim’s stuff and will take it, will answer cheating with cheating only,

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