Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 9th April 2015 Written Update

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Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 9th April 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 9th April 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Chanakya ask Helena that we are not seeing your servant Chamawand, Helena says i have work other then thinking about servants, Chanakya says when your close one are not with at important then it can be dangerous for you, he leaves, Helena thinks that do whatever you want but you wont be able to understand my plan.
Chanakya says to students that today will be first task of competition, you all have to work hard, today will be race between students, water and time is less for you so use water and time wisely, the one who pass this race in given time will go to next round of competition only, and the one who doesnt pass finish line in given time will be out of competition, in this competition, it will be test of your speed and mind strength and cleverness, the one who will show these skills will win, in end of competition, the winner of all rounds will be given chandragupt’s sword. Aakramak ask all students to go to start line of race, all starts leaving, Ashok comes to Bindu and says my mother used to say that before doing anything big, one should take blessing of elders and there is no one in my life other than you, chanakya and Bindu smile. Ashok touches Bindu’s feet, he blesses him, Ashok touches Chanakya’s feet, he blesses him to win, he then touches aakramak’s feet, sushim comes and touches Bindu’s feet and says i won two times, give me blessing to win again, bindu blesses him, sushim comes to Ahenkara and says will you not wish me luck? she says best of luck, he says if you are with me them i will win for sure. Siamak comes and take blessing of Bindu, Noor and Justin. Sushim comes to Ashok and says this is not start of competition but your end, bindu counts 1..2..3.. race, all students starts running, Ashok is ahead of all, then Siamak then Sushim. Jeet says to Sushim that he is ahead of you, sushim says he wont go much far, let him run, Ashok is running with full speed, he gets little tired and stops, Siamak comes and says if you get tired then Sushim will go ahead of you, Ashok says no i wont let that happen, he starts running again, soldier checks that Ashok is ahead, he sends letter to bindu, soldier comes to Bindu and says runners have passed first round, first is Ashok, then Siamak, then Sushim and Jeet. Siamak stops as he gets tired, Ashok stops and ask are you fine? he says yes, just little tired, why did you stop, keep running, Ashok starts running again. Sushim finds Siamak sitting and goes behind Ashok, Ashok is running, Sushim comes and pushes him away, Ashok loses control and falls in dig, Sushim smirks, he says to Ashok that i told you to not fight with me, Ashok is angry on him, sushim leaves from there, Ashok shouts if there is someone, Siamak comes and ask where are you? Ashok says in dig, Siamak comes and finds him in dig, he ask how did you fall in it, Ashok says because of Sushim, Siamak says i will help you, Ashok says no go and run, siamak says are you mad, i will help you, Ashok says no we dont want ego to win, i will try to come out but one of us should remain in competition, you have to win over Sushim, run.. Siamak runs.

Scene 2
Raj says to Helena that you have made a very good plan, history will not forget this marriage, Justin comes there, Helena says you.. he says why did i come on wrong time? Raj says no no, i was just talking to her, he leaves, Justin says to Helena why i feel that i am not fully aware of this plan, i believe that when i am sacrificed in this plan then i have right to knwo about it, Helena says its about magdh’s throne, you should be glad sacrificing for it, Justin says i am your son and i love someone else than throne too, Helena says she is using you, Justin says let her as i love her, Helena says you are a fool, if she has to choose between you and Siamak for throne then she will not take a second and will choose Siamak, she is just using you, you are a emotional fool, i will not tell you my plan but just remember that this time will be either win or lose.
Raj and Bindu are playing luddo game, Bindu wins, Raj says i have given my niece to you so we have already lost to you, Justin looks at Agni, she smiles, Noor sees this and says now its confirmed that Justin is on otherside(raj or Agni’s side), she says now we will help Bindu to win, Agni says it will not be easy to win over us. message comes about race, soldier informs in 2nd phase Sushim is 1st, Siamak 2nd, Jeet 3rd, Charu says congrats Noor, Siamak is 2nd, i was thinking Ashok can beat him, Agni says its better if Siamak lose to prince not by common kid, Noor says race is still on, Bindu ask what about Ashok? Aakramak says he was leading race but he fell in dig, other teacher says i told that Ashok doesnt deserve to be in competition, Chanakya says he fell in dig but didn lose, race is still on, Bindu says he is right, it will not surprise me if Ashok returns to race.
Otherside Ashok is in dig, he recalls Sushim’s words that he is winner and he wont let him win, he recalls how Aakramak said that this competition is not his cup of tea, Ashok is tensed.

PRECAP- Dharma is praying to lord, otherside Sushim and Siamak are running in race, Ashok finds stones in dig, he puts stones on dig walls and holds them, with help of stones, he starts climbing the dig to come out.

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