Chand Chupa Badal Mein 2nd November 2010 Written UPdate

The Episode Starts with Divya Saying to Sid that i want to say something to you.Siddharth Says Now.Divya Says Yes.Viren Says Your Attention Please and That Lucky Girl Is………Viren Starts Walking Towards Nivi…and Sid is Shocked….and Then Viren Ask Sharmila If he can dance with ur assistant…..Sharmila Says Sure…Nivi says No Madam……Sharmila Says Client Mood is…and Sharmila Says go…

Naagada Plays and Viren Does Bhangra and he brings nivi on the dance Floor but Nivi just Stand there…….Viren Does Bhangra Dance…..While Divya Looks at Sid..and Nivi Looks at Them….

When the song says jab bhi woh Ladki comes on the window…..Viren comes towards Nivi and Spins Her Around….Viren Does Bhangra…..and Viren Does that Hip-Hop Style on the floor—

Everyone is enjoying the dance and having good time…while Sid ,Divya and Nivi Emotional/Sad..

Divya Says come…Siddharth says we can talk later…Divya says no the talk i want to talk with u is very important…Divya takes Siddharth downstair to talk and Nivis is kinda spying on them[ lol]

Siddharth says to Divya if u are gona ask me a question then i do not have the answer.Divya says No i do not need answer this time i know everything and now nothing is left to know..Divya says I know that you are not happy with this relationship i also know that instead of coming closer to me make excuses to go away from me i aslo know that you don’t love are marrying me b/c of Dadaji.Right Siddharth.but you also know that after i know all this i still want to marry you b/c i love day i will make my space in your heart siddharth…Sid is emotional and he leaves…while Nivi Cries too….

Saware Piya BG Plays
Sid is going upstairs and NivArth Comes Face to Face…NivArth Very Emotional and Nivi leaves…
Viren Sees Nivi leaving and He picks up Nivi’s Bracelet and He goes behing Nivi…

Nivi is at her house and …and she says i have to do something i have to make sid believe that we can not be together now….. Nivi goes to Dadi’s Room…and Dadi says what happen say something….nivi says Dadi i want to get married as soon as Possible…Dadi says i know why u saying this…Dadi said that you got tired so early…Nivi Says Yes b/c other life is also on the bet…i only have one route dadi…..Dadi Says Now you do not have strength to accept this lost ….Dadi says why don’t you say that the decision you took with so much confidence is now going no where.that’s why you are making Excuses. Nivi says No it’s not truth Dadi how can i make u understand it.Nivi says just get me married to anyone.. Dadi Says Nivi bas now don’t make your dadi insult this much….Dadi says i understand that i never did anything for you…But for your happiness i have fought in every breath i have asked for your happiness. me and ur Dad dreamed abt ur marriage but today you are breaking it….Dadi says i will get you married when the time comes when someone comes and say it when that person will love you care abt you…and that’s when i will get you married…Dadi says now i do not want to listen go to your room.and Viren Over Hears it…..Dadi Cries and Dadi sits on the Bed…

Viren goes inside the room….and he ask Dadi for Nivi’s Hand…..Dadi is shocked…Dadi says kya….Viren Says I love Nivedita so much……Dadi says do you even know wht u are saying…Dadi says how can you even think this…Dadi says this is impossible….Viren says why but right now you said that you r looking for a guy for Nivi who care abt her…and that boy is me….Viren Says I have never loved anyone except Nivi….Dadi says no matter what i can Not give Nivi’s Hand For You…..Viren Says Why./…..Dadi Says Because you are sood and you are related to them…..Dadi said — (something which i could not understand it)….Dadi says to viren and u want me to send my nivi at that house No No…..Viren Says Fine then i will break all the relationship with that house that has given u so much pain ……..Dadi is shocked…..

Episode Ends on Viren Face

*PreCap*:::Nivi telling Naintara Dadi that Sid does not love divya di……Nivi says to dadi Sid still loves me…and Viren is standing / hears it

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