Chandra Nandini 9th March 2017 Written Update

Chandra Nandini 9th March 2017 Written Update by Tanaya

Chandra Nandini 9th March 2017 Written Episode

Chandra walks to Maliektu and says go find Sunanda she was with Roopa and the biggest fraud and will never be forgiven ,Avantika says Chandra I beg of you,Roopa my daughter I haven’t seen her and is dead and Nandini is dying and all my sons are dead please save her,Chandra says I promise she will be fine,Maliektu with soldiers finding Sunanda,they search whole mahal and found no one.

Helina says ma what now,if Chandra gets to know about us, I think we must go confess and says sorry before he punishes us,ma says helina he is just searching for Sunanda and not us,Helina says ma Nandini is alive ,Chandra planned this he kept her alive to reach Nand and Roopa he is very cunning,ma says right this might be his plan so that he finds the chain behind the plot and let Sunanda be out of this
mahal and you need to be with Chandra and not here and get as much as info you can. Maliektu says maharaj we didn’t find her,Chandra says search every secrete cave and nearby places but get Sunanda. Vaidya says acharya maharani is collapsing,it’s difficult to save her,Chandra says Nandini don’t loose hope don’t give up.

Nandini remembers her time spent with Chandra and breathes her last, Vaidya says sorry she is no more.chandra holds her and says Nandini open your eyes you can’t leave me and go,look all are here for you don’t do this,Helina thinks good she is dead now Chandar will be all mine,Helina says Chandra we should make funeral arrangements ,Chandra says helina stop talking rubbish she will open her eyes,Chanakya says Chandra don’t do this to yourself maharani is no more,Chandras tears falls on nandinis forehead and she moves her head,all are shocked, dadi says this is power of love,Chandras love got Nandini back,Chandra says Vaidya do something.
Vaidya says leave us alone please,Chandra says let me stay please,all leave.

Durdhara says god what will happen now,Helina asks what happened,Durdhara says did you do anything bad with Roopa,Helina asks why but,durdhara says when a evil person dies she turns to ghost and she use to eye on Chandra I hope she never returns as ghost,Helina says rubbish this never happens,durdhara say thank god,I’m so relieved ,even my baby doesn’t get scared and leaves.

Helina remembers Chandra being uneasy when Nandini was about to die,and imagines herself saying Chandra has Nandini and durdhara has his baby and friendship but what do you have ,even when you married him first,fought for him made him king and now you have nothing no love no authorities,Helina says this isn’t true I have Chandra he is mine,I will get back my rights.

Chandra with Nandini,Nandini has her father revealing his truth on her mind and wakes up,Chandra says don’t wake up you are injured and so rest,Nandini says Chandra pitahamaharaj he fooled me whole life,he killed Roopa in front of me,Chandra says it was a bad dream,forget it,cry it out so that you never have to cry over this pain,I know you lost your childhood and father cry it out,Nandini starts crying and hugs him,Nandini goes off to sleep,Chandra says I will never see tears in your eyes hence forth.

Amartya stops nand from killing himself,nand says I killed Nandini,Amartya says maharaj Nandini is alive and is in magad mahal,nand says I saw her fall off cliff,Amartya says Chandragupta saved her,nand says I have to see Nandini,Amartya says maharaj Chandragupta used Roopa to kill you,it was his plan,and so now think of how to get magad back,Nandini is your daughter you can get her back anytime,nand says you are right but how,Amartya says we will use dako sena ,and use the same strategy they used to conquer magad we will first conquer near by places and then finally magad.

Avantika walks to Nandini and says you are magads maharani,you have to get out of this pain soon,Nandini starts laughing and says ma you called me maharani,I’m an evil mans daughter,he killed my husbands father,my sister your daughter and god knows how many more,ma you brought me up with a lie , I always thought these people here are cheaters enemies but they are my true family,look at Chandra I took him as my enemy,but he showed me what my truth was and Sunanda ma she used my sister for revenge and pitahamaharaj killed her and you ma,you helped them all,this is all evil,Chandra says Nandini she is your mother behave,Avantika says don’t stop her,she is right I made a mistake I tired telling her but she never agreed to what I say because her father was more important to her even more than God,Nandini I have just you and can’t bare your hatred so forgive me if you can and leaves.
Nandini starts crying.

Precap: Chanakya says Chandra nand could escape because Nandini helped him,Chandra says no acharya she didn’t,Chanakya says it’s my order sentence her to death.

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