Channa Mereya 23rd August 2022 Written Update

Channa Mereya 23rd August 2022 Written Update by Atiba

Channa Mereya 23rd August 2022 Written Episode

Scene 1
Ginni prays to Lord to show her some hope. Akash comes there and says Angel didi we are a team now, he gives her a cake and says Adi hasn’t eaten anything so he will try to cook something in the kitchen. Let’s destroy everything in the kitchen and then he will learn a lesson. Ginni comes to the kitchen and says I will cook breakfast. She tells Akash that we can’t punish him like that. Akash says if you make food for him then he will be powerful. Ginni says he will calm down after eating. She says I will cook parathas. Supreet comes there and stops her, she says you must know that you should make parsad as your first dish. Ginni says I… Supreet says I haven’t accepted you as our daughter-in-law but we have rituals and have to do them. Just make the parsad. I can’t believe you took this bold step. Ginni says I only had this way to save my brother’s life, I told Adi and Sam to not get married but they didn’t listen then Darji told me to help myself. Supreet asks her to just cook parsad and leaves from there. Ginni goes to get oil.

Mrs. Randhawa tells Gulabo that Khushwant wanted to partner up with a man and then surprise you all. What if that partner stole his diary? You have to find out who that partner was to find the diary.

A man enters some secret room and looks at his and Khushwant’s photo.

Ginni sees Sam awake in her room and asks if she is okay? Sam says I have a headache. Ginni says I will call Adi and leaves from there.

Ginni comes to the kitchen and starts cooking parsad. Sharja comes there and says no one will eat anything you make. Ginni says Supreet asked me to cook parsad. Sharja thinks if Supreet is ready to accept her? Adi comes there so Sharja says you are trying to take over the kitchen now? Adi tells Ginni that this is a divine place for me so leave from here. Ginni says I am making parsad so don’t stop me. Adi says stop trying to act like my wife. Ginni says I don’t want to get any place, I know people are hungry and Supreet asked me to cook parsad. Adi starts cooking. Ginni says Parsad is cooked with love and patience and not with anger. Adi makes parsad while Ginni helps him. They both cook parsad together. Ginni gives parsad to Akash for mandir. Sharja says we can eat parsad from our enemies so it’s fine. Ginni offers Parsad to Adi, he takes it and says it’s parsad so I am taking it. Sharja eats it too.

Sam calls someone and says Ginni is dangerous, I have to tell the family about pregnancy. Nobody can find out that Adi is not the father of this baby. She turns to see Ginni standing there and gets shocked. Ginni slaps her hard and says this is your reality? I was feeling guilty but you are a selfish woman. My brother was killing himself for you and you were fooling Adi too? I will bring your truth out and you will be jailed now. I came to give you parsad but now you will be punished. Ginni leaves from there. Sam says I can’t stop her, I have to continue this drama. She says I won’t be silent now, I will prove that Ginni is lying.

Ginni is going to talk to Adi but Supreet stops her and asks if she made parsad? Did you give parsad to everyone? Ginni thinks if I should tell her the truth before Adi?

PRECAP – Sam tells the family that Ginni wants to destroy her life like her brother. I am pregnant with Adi’s baby. Adi tells Sam that she doesn’t need to justify anything. Sam says they need to know about her reality because she is a con-woman. Sharja says Ginni can’t stay here anymore, she throws her out of the house.

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