Chhan Chhan 8th April 2013 Written Update

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Chhan Chhan 8th April 2013 Written Update by princessunara

Chhan Chhan 8th April 2013 Written Episode

Scene starts with CC’s dad asking her where they got the money for computer classes. CC says that they will clean the storeroom and put benches and computers in it and fix the class in the house itself.
Everyone appreciates the idea and her dad asks how much cash they would need and she refuses it telling that by selling the necklace they have found the money to buy the furniture and the computers.
They laugh about the necklace being a part gift to Purvi from herself.

And then CC’s bro (Rugweg) intervenes that there is so much to do right now so to stop laughing and get going, Dadi ma asks confused as they have done the biggest job of sending the message loud and clear to UB what is left?
Rugweg says that the biggest job is still left as they have to inaugurate the thing.
CC agrees and then her mom starts a lecture on history and her dad nicely diverts her mind and then he himself offers to gift the paintings for the class for which everyone makes a face and poor Purvi accepts.
And Rugweg offers to do the photography, CC takes over delivery of computers and furniture and CC’s sis (Rushali) offers to take care of the distribution of invitations and so on everyone joins in. And Purvi asks to leave something for herself too. And CC says she will leave the biggest job for her, that is to cut the ribbon!
And Purvi says no dadima will cut the ribbon! And everyone cheers for the idea and the all looks happy and contented.

On the other hand Himanshu enthusiastically plans on how to eat the cake which in front of them and apologize and thank CC while Manav looks on exasperatedly. Himanshu takes one piece and starts eating and goes fida over the cake and says, ‘what a delicious cake, i think the girl has all wonderful qualities fulfilled, i am sure along with cooking she must also know sewing and knitting too!! She is beautiful, decent, well cultured…’
And Manav finally blows the lid and asks if he is eating cake or a bribe? While Manshu laughs Manav keeps scolding telling that ‘u r praising her as if she has brought a proposal!’
Himanshu slyly asks that ‘whether marriage happens or not at least with this sorry and thank u business friendship can happen b/w u two right? When ur friendship happens friendship b/w ur friend’s will also happen!’
Manav asks what he meant and Manshu says that i meant me and Simple too!!

And Manav starts chasing Himanshu around the room while he keeps explaining all the positives in befriending CC such as getting to eat such cakes every day… And while running around Himanshu drops down on bed unconscious and Manav panics as he doesn’t wake up and jumps to the conclusion that CC mixed poison in that cake!!

Chhan Chhan is in her room with Puchpuch on the coffee table and she is trying to coax him to jump and then the phone rings and she answers only to have Manav shout at her asking ‘what have u done?don’t u have anything called humanity in u? just cz ur dog’s poison didn’t work on me u put it in that cake?’
A completely confused CC tries to make sense as Manav keeps berating her telling that his poor friend is unconscious after eating the cake with so much love and trust!!
CC tries at first to deny it as she is incredulous at the turn of events! And they both start squabbling where she is asking what nonsense is this and him shouting not to take it as a joke!
But finally Manav’s words ‘ur plan was to end both of us, but unfortunately my poor friend ate even my share of the cake and now the poor guy is unconscious!’ gets through to her and she panics too.
And she denies there being anything bad in it the cake his friend would become unconscious and says that he must have eaten something else and Manav contradicts her and says that ‘he ate the cake u mixed poison right in front of me’ and swears that he will never forgive her for this and cuts the phone not listening to her frantic reasoning!!
CC is worried and upset. And Manav is trying to wake up Himanshu while CC finally calls them back. Himanshu wakes up and tries to say something about the cake and not allowing him to do that Manav says, ‘ya there was poison in that cake! but only very little!! her plan was to kill both of us!’
Himanshu again tries to interrupt but is ignored, as Manav tells his great achievement on blowing off CC and threatening her that he will not let her go if anything happened to his friend!!
And just then the phone rings and Manav picks it up and Himanshu gets through and asks Manav to ask her if she put walnuts in the cake and she happily says of course i put them! it was a chocolate walnut cake!
Himanshu on knowing that laments ‘that was it! damn i should have asked first!! I am allergic to walnuts!!’
And now a sheepish Manav talks to a worried CC and tries to explain the situation, ‘my friend is allergic to walnuts and says that was why he got sick and now he is fine!’
CC finally sinks down on a sofa saying ‘thank god! and i was thinking it was cz of me ur friend got..’
and Manav interrupts sheepishly ‘ what ever i said to u…’ All this while cutie pie Puchpuch remains like such a darling on the coffee table!

and CC gets wound up and takes up battle stands and says ‘oh ya!! u said a lot!! actually told a little too much! what did u think of me? that u can tell me whatever crap that came to ur hear? The fault is ur friend’s! it is his allergy! he shouldn’t have eaten it without checking! And what did u say? that i put poison on that cake?’
Manav tries to, ‘actually.. i didn’t know he had an allergy for’
CC picks on that and says sarcastically! ‘ oh actually what is wrong with u guys? u r allergic to dogs and he is allergic to walnuts! And now I am having an allergy to u! I am allergic to ur talks, ur voice, ur face! Don’t call me again!’
‘listen’ Manav tries, and CC blasts him, ‘now u listen to me delete my number from both ur phone and ur brain!’ and cuts the calls telling ‘stupid idiot!’
Manav tries to talk but the phone is cut then, Himanshu sweetly asks she was angry right? and manav shouts at him that it is me who is furious at u now! u should tell me if u had an allergy!
And CC fumes in her room thinking she will never forgive him! ‘I will never forgive him! He was accusing me! was threatening me! he doesn’t even know whose fault it is! But started heaping blame on me! It is best to stay away from such people’
And at that point cutie pie Puchpuch manages to jump from the sofa to the floor!

And Simple comes to the room and panics after hearing CC’s angry tirade on the incident and CC pacifies her that nothing actually happened to Himanshu!
Then Simple says that her dad called her.

And CC goes out and her dad says that the good news of lots of inquiries coming about the computer classes advertisement. And CC is delighted and jumps up and down and then her mom says that jsut now a call from an NGO came and they appreciated ur thoughts a lot as they r working towards empowering women and says that they would like to join Purvi’s classes to their organization!
And CC happily says it is good to know that others also think like us and Dadima says that ‘is it possible that our CC tells something and people’s mindsets doesn’t change? it jsut won’t happen!’

On the other side in UB’s home and UB is with her hubby and says ‘helpless poor people who cannot change their clothes according to the season or change their thoughts according to the situation’
And when her son comes and leaves for some work she keeps harping on the fact that as she is there, there is no need for her sons to worry about the accounts despite Tushar bhai not being there.
And she hands him over the accounts sheet for the day and says that she will take care of the accounts and u take care of my DIL and that itself would be a big deal!
Her hubby says that the matter has ended and to end it!
And she says it is not possible to forget soemthing that insulted her hubby’s self respect and swears that she will not allow the loss of Tushar to be felt by their business while she will ensure that Tushar misses them every single day! And asks the hubby to let it go!
And then she twists the hubby with asking to make a wish for a food to eat and he says that for him the wish is to see her smiling happily always and tells that whatever food she makes with a smile would be sufficient to him!
And once he leaves she scares the 3 bahus about a list of wishes her hubby demanded and ask them to make it! And they idiotically fall for her words and is getting ready to make a miniature feast.
And just then her daughter Mansi returns from college and says that she will help her bhabhi to make pizza. And UB happily takes credit to all the good traditions she passes on to her bahus as well as her daughter! And goes on to say that her daughter will be a credit to whichever household she goes to!

Mansi meekly takes leave from her mom to leave only to go to her room and change completely and talk to a friend and make plans to somehow get to a wild life camping trip!! (So much for her mom’s traditional upbringing!! )

Mansi chat with her friend about how to get around her mom to go on a wild life camp and then proceeds to talk about how hard to get thing done in her home! And then reveals she even has a tattoo which she takes pains to hide and says that just the fact that she is allowed to go to college is a bog deal in her house!! And she ends up getting an idea to get help from her brother manav!

And on the other side Chhan Chhan is playing with her doggies and she is blowing bubbles to an enthusiastic Anarkali and Jahapana who jump around and play with her.
Simple runs up to them and gushes on how cute they look and then tries to go and coax Dhyanchand to join the other 2 only to fail to get him to move and asks ‘CC why is he just sitting like this always?’. CC laughs at them and explains, ‘nope he is not jsut sitting, he is thinking deeply! that is why dad named him Dhyanchand’
And as Jahapana jump at her she softly pat his head and explain, ‘he is Jahapana! he thinks he is the king of the whole world! And his attitude! If i call him 4 times, he only graces me with his gaze just one time!’
And she lovingly introduces Anarkali telling how she starts dancing whenever she hears the sound of music!
And finally she picks up the little darling puchpuch and brings him close to her and says, ‘this is my cutie pie Puchpuch! I love uuu’ she cuddles him to her as cutieee Puchpuch cuddles in to her chest!

At that point Rugweg comes with ‘Wow now that is like my sister!! if there is any animal lover it should be like her!in fact it is this very nature of humans that makes them close to the nature!’ CC frowns at all the praises being showered on her and then shrewdly asks, ‘really? so what do u want?’
And he goes all offended and asks, ‘Do u think I only come to u when i need to get something done?’
And without batting an eye she replies, ‘of course!’ in that totally candid way of siblings. Momentarily flustered Rugweg regroups and says, ‘today I actually don’t want anything, i want to give u something!’ and CC looks on pretty interested, and rolls her eyes when she hears, ‘I am going on my wild life camp na. I would like to invite u also to come with me!’
And Simple is excited as CC dismisses it telling, ‘oh oh Rugweg u and ur plans!’ and Jahapana also ‘wuff wuffs’ and CC happily says that even Jahapana doesn’t like it!!
And then she tries to go and when he tries to plead she says, ‘now go and let me do my work’ and shoes him away!

And Rugweg tries to strike a bargain, ‘now i will tell u a deal when it comes to work! if u both come with me I will pay u 550 rupees per day!’

And CC looks all excited and gushes about 550 rupees per day and when Rugweg looks pretty pleased with himself bursts his bubble by telling, ‘i earn a lot more than that by training my dogs!’

And now Rugweg tries emotional blackmailing as he says ‘do this job not for money, but for the nature’ and when he gets to positive response to all his round round talks he get so business and begs his sis to come as he doesn’t have any volunteers at all and asks it was just a 2 day long trip!!

Simple also pleads, agree na, it would be so much fun!

Finally CC says, ‘oh k’ and when Rugwej cheers, she again dampens his excitement by adding ‘oh ok, i mean i will think and tell!!’ and she pompously walks away while Rugweg looks on frustrated!!

Mansi is begging Manav to agree when he sees a message from a guy in her tab about celebraing a 15 day anniversary and he gets mad.
And he says to her that don’t worry i will butter up mom! And says to himself, that u will fool my little sister? And then Manav says,’now Mansi will go, but I will also go!! and u celebrate ur 15 day anniversary and i will break ur bones!

And CC is on the bed brushing cutie pie Puchpuch’s fur and Simple is begging her to go and CC refuses telling that Purvi’s classes r about to start so they can’t go. And Simple butters her up telling that all preparations for the classes have been completed and the rest is up to Purvi. But poor Rugweg he doesn’t have anyone..
And CC also gives in and says ‘ya u r telling the truth,, ‘
And finally she agrees and they laugh.

Manav is in te bus and CC comes with Anarkali and he starts sneezing! And then they both see each other and shout horrified ‘YOU’ and Rugweg says ‘it seems like u two know each other from before!’
And they both deny in haste!

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  1. Chandrima
    April 09, 06:20 Reply

    Aki main clg gayi thi,prac copy sign karvane k liye,abhi wapas ayi hu..waise yamuna 15th bengalis k v new year hai..

  2. aki
    April 09, 06:18 Reply

    hmmm sabh kha hai….??????

  3. aki
    April 09, 06:17 Reply

    chand di nothing bas bhai ko paata rhi hu juice lana ka leya……hehe aap kya kr rhe ho….????????n chatting bhi kr rhi hu….

  4. aki
    April 09, 06:12 Reply

    Sony Entertainment Television’s Chhanchhan has been witness to plenty of fights between Manav ( Farhan Khan ) and Chhanchhan ( Sanaya Irani ).
    And now it’s time for some lovey dovey moments between the two. Yes, the track is finally moving towards some romantic scenes between the leads.
    In the upcoming episodes, Manavwill learn about his sister Mansi’s (Vividha Keerti) affair with an unknown boy whom he will plan to track down. This is when Mansi will talk of her intention to attend a wild life camp. Manav too will join the camp with her ashe will be inquisitive to see her boyfriend.
    However to his surprise, Chhanchhan will also be a part of the same camp. She will be there with her brother Rugved (Srman Jain), a wildlife photographer.
    Furthermore, in a turn of events, Chhanchhan will get stuck in a problem and Manav will opt to help her leaving his hatred for her aside. This will also mark the beginning of their love story as they will slowly and steadily start liking each other and develop a soft corner for one another during the course of the camp.
    Interestingly, the one Manav’s sister is in love with is none otherthan Chhanchhan’s brother.
    When contacted, Srman said, β€œYes, fortunately I have a romantic track here; something that I kept waiting for in Saas Bina Sasural . And we will be going to a wildlife camp

  5. aki
    April 09, 06:08 Reply

    muje laghta hhai pree di koe naye shatani soch rhi hai….

    • aki
      April 09, 06:07


  6. aki
    April 09, 06:01 Reply

    hi chand di…..gud noon…

  7. aki
    April 09, 05:59 Reply

    pree diiiiii phir gayab…????????????

  8. Chandrima
    April 09, 05:57 Reply

    Hi yamuna..i am fine..hw r u?ghar jane k bad hume vul gayi ho??good noon to all…

    • Fan of sarun-a.p[yamuna]
      April 09, 06:01

      Nooo never. Aise kaise bhul jaungi aapko? Noways. Ghas saaf safai ho rahi thi. 11th ko festival haig sooo. Aur mein raat ko aya tha lekin cmnt submit nahi hua tha. Sry yas. Nd haa main bhi fine hu.

  9. aki
    April 09, 05:56 Reply

    @yamuna: di mai kya kru…pree di khud to sharma rhi thi or huma bhi majboor kar rhi thi…

  10. aki
    April 09, 05:54 Reply

    yamuna di……ya di ur rite ..n cc ka bro ki voife bhi manav se better ha n uski actting natural lagti hai….

  11. aki
    April 09, 05:49 Reply

    yes di mane kr diya tha……

    • Fan of sarun-a.p[yamuna]
      April 09, 05:51

      U r just perfect aki. Nd aap kal bht blush kar rahe the tum,pree mujhe bht maza aya aapke convo dekh ke. V. Funny.

    • Fan of sarun-a.p[yamuna]
      April 09, 05:49

      Waise yaar ek baat toh maan ni padegi. Yeh chanchan ki bro bht cute hai. Aur uski baatein bhi. Manav ke bht better hai woh…

  12. aki
    April 09, 05:43 Reply

    di mane kab ka deliver kr diya vo tobbox vapas kr diya ha jo aapka hand me hai….yammuna di lunch finish…….aabh aapka leya kuch nhi bach…bhut tasty tha…..
    aap pree di se hi mang lo…
    pree di us box me mena apka leya icecream bje hai…share krka khana sabh ka sath…..ok…..

  13. pree
    April 09, 05:39 Reply

    akka ….. s zani dheee came after a long days ……… she v.much msd u all at dat time πŸ™

    areh aki jaldi jaldise tumhaari darwaaza kholona aur get urlunch , hw much time i can extend my hands , paining hey na ???? πŸ˜†

  14. aki
    April 09, 05:38 Reply

    Manav (Farhan Khan) and Chhan Chhan ( Sanaya Irani ) who had done lots of fight will now develop soft corner for each other in ChhanChhan on SONY TV.
    It will now show that Manav will come to know about that his sister Mansi loves someone. Mansi will arrange a wild camp where Manav will also join her to know about her boyfriend.
    On the other hand, Chhan Chhan will also visit in the wild camp along with his brother Rahav who is a wildlife photographer.
    Both Manav and Chhan Chhan willcontinue their hate fight, But Manav will leave his anger and will help Chhan Chhan on seeing her in a trouble.
    This will bloom a softness track between Manav and Chhan Chhan.
    Later both Chhan Chhan and Manav will come to know that Manav’s sister loves Chhan Chhan’s brother.

  15. aki
    April 09, 05:37 Reply

    yamunna di jaldi aao thoda sa hi bacha hai…..

  16. pree
    April 09, 05:34 Reply

    yamuna akka am cute innocent …… hehehe 2nd time 4m u …….. super…. s i had my lunch akka……

    aki jaldi chalo , dr tumhaari ghar ki darwaaza kholo na, without opening , if wait , den u hav to waaaaaait ……. den my hands will gone off …. sachhi … my hands r cuming to giv u d yummmy food …. πŸ˜† , am extending my hands …. like a chewing gum …. πŸ˜†

    • Fan of sarun-a.p[yamuna]
      April 09, 05:39

      Hmmm. U r counting it now. Ok. Good. And what kind of delivery is this? Poor aki..

  17. aki
    April 09, 05:28 Reply

    hmm..yamuna di kar liya mane but pree di ne banya ha vo bhi krna ha uska liya mera stomach me space hai…pree di jaldi lao…

  18. pree
    April 09, 05:26 Reply

    hey aki dr u came, y no lunch dis much late?????, s ofcourse jaldi chalo dr , sum1 is knocking ur door, darwaaza kholo aur dheko , ur yummy lunch is cuming 4m me …… prepared wholly by me me me me….. sunao tum…. hihihi hehehe……..

    akka did u had ur lunch??????

    • Fan of sarun-a.p[yamuna]
      April 09, 05:31

      Hmmm.. I had my lunch dear. Hey y’day zani came rite? But i missed the chance :-/ :-/.

  19. pree
    April 09, 05:22 Reply

    oh w….o….w super nd convey my advance welcum to him akka ,am d fst 1 hihihi πŸ˜‰ , u hav a nice bro. bt here c always fighting uffff …hmmmmm………

  20. aki
    April 09, 05:21 Reply

    hii yamuna di….hw re u…missu so much….??????
    pree di mera lunch abhi tak nhi aya …..mai bhut bhuki hu…jaldi bjeo……

  21. pree
    April 09, 05:20 Reply

    d real thing i teased u all in ipkknd nd as d same farss here…… i did’nt whose dat monkey saying dat he/she 4m sc …. nd cmting by sing my un ….. nd using d bad , totally i was mood out akka, without doing any mstk i got d hurtings 4m dat mental………..

    • Fan of sarun-a.p[yamuna]
      April 09, 05:24

      Hmmm dont take their mad ppl words on heart dear. U r such a cute innocent mydear.

  22. pree
    April 09, 05:16 Reply

    yamuna akka fstly i hav 2 tell u 1thing , d day b4 d animal /crack dat came jn ipkknd site dono whom whether he/she ……. shouting like a mad as if i teased her/him……

    • Fan of sarun-a.p[yamuna]
      April 09, 05:21

      Ya rite. He/she is truely mad one. And nice word u have used crack πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

  23. Hi frnds. Gd after noon. Y’day was great. And cc’s family is very supportive. Each n every one, just superb. Very kind ppl. Aur cc’s bro is v. Cute nd her sis also. Rite? And now onwards it would be great. V. Funny. Thanx for the wu.

    • pree
      April 09, 05:13

      s s r all r kind nd nice people like me πŸ˜† , hw r u akka????msd u a lot ……

    • Fan of sarun-a.p[yamuna]
      April 09, 05:14

      And preethi,aki,farss ,hearty,preety,kanch nd all ipkknd frnds msd u guyz. Nd finusa so gd to c u back again. Nd wher were u been?

    • Fan of sarun-a.p[yamuna]
      April 09, 05:18

      Fine preethi, n h r u? U know my bro also wanna cmnt here, y’day i was so sad nd i told him all the ranking thing so he agreed. I think 1 r 2 cmnts. I m so happy now. At nite he’ll come.

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