Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 25th October 2021 Written Update

Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 25th October 2021 Written Update by Amena

Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 25th October 2021 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Nupur explaining Chiku about the Durga puja. She makes Rangoli. She recalls Milind and tells Chiku about Payal and him. Aai says I want to see my son happy. Milind asks do you want to say that I remarry. She says yes, I liked Mandira. He says this marriage can’t happen. Aai says Nupur decided to take Chiku with her and leave forever, she is moving on, why don’t you move on. He gets shocked. She says yes, Nupur is going. She goes. He asks how can Nupur do this, our memories are connected. He sits crying. Chiku asks Nupur about the special day. Nupur thinks of Payal. He says you can’t leave me and go like this.

Nupur thinks of the puja day. Milind and Nupur keep a fast and break it by feeding kheer to each other. Nupur holds her forehead. Chiku asks her to put the colours. She thinks you have a good family, you shouldn’t get away from them. Milind says you want to go, fine, leave, I don’t need you, I will stay without you. Nupur prays. Chiku says its night now, Nupur will be leaving in the morning, I have less time. Nupur asks Chiku to pack her bags, they have to leave in the morning. Kamini says Rashi said that Mandira liked Milind, she is coming, we should make them meet often, they they will like each other. Aai says its good, Milind can prepare himself to move on. Nupur shows some letters. She says its my special memories, Milind used to like the letters, instead the mails and messages. She sees the letters.

Milind sees the guests. Kamini gets Mandira there. Milind says good to see you. Aai thanks Mandira for coming home. Mandira says just bless me. He says sorry for yesterday. She asks him to come on a coffee date with her. Kamini says they look made for each other. She says I will convince them some way. Mandira asks Milind to answer. Milind says I have urgent work. He goes with Shashi. Nupur reads Milind’s love letter. She says he knew that we will have a daughter, then we got blessed with a lovely daughter, we lost her. Milind cries talking to Shashi. He says Payal left me, now Nupur is leaving me, I love her a lot, I m not able to confess my feelings, if I could tell Nupur… she is my soul, sorry, I don’t want to trouble you. He goes to get water for Shashi. Chiku says I can’t read it, but the card looks so beautiful, I have to take this to Milind, if he reads the letters, then he will remember how much he loves Nupur and Payal, then he will not let her leave the house.

Precap: Nupur says we have to eat kheer. Chiku says you want to be alone here. Nupur gets dizzy. Chiku tries to convey Nupur’s love for Milind.

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