Code Red 17th March 2015 Written Update

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Code Red 17th March 2015 Written Update by Pooja

Code Red 17th March 2015 Written Episode

A middle aged man (Vivek Mathur) is giving an interview on tv about politics. Politicians have become fashion conscious. Their complete simple attire is to make the common man feel that they are one of them. He has even published a book on the same – Indian Politician, Style or Substance.

In the story, a hard working tortoise defeats a fast runner rabbit in the race. But in real life’s race, all kinds of animals take part. often the cunning chameleon wins as it can change its colours at every step, wears a mask at every turn in life. We spend our whole life in understanding which is the mask and which mask has finally become the face.

Theme – Mask

A girl (Arpita) is highly irritated / upset as her phone continues to beep at night.

Next morning, Arpita comes to the office of Q Impressionz and goes to meet Shalini Singh (Chairperson of Harassment Cell of her office). Arpita tells Shalini that she will be completing her 2 years in this office next week. I have performed very sincerely in the past 2 years. Shalini affirms. You are the best CRM of this company. Arpita shares that she is facing s**ual harassment through all the mediums, phone, smses, even on social networking sites. He has now started openly demanding me that he wants to sleep with me. Shalini is shocked to hear Vivek’s name. He is the mentor of half of this industry and also considered a father figure. Arpita shows all the messages to Shalini. Shalini remarks that her performance was mind blowing with their client, Raichand Group. You have worked very hard for it. a double promotion is not impossible but company doesn’t want you to work at this moment. We are sending you on an all expenses paid holiday for 2 weeks. You can go wherever you want to and do anything that you want to. Arpita reminds her of the topic for what he had come here but Shalini suggests her to discuss that after 2 weeks. Think very big, even abroad if you want to. Arpita says that man is stalking me day and night. Do you know what that means? Shalini sternly tells her not to make mountain out of a mole. I can understand you are stressed so you need this holiday. Just go take a break. Chill for a bit and come back. Everything will be fine.

Arpita’s colleague (Pranav) comes to talk to her about Saturday’s press conference. She has already spoken to all the journalists. They will reach. He is relieved. We will meet in the meeting room in 5 minutes then. Vivek calls Arpita. There is nothing spicy in it. Let’s twist Raichand’s statement a bit. She talks about her meeting but he points out that the meeting wont start without him.

Vivek and Arpita discuss about what Raichand will have to say and when. I will think about it all tonight. Will you help me? She tells him off clearly. You are considered the king of image branding. Atleast don’t ruin your image. I am not interested. He talks about the volcano of chemistry between them. maybe my age is the culprit. Our story would have been something else if I was 10-15 years younger. She denies. the ending wont be happy if you try to write this story by force. She turns to go but he says I will send you an email after midnight regarding Raichand’s speech. She agrees to check it in the morning.

Arpita talks about s**ual harassment. I always felt that it happens with other people only. But 2 years ago I joined this company as a trainee. I dint realise that I too had become a prey.

Sakshi (host) says in the world of cut throat competition it is a very big achievement to enter in a high profile firm as a trainee. It is a very big milestone. Arpita achieved it 2 years ago. She had wanted to become top executive in Vivek’s company.

2 years ago:
Vivek is taking a meeting where Arpita gives good suggestions. She is happy when he appreciates her ideas. Such praise can make anyone happy and I was no different. Vivek likes the presentation that she makes next. He casually holds her shoulder and side hugs her in the process. We will go a long way together. Arpita says, I was maybe ignoring his attempts maybe for I was happy in my own world. Vivek continuously tries to touch her while discussing something with her. I had a feeling that Vivek is touching me with wrong intentions but maybe I couldn’t afford the price to face that truth.

Arpita is talking to her parents about her job. I will become permanent next week. Arpita’s mother is concerned about her but Arpita assures her that she takes good care of herself. She ends the call. Life was just a professional ladder back then and I was climbing one step every week. I eyes were at the sky so maybe I dint notice the truth on the ground. Late at night, Vivek messages Arpita to meet him asap. He even comes to pick her up.

Vivek praises Arpita for the speech that she has written for some client. The client was impressed by your work. Arpita is thrilled. They go out for dinner. Vivek says we sell people by making them a brand. We are brokers actually. We have to become a band ourselves before doing the same with other people. Learn to market yourself if you want to market your clients in the top circle. The clients will sell when you will sell. Understand yourself to sell yourself as we all are wearing many masks. We are forced to wear them as society pushes us to do it. we have to get naked if we have to move ahead. Arpita is not so comfortable. Vivek kisses her hand as he stops the car at her house. She fumbles. He tells her to leave this middle class mentality; drop down the mask of the good girl. good girls come last in the race while free girls get to touch the sky.

Arpita returns home. Who doesn’t want to fly? But I wanted to stay put at the same place. Vivek had kissed me, even if it was on hand but a kiss is a kiss. Such kisses happen only between couples. This kiss had triggered a red light switch but Sameera resigned by the time the bulb could light up properly.

Sakshi asks if Vivek tried to harass Sameera time and again. Arpita never tried to find out the reasons behind Sameera’s resignation. She never asked Sameera and dint even question herself.

Vivek congratulates Arpita as he holds her hands. You will handle clients independently from today onwards, under my supervision of course though. Arpita is happy. he reminds her of his words. She thanks him but asks for a dinner celebration. She is apprehensive. I don’t know your taste. He flatters her by saying that he has selected her out of 200 other candidates. I will even eat noodles if you bring them with love.

Arpita celebrates with her friends. They are really happy for her and are even awed by how Vivek weaves his magic. Arpita remarks that he is a magnet. No tv or news channel can event think of offending him. he is a bit loud. He calls every celebrity by the name when we are sitting in the VIP lounge of some event. His friend tells how he clicks selfie with all the celebrities with his book. Arpita talks about his interest in masks. Vivek calls her just then. Her friend puts it on speaker. He asks for dinner treat but she tells him that she is out with her MBA friends. He understands and ends the call with a love you. her friends tease her but Arpita lies that it is his style. But Arpita knows that Vivek never says it to anyone.

Present: My friends too had understood that there was something fishy. I felt angry for the first time. I had not given him the right to say that to me. I had begun to understand his intentions, his agenda when a crisis happened.

A year ago:
Arpita and Vivek are discussing about some client, preparing questions that are to be asked. He tells her to pack her bags for the weekend as they are going to Shimla. The view from our room is superb. She replies that she is committed for the weekend but he makes it clear that he too is committed to his plan. I will pick you up from your home if you say no. our long drive starts now.

At night, Arpita writes a message to Vivek. I am sorry but I wont come with you. you have a misunderstanding about me. I am not interested in any of this. Vivek replies right then, asking her to take off her mask now. Arpita switches off her phone and lies down to sleep. Door bell rings incessantly in the morning. Arpita is shocked to see Vivek at the door. he tells her to check the phone. She is late. I am waiting for since 40 minutes now. She repeats that she doesn’t want to go with him anywhere without work. He invites himself for tea / coffee. She tells him that she respects him a lot. He teases her by saying that usually love happens first followed by respect so you love me. I love you too. Arpita makes it clear to him that she only feels good when he appreciates her work. He asks her to let herself loose. He touches her hand but she backs off. Leave me alone. He talks about what he is famous for and why people respect him. you are refusing to accept the connection between us. Our eyes met on the day you entered my office for your interview. Normally people cannot keep the eye contact for more than 3 seconds but that day we both dint break the eye contact at all. We both came close that day itself. We are soul mates since then. He keeps her hand on his chest to make her feel the connection but she withdraws her hand. he again talks about this connection taking the mask off from people’s face. It just unites two people spiritually. She tells him to go and he finally leaves. Arpita knows that Vivek is just talking all this random psychological stuff to lure her for s**. I don’t want it.

Next day, Arpita receives an obscene message from Vivek. His mask of soul mate came off and he started sending me cheap messages. The messages continue. He starts asking her opinion about his speeches in his mails.

Vivek gives a great speech in an event. He talks about the mask yet again which people should take off to feel free. Everyone present there looks certainly impressed with his words.

Vivek prods Arpita to take off her mask too, hear your inner voice and come to me. you have always wanted to do that. Arpita shuts down her laptop with disgust. I feel like vomiting. People like Vivek use every random topic to talk about / fulfil their physical needs. It is an intellectual poison which has no strength to even kill anyone. it leaves people half dead.

Arpita asks Pranav to sms Sameera’s number. Arpita asks Sameera the reason behind her resignation. Sameera knows that Shalini would have offered her a paid holiday so she is remembering her. Arpita asks her if they can meet.

Sameera and Arpita meet in a cafe. Sameera says nothing can happen as they all are together in this. arpita wants to know what had happened with her. sameera replies that the same that would have happened with the girl who had joined before her or what would happen with the one who would join after Arpita resigns. Sameera talks about everything that Vivek has said to her (and Arpita too) so far. I rejected him and he sacked me. it is perfectly fine even if I am working on half salary. But I wouldn’t have been able to survive if I would have gone against him. I still feel like killing him. Arpita wonders why she dint warn her. Sameera had asked the same question to the girl who was working before her. Nidhi told me that every girl thinks differently so she dint inform me. she was right actually. Arpita says Vivek’s thoughts are not just wrong but very cheap too. I don’t understand why no one protested against him till date! Sameera had tried but he is powerful. How many masks will you take off? Maybe his wife (Kavita) wont even know who he really is. In reality she is also like him. I had told him everything 2 years ago. She simply told me to change my job.

2 years ago:
Kavita says I cannot change my husband and neither can I change the entire race of men. They will do what they like. I love his power and money a little more than in hate him. I hope you know I have a 16 years old son for whom his dad is a hero. I wont let his mask come off for my son’s sake. I am wearing a mask in front of the whole world to show that I am a good wife. Sameera says your husband is a s** maniac. He will be caught. one day all his masks will break off. What will you do then? Kavita advises her to focus on herself first. Leave this job or this thought. You anyways have no other option.

Present: Sameera dint fell for Vivek’s demand. I just wore a mask of a respectable woman and left from there. That mask keeps me alive that I dint win, I do feel bad though that I couldn’t win.

Arpita’s parents call her. they are concerned for her after watching a news about how unsafe Delhi is for women. Arpita assures them that she is fine. She ends the call as she gets upset.

Vivek questions government about what steps they are taking to make the society safe. How can serial rapists roam around so peacefully?

Sakshi says these monsters feel very safe in corporate offices. There is a system which keeps them away from law and order reaching out to them. Management policies act as a shield as any defame reflects in stock market. One has to compromise with a junior employee’s dignity to maintain the rapport of the company. It’s nothing personal you see, its business!

Arpita transfers all the messages, emails on her laptop. Next day, she writes a mail to Shalini. Shalini takes her out for lunch. Arpita tells her that she will not sit quietly. I will do police case. Shalini asks her straight forward what she wants. Arpita retorts that she doesn’t want money. If you say it again then I will slap you. Shalini says Vivek will apologize to you personally. Arpita uses Vivek’s vocab with her. I don’t find the word broker wrong today. Shalini asks her if she feels Vivek will be affected if she goes out in public. No, He handles the images of all the popular and rich people of this city. They will stand as a wall before him. vivek might be affected a little but there is a Vivek in almost every office and almost every man. People might not come to save Vivek Mathur but they will certainly come forward to save themselves. Only a mask (of Vivek) will come off before media. They will eventually say that you might have led him on. Dinner dates, cafes! Forget about a job in this city. Your first hearing will be before media. Every channel will run the news. Don’t forget that all these channels and its people contact Vivek only for their image. They are always together. Arpita vows to fight with Sameera and Nidhi. Shalini suggests her against it. accept this apology and end the matter here. We can get you an equally paying job somewhere else if you don’t want to work here. Reality is the more you take off, the more they will grow.

Vivek again messages Arpita. I will kill myself if you don’t forgive me. Her phone beeps continuously. She holds her hands as Vivek’s words (speeches) echo in her head.

Next morning, Shalini tells Vivek that Arpita had gone to police. Damage is done. It will be a breaking news. Vivek suggests Shalini to twist the case. Get some vouchers in the name of Arpita, Sameera and Nidhi. Say that they were running a blackmail racket. Make it an accounts issue. Don’t go in defence, direct attack.

Vivek tells Supriya (from some channel) to highlight his student days and achievements. Get some political statement as it can change the focus. Another channel makes full use of the opportunity so they get the max TRP and headlines.

Kavita affirms the news to someone on phone. Both the girls (Arpita and Sameera) had blackmailed him. I told Vivek also but you know he is a fighter.

Vivek realises that all the smses and emails are released in the press. Kavita slaps him. I have told you so many times to meet some s**ologist to calm you down with some medicine. He reminds her that this is not the time to go against him. you are my wife, the mother of my son. don’t push me in the ditch. Support me. don’t scare me like this ever again.

Vivek tells the journalists that this is a conspiracy against him. he is taken away by the police. There are every kind if questions for Arpita too in the news. Why she realised it after 2 years? Should we not appreciate her for her courage for finally speaking up? People give statement in Vivek’s favour. Some (opponent) parties are using this girl to tarnish Vivek’s image. Many debates happen over the same.

2 years later:
Arpita receives a call from Pratima (her lawyer). Keep yourself free on the 15th. Trial will surely happen this time. Vivek’s defence team cannot exaggerate it any longer. Don’t lose hope. I and many more organizations are with you. we will fight till the end. Arpita nods and ends the call. Fight till the end, does it really happen? Vivek has got many more designer masks by now. He gives lectures in the entire world by now about democracy, freedom of speech, masks and now male harassment too! He has taken to an altogether different level. I too keep some masks with me. I sometimes become a helpless woman and sometimes don the mask of a smart and revolutionary woman. I have many names too – Agni, Shakti, Aparajita. But I dint realise when I forgot my real name.

Sakshi says crime against women is the most debatable topic of these days. There is news discussion, debates on this topic all the time yet many Arpita’s are fighting against this cancer of s**ual harassment all alone. Many Vivek Mathur’s are roaming around happily as many influential people are their friends. These people too wear a mask when it comes to saving them. They are clear that the other person wont say any lie against them while I wont say anything true about you! Such people roam around carrying n number of designer masks in the pockets of their designer suits. Everyone showcases to be the representative of women safety but truth is, this is public which knows nothing!

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