Code Red 2nd April 2015 Written Update

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Code Red 2nd April 2015 Written Update by Pooja

Code Red 2nd April 2015 Written Episode

Someone is holding a piece of paper on which 3 words are written with blood – please save me!

A girl (Kiran) recalls her happy moments with the love of her life. Her MIL brings wedding attire for her. Kiran refuses to either wear it or get married. She throws the plate away. A boy (her BIL) tells her that she is not his Bhabhi. Agree for the wedding. I will be a very good husband to you. She closes the window on his face and cries in front of her dead husband’s photo. Now my life is nothing but hell.

Every girl is told from her childhood only that her husband is her world. And that her life is dedicated to her husband only. Girls wait to see themselves in bridal attire and then they get married. They live their life happily with their husbands. But don’t they have a right to live life on their own terms if she becomes alone at a point of time? Can a woman not live it all by herself? Why do we look at a woman (single / widow) wrongly and complicate her life? What should a woman do in this case?

April 2014, Rohtak, Haryana:
Prashant’s friend (Colonel Kulbir) invites him for his daughter’s (Chinki) wedding. Prashant congratulates him. He also agrees to come over for the wedding (on 19th April). Prashant shares the news with Ashima. He starts checking out flight details.

Mahendra Singh Malik’s House, Kalanor, Rohtak, Haryana:
FIL blesses his KIRAN for long life which makes her sad as she is a widow. What will I do with a long life? Her brother-in-law calls out for help. I cannot understand anything. Please teach me or my teacher wont spare me tomorrow. Colonel comes here as well to invite Mahendra Singh for his daughter’s wedding. Colonel also blesses Kiran but then finds out that her husband is no more. She has no children as of now. He notices her teaching her BIL. She seems well educated. FIL agrees. She has done her 12th. We dint let her continue her studies because of marriage. Colonel appreciates Kiran for the way she was teaching her BIL (Billu). He will definitely top. Billu denies. I don’t understand anything. Colonel asks her what she has thought about her future. She enjoys teaching kids. Colonel can help her as he is a member of Rohtak Teacher’s Training College Committee. I will get you admitted there. Kiran is happy and so is her FIL but her MIL is angry.

Baisakhi Day:
All the boys are playing Baisakhi. Colours get in Billu’s eyes. Kiran notices him in pain. She shouts from the window. Throw some water in your eyes. But he is unable to find a bucket. She goes out to help him. A boy notices her and puts colour on her face. Billu tries to make him understand but they end up getting into a fight. An old man separates them. Billu and his cousin brother take Bhabhi back to their home. Her dupatta is lying next to the bucket only. MIL finds them thus. She is not happy with whatever has happened. the cousin brother tries to take credit for it but Billu explains everything. MIL sends Billu’s cousin to his house but he only leave after telling his Bhabhi to contact him in case she needs any help.

MIL scolds / blames her KIRAN for everything. Billu tries to intervene but his mother stops him. She locks Kiran in a room. Kiran pleads her to open the door. I had just gone there to help Billu. Please open the door.

At night, Mahendra Singh gets to know from his wife that she has locked their KIRAN in a room. She had gone out to play Baisakhi with her friends. Boys will obviously tease her.

Kiran talks to her husband’s photo. You can see what all is happening with me. your family is blaming me for all the wrong reasons. Why did you leave me alone? It would have been better if you had taken me with you too. I don’t want to live in this hell.

MIL is not at all supportive of her KIRAN. How and what will she teach others when she herself doesn’t know what to do. The more she goes out of the house, the more problems will surface. Mahendra Singh wants some time to think what he should do about it. For now, open her room’s door. She is not an animal but a human being. She is a part of our family. Open the door. I will find a way out till then. MIL obliges but she warns her KIRAN not to think that she is free. I will always keep an eye on you. You wont be able to have fun with all your lovers. She leaves. Kiran tells her late husband that her life is nothing less than hell now. She cries hugging the photo frame.

A girl marries a guy of her choice. This angers her father but Kiran is unaffected. People blame Kiran’s father (Ishwar Singh) for sending Kiran to city so she can study and work. Her thinking has become modern. It is your mistake. Mahendra Singh is in thoughts.

MIL scolds her KIRAN for roaming around all decked up (which is a lie). Kiran retorts that she is actually locked in the four walls of this house. MIL taunts her again as she starts knitting a sweater. Your husband is dead. Who are you knitting it for? Kiran takes Billu’s name. MIL orders her to clean the utensils but Kiran reasons that she will do it when a few more dirty utensils gather up. I cannot wash 2 utensils in every fifteen minutes. Her MIL twists her ear. Listen carefully, this house has been and will continue to run as per my command. Don’t try to act like my KIRAN. Your happy days got over the day my son died. Now no one here will bear any of your tantrums. Kiran leaves from there in tears.

Mahendra Singh returns home. He affirms with his wife that they wont send their KIRAN outside for any reason. But till when will we keep her locked in the house? Our reputation is at risk. His wife reminds him of their tradition. He is hesitant but she decides to handle things her way.

Colonel’s House:
Billu parks his bike outside and runs up to meet Colonel. He gives him a piece of paper written by his Bhabhi. Colonel shows it to Prashant Bhaskar. Bhaskar reads the note written in blood – please save me. He offers to help Billu. Colonel assures Billu that Prashant is like a brother to me. he will definitely help you.

Billu tells Prashant that BHabhi has slit her wrist. Papa has called doc. I tied a cloth on her wrist.

Flashback: Billu takes care of his Bhabhi. She wants to die but he assures her that he wont let it happen. Her FIL calls doc while her MIL decides to take out all the stuff (with which her KIRAN can harm herself) from the room. She goes to bring water. Kiran is sad that God dint let her even die. She cannot live in this hell anymore. She writes the note with her blood and gives it to him to give to police.

Present: Billu dint want to get police involved so he came to Colonel Uncle’s House. Prashant agrees to help him. take me to your home.

Doc leaves just when Prashant reaches there. Mahendra Singh slaps Billu when he tells his father that Prashant has come here to see Bhabhi. Prashant asks them directly if their KIRAN tried to commit suicide. Mahendra Singh pushes him out. Who are you to enquire me about my house and my people? They close the door on his face.

Billu tells his Bhabhi that he has given that paper to Colonel Uncle. He will surely help us.

Next morning, Prashant is worried about that girl. Colonel suggests him to stay out of this matter. It is a village and not your city. Even the police will give you the same suggestion. It is about a woman. No one can do anything. Prashant is concerned about that girl. she tried to commit suicide. She can do it again. it is my duty to help such people. Colonel agrees. We should do something. Prashant says we should choose someone from the village with whom everyone agrees. Colonel tells him that he is that man after the Sarpanch. I will try my best. I will go to Mahendra Singh’s House with you.

Lot many elders from the village have gathered at Mahendra Singh’s House. They are talking about a decision. That girl will have no other option but to agree for it. Colonel and Bhaskar come there. Mahendra Singh greets Colonel. Hope the wedding happened smoothly? You came to give sweets? Colonel replies that you give sweets to people who do good work. Mahendra says it is our personal matter. Prashant shows him the note written with blood. We have not come here on our own but we have been called here. Billu tries to say something but his mother sends him inside. Billu retorts that he only had gone to Prashant. I cannot see Bhabhi in pain. His father scolds him but Billu points out that he only will have to suffer and bear it all. I don’t want to marry bhabhi. Prashant is taken aback. The elders try to explain Prashant and Colonel about the age old tradition of Chadar Chadhana. It is good if the matter stays in the house only. Prashant questions them about this tradition. What kind of a tradition is this which forces a girl to take her own life? Traditions are made to give life and not take it. Mahendra Singh is not interested in his lecture. Colonel and Prashant leave reluctantly. Kiran cries in her room.

Mahendra beats Billu. It isn’t a crime to marry. It’s going on since ages. We are not doing anything wrong or new. Kiran takes Billu’s side. please don’t make him do such a thing. he is like my son. Mahendra Singh reminds her that Billu is his son. He is not a kid anymore; he is all grown up now. Billu requests his Bhabhi not to cry. I cannot see you like this. His mother suggests him to marry her then and give a new name to this relation.

Colonel tries to make Bhaskar understand that people here are very different than the people from the cities. You even approached police but nothing worked out, right! Yes, it would have been different if you were a woman. Here, only a woman can talk to a woman. A woman cannot talk to a man. The main issue here is to bring Kiran out of that house for a while so we can talk to her. We can then help her in going to her sister’s house in Mumbai. Prashant thinks of Ashima.

Prashant guides Ashima. You have to say that you are Kiran’s sister’s friend and have come from Mumbai. Your approach should be casual so no one gets any doubt. Ashima assures him that she will handle the situation.

Mahendra Singh’s wife pushes her husband to make this wedding asap or people will think that we have agreed to what Colonel and his friend said. Mahendra Singh talks about Kiran’s family. we can force Kiran as her family is not staying here. Her old mother lives in Mumbai with her sister. They are not going to come here to take Kiran with them. The main problem is Billu. He will run away if he finds out about the wedding. Billu again tells his parents that he doesn’t want to get married. Why don’t you understand?

Next morning, Kiran is looking at an album. She thinks of the happier times with her husband.

Ashima greets Kiran’s MIL. I have come from Mumbai. I am Kiran’s sister’s (Pooja’s) friend, Ashima. MIL had never seen her or heard about her. Ashima talks all sweetly to her but MIL is not interested in talking straight to her. She recognizes Billu too. She then sends Billu to bring Kiran and asks for a glass of water from the MIL.

Ashima talks to Kiran. Colonel Uncle has sent me here to help you. Tell me everything that has happened with you. Kiran’s MIL returns with water just then so Ashima changes the topic. Let us go out. you can show me around your village and we can talk as well. Kiran’s MIL tells Ashima that there is nothing worth watching in this village. Kiran will make tea for you and you guys can talk here only. She hugs Kiran and tries to give her phone but it drops on the floor. Ashima tries to cover up but Kiran’s MIL has noticed everything. She talks rudely to Ashima and sends Kiran inside.

Mahendra Singh and his wife leave for the market. They close Kiran’s door from outside. Billu is sleeping outside. Kiran wakes up Billu by calling out to him again and again. She sends him to Colonel’s House. This is our last chance or the ritual will happen today only. Billu nods.

Kiran requests Ashima and Prashant to get her out of here. I don’t want to live in this hell. Take me to my sister’s house. I hate my MIL. She tortures me a lot. Please take me away from here. Ashima and Prashant assure her that they will help her. We will get you out from here all safe and sound. But you have to promise that you wont try to hurt yourself again in the meanwhile. Life is precious. You shouldn’t lose it like that. Kiran promises them. Ashima gives her confidence. They leave for now.

Kiran’s MIL brings bridal attire for her. Kiran refuses to get married. Billu is also not ready. You can force me but how will you make Billu agree to it? Her MIL laughs. Billu is already ready. Look outside. Kiran is shocked to see Billu ready. Kiran refuses to get ready or marry. She throws the lehenga on the floor. Her MIL gets angry. Kiran breaksdown. Billu’s mother tells him to explain things to Kiran. His father points out to him that he is not a kid anymore. You are a man now. She is going to be your wife. Go and explain everything to her. handle the situation maturely.

Billu yet again calls Kiran, bhabhi, for which his mother scolds her. Billu requests Kiran to open the window. I want to talk to you. Kiran cannot believe it that he too has gone against her. we still have time. You only can save both of us. She opens the window. I am locked here but you are free. Run away. it is in your hands to save your BHabhi now. He tells her that she is not his Bhabhi anymore. Agree to it. I will be a very good husband to you. I will always take care of you. Kiran is shocked. We will always be together after wedding. You wont go anywhere. Ma too will start behaving nicely with you once we get married. Stop being stubborn! Kiran closes the window again. She cries in her room. She looks at her husband’s photo and misses him. She looks at the ceiling fan. No, I cannot let this happen. She removes her dupatta.

Bhaskar and Ashima reach Mahendra Singh’s house with police. Police questions Mahendra Singh about Kiran. Where is she? Mahendra Singh tells him not to get involved in their personal matter. Police Inspector shows them the piece of paper. We have solid proof. Is she alive or have you killed her? They refuse so Prashant wants them to call Kiran outside. We will be relieved then. Prashant cannot wait anymore. He walks inside with the police team.

Kiran climbs on the stool when Ashima and Prashant knock at the door. open the door. nothing will happen to you. Ashima goes to check the window but it is locked. They break open the door. Kiran had just kicked away the stool so Prashant and Ashima rush to hold her. They save her in the nick of time. They take her away to hospital. Colonel tells Mahendra Singh that this is what happens when you force people. Now the entire village knows everythingand you got punished for your mistake too. Billu apologizes to his bhabhi. Mahendra Singh and his wife cry too.

City Hospital:
Prashant has got Kiran admitted in a Teacher’s Training Institute in Mumbai. The classes start from next week onwards. Pooja thanks all of them. Kiran also thanks Prashant for helping her in starting a new life. Prashant got a doubt that day when they had come to meet Kiran. Billu talks about his bhabhi. What will happen to me if she leaves? How will I live without her? She will stay with me if I do that ritual, right? Prasahnt reminds him that Kiran doesn’t want to get married. We have to stop this wedding. Billu repeats that he cannot live without his bhabhi. Prashant had understood that Billu’s parents had made him agree for the wedding. I approached police then. I convinced them to come to your house then. Kiran feels bad for Billu. He is not at fault. He is a good guy. Colonel assures her that he will do everything for Billu. Colonel is amazed that his work never leaves him even when he is on a holiday. Prashant is glad that he could help two daughters in finding their happiness.

Kiran’s in-laws were arrested under Section 306 and 511 of IPC for compelling her to commit suicide. In many states of India, especially in Haryana, Kareva Weddings are very much in trend even today. a widow can marry the brother of her dead husband.

The old age traditions have been hollowing our lives. So many women become a target of these traditions as they have no other choice. But it is time to bring about a change in this society. If you or someone around you is all negative about life or has given up in life, then please contact on the below mentioned numbers. It is one such organization which helps people are mentally disturbed. Maybe your one help can save someone’s life.

Bandrewala Foundation 1860 266 2345
Official FB Page: Cyrus and Priya Bandrewala Foundation

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