Code Red 7th May 2015 Written Update

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Code Red 7th May 2015 Written Update by Pooja

Code Red 7th May 2015 Written Episode

A man forces himself on a little girl. She shouts once so he has covered her mouth. They seem to be in a washroom. There is blood all around.

February 2014, New Delhi:
Nayi Aawaz’s Office:
Kabir gets a call from Nirmala (Child Consultant / Doctor). She calls him at his clinic as she wants to talk to him about something important. He agrees to come over right away.

Nirmala is in a fix. She tells him about her friend’s (Abha’s) daughter Jiya. Something very wrong has happened with her.

Abha’s House, Rajender Nagar, New Delhi:
Abha is upset with Nirmala for breaking her trust. Nirmala says I haven’t said anything to Kabir. Abha doesn’t want to share anything with anyone. Don’t make my daughter your story. Please leave. They hear a noise. Jiya is standing at the stairs. She goes back to her room without saying anything. Abha requests Kabir and NIrmala to go. My daughter is already worried. Nirmala wants Abha to talk or she might lose her daughter for forever. Abha cries. Life smiles happily when everything is going good. My Jiyu’s life was filled with the very same colours.

A month ago:
Jiyu has made hand imprints on the wall with colours and some drawings too. Abha points out that this is wrong. Jiyu says this is Jiyu’s entire world. She has made a family photo. Jiyu’s father appreciates Jiyu’s wall painting. This is a modern art. Jiyu has made her own world. We wont spare the one who tries to destroy her world. We will fight with him. Abha hugs and kisses her dauh=ghter lovingly.

Abha and her husband (Amar) dote on their daughter like anything. Jiyu is very fond of drawing and keeps making some every day.

K.G.P. School, Sant Nagar, New Delhi:
Two girls are fighting with the chalk when the teacher is teaching in the class. The chalk hits the board by mistake. The girl blames Jiyu for it. Teacher makes Jiyu stand outside the class. That girl enjoys seeing her thus.

Abha scolds Jiyu as she has got a note from her teacher in her diary. Jiyu tries to explain but Abha tells her that she wants no complaints from her school. Jiyu nods sadly. Abha thinks of complaining to Amar about the same. now no more movies, chocolates or anything. Jiyu eyes her sadly. At night, Amar tells her the story of Shri Ram and Ravan. Good and bad always fight but good wins over evil in the end.

Next morning, they are getting late for the PTM in school. Jiyu has made a bad man and a good man on the wall today. Amar appreciates her for the same. they leave for the school as they are getting late.

K.G.P. School, Sant Nagar, New Delhi:
The teacher tells the parents about the camp that they are taking the kids to on this Friday. The fees is 10k. We will be back by Sunday evening. Jiyu is excited. Her parents are tensed thinking about the money. At night, Jiyu talks about the last camp where one of the girls had won all the games. This time I will be the winner. Later, Jiyu is asleep. He thinks of sending her to the camp but Abha is against it. we have given so much donation for the admission in private school. She will be happy after watching a movie with us. Jiyu talks about going to camp in her sleep.

Abha gives money to Amar. She had saved it for buying a mobile for herself. She doesn’t mind waiting till the next month to buy one. Jiyu really wants to go. He smiles.

K.G.P. School, Sant Nagar, New Delhi:
Amar pays the money for the camp. He has to fill a form too but is confused. There is a line written in the form which disturbs him. the school is not responsible if anything happens to the kid at the camp. He discusses with Jiyu’s class teacher. She assures him that Jiyu is not going alone. The other kids and teachers are there too. Amar is worried as Jiyu is going away from them for the first time. She calls the form a formality.

Next day:
Abha gives special instructions to Jiyu. Amar promises to keep in touch with her. She gives a hug to both of them and then sits in the bus.

Present: Abha rues that that was the last day when she saw Jiyu smiling happily. that camp ruined her life.

2 days later (Flashback):
All the kids get down the bus excitedly except Jiyu. She is all quiet and lost. Abha notices her walking awkwardly. Are you alright? Did you do something wrong? Jiyu stands all quiet. The very same naughty girl (Archie) tells her that Jiya had participated in all the games but she lost. Abha scolds Jiya for not drinking milk when she tells her to. You will win next time. Let’s go home now.

Abha and Amar find Jiya sitting all lost. Amar wonders why she dint come to open their room’s door today. Abha feels that it maybe because she lost in all the games in the camp. Amar tries to talk to her. it happens in games, don’t be upset. He tries to hug her but she tries to break free. Leave me. She runs away from there and hugs her mother. They are confused.

Next day:
Jiyu doesn’t want to go to school but Abha calls her naughty. Jiyu cries complaining of a stomach ache but Abha thinks that she is just making excuses. Abha has to really scold her and pull her out to force her to go till the bus stop while the little girl requests her to let her stay at home.

At school, Jiya pays no attention to anything or anyone. She doesn’t even eat her lunch. She even refuses to eat her favourite food when she is home.

Abha talks to Manoj sir about the sudden change in Jiya’s behaviour since she has returned from the camp. He talks about competition. I too noticed her. She looked really worried. Has she told you what she is thinking? Abha denies. I thought she might have fought with someone at school so I asked you. He promises to talk to Jiya. Abha leaves.

Jiya calls out for her mother as she is having terrible stomach ache. Abha gives her medicine. Amar is concerned too. She shares that Jiya has been complaining of a stomach ache since yesterday afternoon. He wonders why she is having a stomach ache. She says maybe Jiyu ate something wrong. He thinks of taking an off today. Let’s go visit a doc. Abha decides to take Jiyu to Nirmala ji. Jiyu doesn’t reply back to her father when he says bye to her.

At Dr. Nirmala Sharma’s Place:
Jiyu is inside. Nirmala goes to talk to Abha. Jiyu has been s**ually abused. She has been raped. Abha cannot believe it. She is just 5 years old. There must be something wrong in your check up. Dr. Nirmala confirms that it is a rape. Abha breaks down.

Present: Abha blames herself for Jiyu’s state. Jiyu tried to tell me so many times but I couldn’t understand it. I used to scold her always. Nirmala says you are not at fault. Kabir asks Abha why she dint register a police complaint. You were even scared to tell us. Abha has not even shared it with Amar yet. Kabir is in thoughts. How could no one find out about it? Nirmala says a lot depends on internal injury and bleeding after a rape. Some people are so smart that they leave no proof behind. The accused has done the same. he has completely washed off everything after raping Jiyu. She feels severe internal pain though. It is unbearable. Abha is crying. She had been telling me about it but I dint pay heed. I forced her to go to school thinking that she is making excuses to not go to the school. I don’t know who the accused is. I had tried to ask her.

Flashback: Abha asks Jiya if she had gone out of the school yesterday. Did something happen? Did you meet some uncle? Jiya talks about a bad man. Abha asks her if he did something. Jiya replies that he played bad games with her. Jiya keeps a teddy over her other teddy. Abha wants to know who that bad man was but Jiya runs away from there.

Present: Abha says it tried a lot but Jiya is scared of me. Nirmala says we parents are to be blamed for this. we create such a wall between us and our children in the name of discipline and strictness that we are unable to break it later on. Kabir tells Abha to find out from Jiya who the culprit is. Abha cries. I have tried but she is not telling me. Nirmala suggests ABha to talk to Jiya in her style. Make stories, use her favourite characters and try to talk to her. She might tell us everything.

10 days after the incident:
Abha talks to Jiya sweetly. The bad man had hurt mumma when I was young. Mumma had complained to red fairy who told the good man. The good man beat the bad man. Has bad man hurt you? Jiyu nods. Abha tells her to share with no one but with the red fairy. A red fairy will come to your room at night. You can write the name of the bad man under the drawing of bad man that you have made in your room. Red fairy will tell to the good man and he will beat the bad man. No one will find out anything. Jiyu nods.

Next morning, Abha is shocked to see Manoj Sir written under the drawing of bad man. She is shocked. She tries to clean it with her dupatta. She informs Kabir about the same.

Kabir is stunned to hear the same. it is such a disturbing news. Sakshi (host) nods. He says we leave our kids with the teachers to help become a better person. A teacher can stoop to this level? Who should the parents trust then? She says no parents can trust anyone else in today’s time. You will have to bring back Abha’s and Jiya’s confidence.

Abha knows that they cannot change what has already happened. I don’t want her future to be in dark. She is a girl. what if people find out? He asks her what world is she living in. Kids learn from their parents. Do you want to teach her to be quiet if anything goes wrong in the future? A lot many jiya’s can become a victim of such monsters in the coming future. In such cases, media never discloses the name and details of the victim. Abha is at a loss of answer. He suggests her to raise her voice. Resister a police complaint.

Amar too is heartbroken to hear it. he comes to Jiya’s room. She is trying to rub the name off the wall. Abha and Amar promise Jiyu that no one can spoil Jiyu’s world or they will fight with them.

K.G.P. School, Sant Nagar, New Delhi:
Police has come to arrest Manoj. Abha slaps him hard when he feigns innocence. Inspector arrests him but Manoj says I dint rape that girl. She is lying. Inspector too slaps him. We dint even say that. Amar too beats him for hurting his daughter. Abha tries hard to calm him. They both cry.

Rajender Nagar Police Station, New Delhi:
Inspector beats Manoj. Manoj says I made a mistake. I couldn’t understand anything. We had gone to a camp.

Platinum nature Resort, Gurgaon:
It is time for lunch break and some game too. The kids have to pick up a chit and find that item. Jiya has to bring wood. She goes to the backside of the resort to get some. Manoj pats her on her shoulder and she is taken aback for a second. She tells him about the activity. He agrees to help her and brings her to a deserted room (with a tap but not a typical bathroom). He forces himself on her. She is crying by the end. He wipes her face with water. Don’t share about this game with anyone or I will complain to your mom that you don’t do homework. Thereafter, Jiya couldn’t perform in any game because of the pain. Everyone thought that she is upset because of losing. One week later, Jiya’s mom brought Jiya to me only. Manoj brings her to a store room. Don’t tell anything to your mom ever or I will tell you secret to everyone. I will kill your mother too. Let’s play the same game again.

Present: Manoj says I had lost my mind. I couldn’t understand anything. Please forgive me. Inspector is sure he will be hanged for this crime. Our country’s law is very strict with rapists. You might have to wait for a few years to get death sentence. Policemen and every single (and dangerous) criminal hate a rapist. You have raped a little girl.

Principal comes to the police station. He doesn’t want to be involved in this. we are not responsible for someone being a monster. Kabir says he is responsible. Parents send kids to school. You are responsible for taking care of them there. Kids are everything for their parents. You talk to kids about good touch and bad touch in school but doesn’t advice them to raise a voice against it in case any such thing happens with them. Principal too is arrested.

A charge sheet was filed against Manoj for raping Jiya under Section 376F and Section 4 of the protection of children from s**ual offenses Act, 2012 of IPC. An enquiry has been initiated on the Principal and the Head of Incharge for negligence. No kid can live in fear. It is everyone’s, especially schools, responsibility to take care of it. kids gain knowledge from the school. There should be CCTV’s camera everywhere; attendants outside bathrooms. Schools should take responsibility of taking kids to a camp and bringing them back safely. They have to take care of every child. Time heals every wound but the wound on the soul if never healed.

If anyone touches you (kid) badly then you should immediately shout for help! Do share everything with you parents as they are our best friends.

Some instances:

Victim 1: A girl talks about her PT Instructor back in school who had abused her.

Victim 2: A guy talks about how little kids are also abused. My teacher had abused me when I was a kid. I couldn’t do anything.

Little kids demand extra attention and care. It is our responsibility to give them a better society where they feel safe. But they are safe nowhere today. none of us would have forgotten the NIthari case or a case in a Bangalore school where a6 year old girl was raped twice. It is important to raise our voice against it. parents should make the environment at home such that the kids feel comfortable enough to share their problem with them. Raise your voice if you see something similar going on around you / with you. Contact the below mentioned number. Your one voice can help save some innocent kid’s life.

Child Lind – 1098

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