Dabangii Mulgii Aayi Re Aayi 12th January 2024 Written Update

Dabangii Mulgii Aayi Re Aayi 12th January 2024 Written Update by Amena

Dabangii Mulgii Aayi Re Aayi 12th January 2024 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Satya arguing with Ankita. Ankush holds Satya and scolds him. He says I don’t want to tell this to Aai and hurt her heart, you have done wrong with little kids, you have become a devil, I will bring out your truth soon. Ankita says one thing is decided, this time, truth has won this time. Satya laughs. Ankita asks Arya to get it. Arya gets Ankush’s police uniform. Ankita gives it to Ankush. She says you really deserve this uniform. Everyone claps.

Ankush wears his uniform and comes. Zai makes him wear the cap. He salutes. Everyone salutes him. Arya says he is a superhero. Baba hugs Ankush. Ankush smiles. Zai thinks dad has forgotten me, I won’t let this happen. Arya sleeps. Ankush sees her murmuring in sleep. He smiles. Baba says I was sure, I will see you in uniform soon. Satya says these men are gym trainers, yoga teacher, english teacher, they will stay with Tanmay 24 hours, until he wins the competition. He asks them to go. Ankush says I got the uniform, but Bela and Zai are still there. Baba says I spoke to Bela, she doesn’t hate you, she was praying for Arya and you, tell her once. Ankush says I will tell her later, if this thing comes out then it will be a big problem, Satya has fallen to low level, I have to save Arya, if Satya knows Arya is his daughter then he can do anything with her. Satya asks Tanmay to see his mom, she looks beautiful, how will she look in trouble and pain, if she works in someone’s house as maid. Kasturi imagines cleaning the house. Satya says you have to learn and win the competition, else you and your mum will leave the house. Tanmay and Kasturi worry. Tanmay goes. Satya says I lost the party ticket because of Ankush, I lost to Ankita, they don’t know even the hell is afraid of me. He shouts. He says I will go to Delhi and meet PM, I will take the party ticket, I will send Arya to rehab. Ankush says if I helped Damini that day, then she would have been alive. Baba says don’t feel guilty, Arya thinks the same because of your guilt.

He says she respects you now, her anger is going, we have to make her part of our family now. They see Arya and smile. Ankush says I also noticed a change in her, but she has changed by her experience, she learns, but by experiment, it’s a way to motivate her and make her participate, I will take her to police station with me, when she sees the passion and hardwork, then she will also get inspired, her thinking will change, she will try to become like them, she should participate by her wish. Its morning, Arya asks will Ankush ask me to clean the police station. Baba says it will be fun, you are here for few days. Ankush looks on. Arya says yes, I will go. Baba says go to police station, else Ankush will tell you many tasks to do. Arya asks Ankush why are you taking me to the police station. He says it’s a big thing to go there, lucky kids get this chance. She says I want to be with Baba. Ankush says he is busy. Baba says yes, I m busy, my friend is coming from village. Ankush says we can’t leave you alone, else we will make you practice. Arya says we will go to police station, that’s better than practice. Tanmay tries hard to bend down. Arya smiles seeing him. She jokes on him. Satya asks Tanmay to continue. Arya laughs. Kasturi goes to Satya and says Tanmay is a kid, its his first day, its too much for him. Satya says see how Arya is laughing on Tanmay, I lost the ticket, Ankush and Ankita are ruining my career, Tanmay is my last chance to go to Delhi and meet CM, Tanmay has to win, its imp. Kasturi says he will win. Satya goes.

Tanmay falls. Kasturi says how will he win this way. Ankush and Arya leave on the bike. Zai asks will dad like the cake. Bela says yes. They see Ankush and Arya going. Zai calls him out. Eklavya says uncle has taken Arya to police station, she will go daily with him. Zai drops the cake. Bela says your hardwork got waste. Zai says I wanted to go to the police station with dad, you said kids aren’t allowed there, is Arya more special than me. Aai looks on. Ankush and Arya come to the police station. Everyone respects Ankush. Ankush signs Arya to see. He asks Arya to help them. She sees an old constable. He says your duty is with him. She says he looks like Baba. She laughs and says he needs help, he won’t help others. He says don’t say that, police has many things to do, you will label the files. She asks why is he walking like a tortoise. She goes and helps the man. Vijay says you got her to work. Ankush says yes, she should surpass the problems.

The man praises Ankush and says he has worked hard to find Damini. Arya sees Damini’s pic.

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